Maignan responds to Genoa president who labelled tackle as ‘murderous’

Mike Maignan was sent off in the game between AC Milan and Genoa last night after an unfortunate incident towards the end. The goalkeeper has now responded to Alberto Zangrillo, who called the challenge ‘murderous’.

Maignan came off his line to clear a dangerous pass and managed to head it away, clearly getting the ball. However, prior to actually making contact with the ball, he hit Ekuban in the chest/throat area with his knee.

The red card was clear and after VAR check, Maignan was sent off. Ekuban was able to play the rest of the game, so there was no serious harm done. Despite this, Genoa president Alberto Zangrillo tried to create controversy after the game: “Maignan’s challenge was murderous, I say this as a doctor,” he stated.

Maignan has now responded to the words of Zangrillo on his Instagram, stating that the president should be more careful with his words, especially when talking about stuff such as murder.

“Zangrillo! Words have a meaning. What happened yesterday was an act of risk, perhaps a deplorable act of risk, but in no way a case of ‘murder.’ I wish you the best in the future and hope you never have to experience what you accused me of,” he wrote.

Tags AC Milan Mike Maignan Zangrillo


  1. Watch goalkeeper’s knees when they go out to catch a high ball, the knee is always bent & high. Maignan did that naturally yesterday with no bad intentions at all. As a fact, he won & played the ball with his head.

    1. The tackle was ‘murderous’ and the goal was ‘treacherous’, let’s go 💯 Shakespeare, because surely Zangrillo is not basing his comments on fact but rather dramatic fiction!

    2. im sure there was no malice intended by maignan but the genoa player could have easiy lost several of his teeth and ended up with a broken jaw in the process as the frenchman pretty much knees his jaw. For me this incident is somewhat reminescent of schumachers 1982 performance where he knocked out a player unconsicous and who also lost some teeths even though the german seemingly did it deliberately which obviously makes it a completely different matter than what we saw yesterday but still its kinda in the same vein.

    3. @Frank exactly. It’s typical of how goalkeepers jump. Try explaining that to the people here that don’t play any football

  2. It is clear from the direction of Mike’ head and more significantly his eyes that he is just focused on the ball his knee being there is his bodies natural movement and the strikers is the one who is putting himself at risk with what some may call brave and others may call it foolishness and Mike can not be held responsible for the striker acting brave/foolishly and the referee should not have awarded a red card on account of this, a yellow card & a free kick would have been more than enough.

    Also, Genoa themselves played a very physical game based on muscle rather then football and yes that has nothing to do with the Mike incident but the Zangrillo should be making his comments in context of the needless over physicality shown by Genoa and not making them out to be victims.

    But great 3 points and this game will bond the players limitlessly and that is a feather in Pioli’s cap and a great push for us.

    1. Not a red card ? no offense but are you bonkers, its clear as day.
      Goalkeepers are generally given some leeway in regard of protection but that doesnt strecth to outside of the penalty box.
      Glad we won though but maignan deffently was the culprit in that situation and fully deserved to get shown the red card.

      1. It’s unfortunate because it’s a clear “goalkeeper’s jump”. Keepers often go up for the ball with one knee up for protection. Because football has double standards and tackles that are considered fouls outside the area are sometimes not considered fouls when they occur inside the area (i.e. no penalty called), the same has been applied to this jump. If this had been inside the area there would have been no foul and no red.

        1. Even maignan hints at that he maybe took an unecessary risk by saying “a deplorable risk” which he clearly did. Theres also the argument that the player otherwise would have an open chance so its a clear red. Its not like it would have been accepted that a field play knocked his knee up the lower jaw part of another player.
          The ruleset in the box is to protect the keeper so it actually makes sense but why should that ruleset stretch out of the box that would just be downright ridiculous and i kinda disagree on a potential penalty kick because maignan played risky in regard of the oppositions health.
          Anyways good win.

          1. if he heads it before they run into each other, is it still a foul?

            I’m glad the player was fine, but i’m also glad Mike jumped like that because if he hadn’t cushioned the blow, he could have taken a serious injury.

          2. I would say so but he was also kinda reckless in both situations but especially in the first one.

            Not sure he was much in danger exept for what he caused towards the genoa player and then the following one how he fell down he was limping a bit back. Anyways im also glad neither was injured.

    2. “Feather in Pioli’s cap”? It was a poor game from a tactical point of view, as he usually does against defensive teams, and we got lucky that our goal was not chalked off for a clear ball to hand, and that Genoa didn’t manage to shoot the ball on frame for the 7 minutes that we had a fraction of a goalkeeper. I’ll take the 3 points, because they arrive like this sometimes, but it’s not because of Pioli.

      1. They hit the crossbar and giroud made a brilliant save in those minutes, Besides of that there has already been an article up today where someone from var explains why it shouldnt be disallowed.

      2. The feather in his cap referred to the team fighting for one another which was apparent from the reaction of the Milan players and squad members at the end of the game and to have the changes we have had over the summer the togetherness was there for all to see and you have to credit that to Pioli to some extent

        1. i assure you he will not. i think we should just be happy he would take the 3 points instead of giving them to another team.

          1. It depends.

            Putting aside he is a keeper.

            Assuming the same violence of the collision it would be up to the red and then VAR.

            Used to be that intent informed a red, now it’sore about creating danger to another player.

            Not a very satisfying answer I know, but it’s how the law is written. :shrug:

    3. He knees the dude in the face before he catches the ball. To me, its no different than an outfield player going through a guy to win the ball.

      Yes, he “won the ball,” but the foul occurred first. The attacker’s face has the right to be where it is, and the goalie cannot then put his knee there.

  3. Murder requires intent, which clearly wasn’t there. Nonetheless the straight red is undeniable. Some on here bring up common situations where a goalie jumps UP to collect a high ball from a cross. That has nothing to do with Mike coming OUT full force. Jumping up carriers no real risk, jumping at someone does. We don’t need to make excuses for someone just because he plays for our team. Please don’t be children.

  4. If it was inside the box, Mike would have used his hand, so it could not be a possibility of foul. Since mike had to go outside, mike had to jump high and in the process, hit the jaw. Unfortunately it is a red card.

  5. Yes, words have power as rightfully stated by Maignan!

    In Proverbs 18:21 it says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.” This verse reminds us that words have power—and whatever we speak can bring life or death into the lives of those around us.

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