Report explains how AC Milan Women came close to signing Adriana Leon from Man Utd

Deadline Day usually provides lots of drama and the stories that emerge from it are usually quite intriguing. One of those stories was the tale of how AC Milan nearly signed Canadian international, Adriana Leon.

According to Manchester World, Milan nearly signed the winger from Manchester United during the final week of January. However, the deal was not completed due to the Red Devils dragging their heels as they sought to find a replacement for the player. Milan’s official offer for the player was a loan with an option to buy Leon for a fee of £120,000 (around €135k).

By the time United finally accepted the deal, it was too little and too late. The FIGC’s guidelines state that deals need to be concluded 48 hours before the transfer window closes in Italy. The deal for Leon was not finished during that timeframe, so it was too late for Milan to sign and then register the player.

Leon would have been a great signing that would have not only bolstered the Rossonere’s attack but she would have also enhanced their international profile. The Canadian has been in the spotlight lately as she and the rest of her teammates have launched a protest against their federation, the Canadian Soccer Association.

Despite winning the gold medal in soccer at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the Canadian women have been hit with budget and staff cuts. As a result, this has left them with fewer resources than their male counterparts, as they don’t have all that they need to prepare for the upcoming Women’s World Cup.

Leon and the rest of the Canadian Women initially wanted to strike in February but were forced into playing last month’s She Believes Cup under the threat of a lawsuit. The Canadian players reacted to this by wearing their shirts inside out with the words “Enough is Enough” in protest before the games. Other countries, such as the USA, England, and Japan, wore purple wristbands in support of them.

Despite not being allowed to protest last month, there is talk of the Canadian Women going on strike during the international window in April. They might also declare their dissent during the Women’s World Cup in June, thus using the World’s Biggest Stage as a rallying cry for their cause.

The fact that Milan nearly paid £120,000 for Adriana Leon is a testament to her talent. Her protest against her own federation is also a testament to her character. If the Rossonere were willing to pay that much for Leon, then that means that they value her quite highly. There is a chance that they could try to sign the player in the summer but nothing is certain at the moment.