ANSA: Cardinale contacted Inter’s Zhang over reigniting joint stadium project

AC Milan owner Gerry Cardinale called his Inter counterpart Steven Zhang to reopen the possibility of building a new stadium together, according to a report.

According to the latest from ANSA (via MilanNews), in recent weeks there have been two contacts between Milan and Inter regarding the new stadium after the ‘new San Siro project’ was abandoned despite the Council’s attempts to save the situation.

They claim that Cardinale called Zhang – Inter’s number one – in mid-January and asked him to potentially reconsider the idea of ​​a joint project on the stadium front, with the idea of ​​aiming for San Donato together.

The second discussion occurred at the beginning of February, with a meeting at the Inter headquarters at the beginning of February after a meeting that the Rossoneri and Nerazzurri directors had also had with those of Juventus regarding the proposal for an 18-team Serie A.

At the end of the meeting, the situation pertaining to the construction of a new stadium in San Donato was talked about but Inter do not seem interested.

Instead, they are intent on building their own new stadium in the Rozzano district of the city, and thus seem to have showed little willingness to collaborate.