APA Milan president questions ambition and lack of communication from club’s leadership

The lawyer Giuseppe La Scala – who is also the president of the Small Shareholders’ Alliance of AC Milan – has spoken about what he believes is a very confusing and chaotic moment.

Given all of the rumours that are swirling about the change in head coach and the protests from fans about the lack of clarity and communication from the club, it was be fair to describe things as turbulent at the moment.

In 2019, on the 120th anniversary of the foundation of Milan, the Association of Small Shareholders of AC Milan – APA Milan – was born from the Milanisti 1899 Association.

APA Milan operates in collaboration with Milanisti 1899, are the second largest shareholder of AC Milan SpA and brings together the small shareholders of the Rossoneri.

Their president La Scala spoke on Radio Rossonera about the Rossoneri’s rather difficult moment, the match against Genoa and the fans’ protest against the management.

We start with Milan-Genoa…

“I have the feeling that the uncertainties that the team showed on the pitch are the result not only of a coaching staff with respect to which, I don’t want to be absolutely ungenerous, it has evidently concluded its cycle, but above all of what we highlight in the management, in the top management. And this is regardless of the strictly technical side. It seems to me to be a component of our corporate culture, or rather lack of culture.”

What do you think about the Lopetegui protests?

“Lopetegui’s move to West Ham shows that he too is not the dog that some made him out to be. Lopetegui is a coach who is going to lead a good Premier League team. The fans at this moment seem as confused as the management.

“The problem is that the fans have the right and at this moment perhaps even the duty to be confused. The fact that they [the club] do not make themselves heard and above all don’t give the impression of having completed certain steps worries me.

“It is clear that the club cannot openly talk about the interruption of the relationship with Pioli and the fact that a selection of a new coach is underway. It’s done abroad, it’s true, but in Italy the labour regulations are also more severe.

“I don’t expect this, but that the club sends clear messages. Without being rude or inappropriate, I expect them to say three things. First of all, the project is to return to winning immediately, and the reason is clear.

“Milan won a Scudetto 24 months ago, 12 months ago they were in the Champions League semi-finals. Of course, a few things have changed: Kessié left, we sold Tonali (not that their success elsewhere has been extraordinary).

“But we haven’t lost on all fronts, there have been very high quality signings in these two years. But I believe that, even if it is necessary to add three or four players to the team who can help us make a difference, the project cannot be to restart a path that can bring us back to the top in three or four years.

“We are at the top, this year we are second despite a season that we all define as very disappointing, so I feel like saying that from next year Milan must say clearly: we want to win the Scudetto and we want to move forward in the Champions League.

“There’s no question: a coach who doesn’t give you guarantees or a summer mercato that is far from these logics cannot satisfy us.”

Is there a bit of planning or ambition missing?

“At the moment, if there is ambition, you can’t see it. I can’t know what’s in their head, I’m just saying that if they have clear ideas, they don’t show it. And they don’t communicate it. I would like to understand if there is an immediate and long-term project at the top.

“There certainly must be economic sustainability, because long-lasting projects cannot be made if the society is in pitiful economic conditions, but it is also true that there are different ways to achieve economic balance, and here we touch on the second point: one is to cut what one must cut, the other is to increase revenues.

“And Milan has only one way to increase revenues: grow. And not only with the stadium project, but above all with a successful project. It is the team’s success that brings you loyal supporters and revenue. In my opinion, among the many ways to achieve balance, which Milan has already achieved, one should be chosen: growing revenues.

“Then the third thing, and this must be explained to our new masters and directors. Players and coaches are chosen to play good football. Milan, my father taught me 60 years ago, is not a team like the others. It’s a team that plays good football.

“When they don’t play football well, the AC Milan fans get annoyed. Milan are attached to winning by playing well. Milan are loved all over the world because it has always played great football and its champions have always been spectacular.”

Is defensive solidity lacking too?

“When I was a child, conceding a goal at home was inconceivable. Milan finished the season, then with 16 teams, conceding 13 or 18 goals. Defensive solidity is not opposed to good play, on the contrary. Good play comes from defensive solidity.

“Milan had defensive lines from which their fortunes were born. Then everyone likes goals, but the defensive phase can also be spectacular. For example, a defensive phase that involves pressing done well, not pressing like yesterday which breaks the team in two and leads to chilling amnesia.

“As Guardiola taught us, when you do those famous six seconds of pressing at the surrender [of the ball], it’s spectacular. The closure of the opponents’ passing lines can be as spectacular as a series of beautiful attacking tricks. But I don’t have to teach this, but we must aim to do this.”

Finally, what about the communication from the club?

“Do you know why they never go and talk? Because they don’t know what to say that can warm hearts and make fans feel less alone. The communication is literally incomprehensible. If anyone sees it, tell me. I only see the reflections of this poor communication, that is, that Milan is also mistreated by the sports information camarilla.”