Berlusconi hopes new owners RedBird will lead Milan to ‘even more success’

RedBird Capital have officially taken over AC Milan and as expected, they are building on the project started by Elliott Management back in 2018. Silvio Berlusconi, the former club owner, has a lot of respect for the Americans. 

The deal between RedBird and Elliott was signed just after the 2021/22 season and the takeover was completed earlier this month. In the grand scheme of things, the change in ownership hasn’t changed much as there is already a winning project in place.

Silvio Berlusconi, the former owner of Milan, was asked about the new ownership in an interview with TeleLombardia (via MilanNews). He expressed great respect for RedBird and sent them a motivational message for the future.

“I have been a Milan fan all my life and I’m still one: Milan is always in my heart. Today I deal with Monza, with nostalgia for the past, but obvious reasons lead me to refrain from entering Milan’s corporate affairs. I look at the new ownership with great respect and as a Milan fan, I can only hope that they will lead Milan to even more success,” he stated.

Even though he made a mistake by selling Milan to Yonghong Li (which ultimately ended up in Milan’s favour with Elliott), Berlusconi remains one of the most successful club owners in history. His opinion, as such, matters a lot.