Berlusconi issues statement from hospital

Silvio Berlusconi will undergo surgery early next week at the San Raffaele hospital, where he was hospitalised on Tuesday.

Yesterday Dr. Alberto Zangrillo clarified the situation of the president, specifying that he was hospitalized for heart failure and even risked his life.

Today Berlusconi, through his Facebook profile, thanked everyone for the affection shown him in these critical days for him:

“I wish to thank all those who have sent me displays of affection and cards, they really moved me. I will not forget the words of friends, politicians, employees of a working life of many supporters who have made me feel their closeness with extraordinary warmth.

“I am serene, and I face this delicate transition entrusting in God and the extraordinary professionalism of the doctors and the staff of the San Raffaele.

“I follow in here [hospital] the news of political events in ballots, and I ask all women and men of Forza Italy every effort to give priority to candidates of the center-right wherever they are in the field.

“Forza Italy is fully operational in its national and peripheral organisms and is perfectly capable of operating in these days of my enforced absence.”