Camarda could set Serie A record – what the rules say regarding potential debut

By Oliver Fisher -

Francesco Camarda is one of the players that AC Milan are most excited about for the future and a sliding doors moment might just have presented itself.

A few weeks ago, Camarda scored a beautiful overhead kick goal in Milan Primavera’s Youth League victory against Paris Saint-Germain. Now with Noah Okafor’s injury, Gianluca Di Marzio confirms that he could be called up for the game against Fiorentina.

In September, he scored a brace against Newcastle on the first round of the Youth League. At the moment Camarda plays for the Primavera team coached by Ignazio Abate despite being underage, given that he is just 15 and often plays with/against players four years older.

Can Camarda be called up to the first team by Pioli? And if so, when?

Article 34 of the NOIF (Internal organisational rules of the federation) clarifies: “‘Young’ footballers registered for the associated clubs in the Leagues and those of the Women’s Football Division can only take part in matches expressly reserved for players in the youth categories.

“‘Young’ footballers, who are chronologically 15 years of age, and female footballers who are chronologically 14 years of age, except as provided for in the following paragraph 3 bis for the Serie A and Serie B Women’s championships, can also participate in competitive activities organised by the Leagues and the Women’s Football Division, provided they are authorised by the Regional Committee – LND, territorially competent and by the Women’s Football Division.”

The federal regulation for all players in their 15th year requires that an exemption be requested and granted by the FIGC in preparation for taking to the pitch. Milan, in this aspect, have already taken action.

Pioli could therefore call Camarda up for Saturday’s game, but it is a different situation regarding professional contracts where it is possible to sign them only after reaching the age of 16. Camarda will therefore only be able to sign an agreement with Milan from March 2024 (he was born on 9 March 2008).

If he were to take the field with Fiorentina, Camarda would rewrite all the records of Milan and Serie A. At 15 years, 8 months and 23 days, he would take Wisdom Amey’s record as the youngest debutant in Serie A.

Tags AC Milan Francesco Camarda


    1. Roses yeah i see but that also clarifies that we already had sought the dispensation a while ago.

      It should be interesting if he gets his debut against fiorentina but it also leaves me with some worries if he scores a few goals then all the bloodhounds will come sniffing for blood but hopefully due to the fact that he is from milano that he wont be easily swayed in regard of him signing his first contract with us.

      Im not too worried if he can handle himself as he is a pretty stong player for his age and from his wikipedia profile it even said he took an interest in kickboxing at a young age which i assume means he actually also has trained that which should make him sturdy enough to play some minutes for us.

        1. I don’t see that comparison as camarda seems to drop further down and contributes more to he game going forward with overlaps whereas inzaghi was more often looking for the chance to break the offside trap.
          I might be wrong but i see him more in the vein of schevchenko or zlatan but thats just how i percieve things. height wise though currently he is pretty much of same stature like inzaghi so maybe the comparison in regard of phsyicality isnt too wrong at presebt but considering he is only 15 and is 1.84meter tall he will most likely end up in the 1.90ies meter tall category of players.

      1. The fan inside me is dying to see him in the 1st team but my head says it’s a terrible idea.

        He has never played in a stadium like that against that level of player, who will bully him.

        At 16yo maybe he can get some minutes in less pressurised games.

        As you say if he did well, Man City or someone would offer his parents $50m or something crazy.

        Hope he stays home, works hard, signs a contract and progresses well.

        He defo looks more dynamic player than Inzaghi

        1. I wouldnt start him either but i think physically speaking he can still match some adults and propably could get 10-20 minutes towards the end of the match and at least he would be backed by over 70000 spectators but yeah the great fear would be to see some filthy rich club swooping in and signing him basically for free that would pretty much put every milan fans on a warpath towards such club. I would deffently be more comfortable giving him his debut after that is done and that is eariest from march 10th and onwards 2024.

  1. Please don’t hand this poor promoter boy over to Pioli, who will just break his spirit forever. If you have anyone to entrust this kid to, it’s Maldini or Zlatan, not that balding father-in-law Lord Krunic.

  2. Some people are talking rubbish in another page. those people are talking as if they KNEW camarda’s future. all those legend that we know is because they where giving chance. You like it or not camarda is the future of MILAN and NATIONAL TEAM.

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