Ceccarini: Milan forced to evaluate summer sale as Leao stalemate continues

By Isak Möller -

Rafael Leao is yet to reach an agreement with AC Milan on a new contract and since his current deal will expire in 2024, the Rossoneri could be forced to sell him in the summer. A hypothesis that’s gathering steam with time. 

Paolo Maldini and Ricky Massara have been in talks with the entourage of Leao for several months. The problem, however, is not just the economic demands but also the many parties involved (the Sporting fine weighs heavily).

According to Niccolo Ceccarini in his latest column for TMW, Milan have put an offer worth €7m per year on the table. They won’t go any higher than this and it remains to be seen what the final response of Leao will be.

Should the stalemate remain until the summer, then Milan will be forced to evaluate a sale as keeping him with just one year left is too risky. It would be disastrous for Milan to lose a player of his value, €100m+, on a free transfer.

Tags AC Milan Rafael Leao


  1. Well it is not so disastrous. Donnarumma value was 65 million, Hakan 35, Romagnoli around 17, and Kessies 55 Mill. In combine they were worth 170 mill so this 100 + on only one player is not so much.

    Other club doesn’t need to worry when we have cardinale-elliott on rudder. Their philosophy is that you can’t always win because the other wants to win too, and strict salary policy leaves so many gems fo free. When there is Milan there will be free meals for rest.

  2. Leao ask for 15 mil per year or leave this club for free next year. this team is nothing without you. Same for theo and maignan

  3. Ok leao. ciao. hope we get the best result for this year in serie A and CL then you can go

    chelsea needs you, pay us 100 mills and go

  4. First thing is Milan cannot afford his salary. It is not like we had 150m stashed away ready for Leao’s salary over the next 10 years. Second thing is once the 4m cap is broken it will turn into a shit show, it is not just the players who demand, their reps and families also play a big role. Life is hard without money. Only thing we can do here is sell him for as much as possible this summer. Do not go in loops and talk about how Milan will suffer without him, oh we will for sure. Period.

  5. Leao has started feeling like a king just as the others, I feel the 7m is just too much, from below 2mil now Milan looks like the ones begging him to stay at 7m, what nonsense let him go please theirs time for everything, time to stay and time to sell. I believe in chaka traora

  6. He will not renew, that’s guaranteed. Milan will not pay even 10, let alone 15. The only question now is: Do we get any money for him? I don’t think any club is desperate enough to pay anywhere near $100M, especially after such poor performances lately. So they’ll most likely wait until his contract expires. I’d offer him for as low as $60M to see if an English club or PSG bites, then we can get 2 players to strengthen the squad. The problem is that Maldini doesn’t know what he’s doing, and other clubs know that, and so does Leao.

  7. Oke but The last sentence is really stupid, 100M+? HAHAHAHAHHAHA
    only fanboys say he’s worth 100M. Never he’s worth 100M, maybe he was with all The Scudetto hype but this season he isnt even that good, didnt show up in most of the big games and stat padded against The mid table teams. Chelsea’s best offer after a MVP season (which was a joke of a mvp but he scored last few games) was 70M. Fans, honestly, be happy with 60M but I think he will just walk for free especially if we miss out on CL(which I doubt)

  8. Lazy, luxury player. Should have stopped negotiating 6 months ago and told him to sign or leave.
    He’d be happier warming the bench at Chel$ea or P$G..
    Good riddance!

  9. Wouldn’t it be sweet to sell him to ManCity in the summer and then a few weeks after City were relegated to lower division and given a 5-year ban to euro games due to their massive financial frauds? It would be like a beautiful fairy tale with a suitable ending. 😀

    Although it would have been more suiting for Gigio, Kebabnoglu & Cashie (who btw. is begging Inter to buy/loan him in the summer!)

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