Chukwueze returns to Milanello early after sustaining hamstring injury

AC Milan have announced that Samuel Chukwueze returned to the training complex early after sustaining a muscle problem while on international duty.

In today’s training round-up on the official website, Milan report that Chukwueze is already back at Milanello. The Nigerian suffered a left hamstring injury while away on international duty, thus ruling him out of his country’s match against Mozambique.

The rest of the Rossoneri’s internationals will return in the next 48 hours to begin preparing for the crucial match against Juventus on Sunday night at San Siro.

The extent of Chukwueze’s injury is not mentioned nor is it specified if there will be any further checks or a recovery period.

In terms of the session itself, the squad initially got down to work in the gym, where they completed a strength circuit. The players then continued to activate their muscles out on the pitch, working without the ball.

They then did agility exercises with the ball and speed tests. Tomorrow, the team will meet up at Milanello for lunch before getting down to work again.