Cittadino: Reclamation of land begins for Milan’s new stadium – the changes so far

The reclamation of the land in the San Francesco area of San Donato for AC Milan’s new stadium has begun, a report claims.

According to Il Cittadino (via Milan News), Monday saw some of the first tangible and visual steps being taken towards Milan playing their home games in a purpose-built stadium in San Donato.

The work in question is small in scale at this stage and just centres on grass being cut, fences being removed/built and any waste being removed from the site.

There is a long way to go before they break ground on the stadium and began the actual construction process, but it is another step in the right direction as far as Milan are concerned.

There have been various obstacles and opposition to the stadium but the majority of that has now been dealt with, such as the idea of a referendum for residents in the area.

There have been concerns from Milan mayor Giuseppe Sala about the incompatibility of Milan building a stadium in San Donato and Inter building one in Rozzano, but San Donato’s mayor has responded in disagreement.

They cited the 18km (by car) distance between the two sites and the fact that there are eight stadiums much closer together than that in the city of London.