CM: Bennacer is untouchable to Milan – the latest regarding renewal talks

By Oliver Fisher -

Ismael Bennacer has been one of the stand-out performers so far this season for AC Milan and they want to secure a renewal as soon as possible, a report claims. describe Bennacer as the ‘extra man in the middle of the field’ for Milan as he has formed a brilliant pairing with Sandro Tonali in the double pivot, with the duo understanding each others’ strengths and tendencies in terms of movement.

Pioli trusts Bennacer and considers him an untouchable member of his first choice starting XI, and that is why he has played all eight games so far this season across Serie A and the Champions League, with seven of these played as a starter.

The signature on the renewal of the contract expiring in 2024 has not yet arrived though, and director Paolo Maldini spoke before the match with Dinamo Zagreb to make it clear that it is a two-sided negotiation.

“For the renewals we have already started talking for some time with both Leao and Bennacer. I believe that the will of the players does a lot, because the will of the club is there,” he said.

Milan’s latest offer to the Algerian – worth around €3m net per season – was not accepted. Instead, his agent Sissoko wants much more money. Bennacer now earns around €1.7m and would like more than double.

Milan are ready to grant him a substantial increase, but they will not go crazy. Therefore, the parties will talk again, and the goal is to reach an agreement by the end of the year.

Tags AC Milan Ismaël Bennacer


  1. When the list of salaries came out it was frankly ridiculous… With many non critical players earning much higher than both tonali and bennacer… This aint good… These guys are the foundation of our team for years to come and they should be paid on par with the highest earners on the roster…

    1. Tonali just extended his contract and earn €3 million + bonus. He earns more than non-critical players like Bakayoko (€2.5 million), Mirante (€900k), or Balo Toure (€1 million).

      And the only players who earn more than Tonali are Theo at €4 million, Giroud at €4 million, and Rebic at €3.5 million.

      Bennacer already offered €3 million but he wants €4 million. Milan probably gonna give it an okay.

    2. Worth noting that, due to tax laws, these aren’t actually the salaries they’re being paid. For example, Rebic makes more money than Tonali, butnMilan pay Tonali more than Rebic.

    1. Bennacer should earn more than Sandro, considering he’s the early foundation of new Milan era before Sandro came in. 4 – 4,5 M is good

      1. -€4-4.5 mil a year would make Bennacer the best paid player on the team. He can’t be that, especially not over Theo who is arguably the best in his position in Europe.
        -Bennacer and his agent might have forgotten but the last 2 years Bennacer was Tonali’s & Kessie’s back up. In the last stretch of last season, when Milan was fighting for the scudetto, he was Tonali’s, Kessie’s & also Krunic’s back up.
        He shouldn’t be making more money than Tonali who just extended his contract couple weeks ago

        1. So this doesnt mean he can’t demand…..he worked his socks off when team needed him. When his time comes to shine won’t every individual will ask for more there isn’t any rocket science to understand that…….look around how team are paying salaries…..this guy will be in demand come January…..

          1. You are right, it isn’t rocket science. He can demand as much as he wants, but does he deserve to be paid more than his midfield partner Sandro Tonali? Has he worked his socks off more than Tonali has? Is he more needed for the team than Tonali is needed? Is his production higher than Tonali’s?
            It’s obvious by the club’s offer that they don’t see Bennacer as more important than Tonali and that’s why they have offered him the same salary. Also it seems that the club is not budging to his demands since his contract negotiations have been going on for at least 6 months

          2. I dont know how you rate performances but Sandro and isma both are equally important….they both have some dips in form and they both have some wonderful games….more or less I am not going to get in this but 3.5 m to 4m is fair one for isma…..if management think its not worth sell him or loose him for free…..don’t know why we all get sentimental on comparing one player to another……if Sandro does this the other should be doing that like seriously? If Sandro works for free then doesn’t mean everyone works for free…..they both are good players mind it…..gone are the days of one Club player……

          3. “he worked his socks off when team needed him.”

            You just described pretty much every Milan player except Leao from the starting line-up. =D

          4. Another stupid comment from the Leao basher himself @bb – LOL. Embarrassing. Every player in the starting line up “works their socks off” but Leao”?? Your so full of Leao hate it’s sad. You still want to sell him for 40M donkey?? Hahahahahaha. So you’d rather have a players like Sales than Leao cause Sales runs his socks off???? What an idiot

          5. @Juro the donkeylover:

            “You still want to sell him for 40M donkey?? Hahahahahaha.”

            Poor delusional donkey lover. First of all… You’re making stories again. I’ll say this one more time: I never said that. I said “40M€ next summer if he hasn’t signed”. Big difference. But I guess I’ll play along one more time as it’s too much for your tiny little brains to handle & you proved everyone that you don’t understand how 40M€ is better than zero. Again. I wouldn’t count on you ever figuring out that though.

            And since you love stories I guess I’ll have to break it to you now… Your love story with Leao will not have a Disney or Hollywood ending. I know you’ve been writing love letters to Leao promising to defend his honor against anyone who criticizes him on the internet but despite your heroic efforts, he will leave Milan. So prepare yourself for some tears.

            But don’t worry. It’s like that with first loves almost every time though. They’ll end up in tears. You might get over it some day. Probably not though if we think about how messed up kid you seem to be but let’s be honest. No one cares. So… Best of luck to you, kid. =)

      2. So based on your logic Davide Calabria should be paid more than Theo, since he is the early foundation of the new Milan era before Theo came in

        1. @ 20&8 I always believe players should be payed on their value to team. I never compare players with another…..but in my opinion isma is worth around 3.5 to 4 if we look around current wage structure……rest it’s management call they decide what ever is best for the team ad we fans will cheer milan come what may win or loose…

          1. I was responding to @Vrizk.
            But I agree I trust the management when it comes to analyzing players worth, salary wise. They made the right call on not accepting Giggio, Hakan and Kessie’s salary demands. I just wish that if they see there is no bridging the gap between offer and demand , they act faster and put those players on the market and get funds in return so they can use it to bring higher quality replacements for those players , instead of letting them walk for free

  2. Well the difference is of 1m….let’s be fair with the performances he and leao are giving its a shame they are still on this peanuts. This shouldn’t have been dragged for this long clubs normally wind up contracts in third year of their contract rather then waiting till last……OK we understand leao have fine so he is considering that in his contractual talks but isma its a same old story being repeated with every past player who went on bossman. If we can’t provide him with what he wants sell him cash on him utilise money why saying will of player all the time….sentiments and emotions aside have a long term vision on which players to build your team on…….bind them at the earliest and reap the rewards rather than wait till last years…..

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