CM: Inter players hold anti-Milan banners in title celebrations – FIGC to investigate

By Oliver Fisher -

Inter celebrated their league title yesterday with an open top bus parade around the city, and several of their players couldn’t help but engage in some anti-Milan activity.

As write, the protagonist was Denzel Dumfries who has had quite a few run-ins with Theo Hernandez in recent derbies including the one last week in which both players got sent off.

The Dutch wing-back displayed a banner on the bus which showed him holding a dog on a leash, with the face of the French full-back Theo as the dog.

Having revealed the mystery of who the opponent he and Marcus Thuram had called a ‘dog’ in recent Instagram live broadcasts (without openly saying his name), he has now launched a new provocation by displaying the banner.

Yesterday evening the Federal Prosecutor’s Office began to acquire videos of what happened and it is inevitable that they will open a case, as happened in similar circumstances in the recent past.

Hakan Calhanoglu was the target of chants and taunts from Milan players and fans when the Rossoneri celebrated their Scudetto a couple of years ago, but he limited himself to starting a ‘Chi non salta Rossonero’ chant.

Meanwhile, Inter midfielder Davide Frattesi showed a banner stating ‘Milanista Chiacchierone’ which – to put it politely – means a Milan fan that likes to talk a lot.

It certainly puts to bed any notion that Inter would celebrate their Scudetto without mentioning the other half of the city as some of their players and fans had claimed.


Tags AC Milan


  1. When Zhang took over this dog sh*t club in 2018 he said, and I quote:

    “Also, we must remember that Inter isn’t just about football and what happens on the field. We will continue to uphold the sporting values of honest competition, fair play and sportsmanship.”

    Although to be fair, cameras did catch him with his fingers crossed behind his back.

  2. If anything this should light a fire under Milan players’ asses to f\cking win the remaining games of this season and start next season with the goal of beating Inter and winning the Scudetto!

  3. I just came back to Milan from holidays and there are banners at the windows and balconies all around the city, with the two stars 🙁

  4. The only way to deal with this is to win the next scudetto/scudettis and start winning the derbis. Until then, we can complain as much as we want, we are the losers.

  5. ‘It certainly puts to bed any notion that Inter would celebrate their Scudetto without mentioning the other half of the city.’

    In what world this would happen? We know what’s coming. Players know. Just hope that this occurrence will burn something inside of our players.

  6. If it was the other way around, everyone would be crying about racism and Theo would be given a long ban. Players would wear “no to racism” armbands and such bollocks.

    But this way it’s just a silly banter, Dumbfries will get a slap on the wrist and 5k euros to pay.

  7. Well 2 years ago that was the same thing Milan did to them. So stop being a hypocrite and embrace ourselves. We have done worse to them when we won the scudetto.

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