CM: Kia Joorabchian is in Italy – Milan remain Zirkzee’s preference over Man Utd

By Oliver Fisher -

The Joshua Zirkzee saga continues to rumble on and his agent Kia Joorabchian’s presence in Milano will certainly fan the flames.

According to, Milan are not giving up on Zirkzee. The Dutch striker remains the Rossoneri’s first choice to take Olivier Giroud’s No.9 shirt and they are willing to pay his €40m release clause which became active on Monday 1 July.

Manchester United are in the race too and they authorised coach Erik Ten Hag to speak directly with Joorabchian, the Anglo-Iranian who looks after Zirkzee’s interests, but it remains to be seen whether the English club are willing to give the green light to all the economic aspect.

Zirkzee has verbally agreed a five-year contract with Milan with a salary of €4m net per season but rather the €15m in commissions requested by Joorabchian have stalled things, as have the player’s involvement at Euro 2024.

The 23-year-old is in no hurry and is focusing on the journey with the Oranje, postponing the decision until the end of the tournament in Germany. He dreams of Milan, but is not completely closing the door on United and is waiting to understand how the dialogue between the parties will evolve.

Kia Joorabchian’s presence in Milan is making waves as he has just arrived in the Lombard capital. This does not absolutely guarantee any new contact with the Rossoneri management because he could be working on other deals, but there could also soon be key developments.

Tags AC Milan Joshua Zirkzee Kia Joorabchian


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        1. Inter has already paid 50 mil for players they loaned last season with obligations like fratesi and arnautovic amongst others so pretty sure ACM1899 is correct in his estimate at least unless they ship out some players.

          1. Yea that’s certainly one way to put it. They renewed Lautauro and Barella, didn’t they? For all their brokenness, that’s paying for something, isn’t it? We can’t do the same for our star players, at their demands are lower and we want to be competitive ?? Come on now Martin. I wouldn’t laugh that hard at their inability to pay for anything when we suck that badly at paying ourselves. Its a bit of glass houses and throwing stones.
            And like u said they’re even able to pay for their obligations. But we win the financial sucdetto and they are more likely to win the next real Scudetto

          2. Well it was not to be rude or anything because i think we are generally on very good terms but fact is Inter has already paid 50 mil for the players loaned last season that I mentioned and they got Taremi and they got Zieliński and you dont think that it limits their leverage in the market afterwardsc ?
            Zieliński sure I would have liked that move but did we really want Taremi at this point and for what we know Inter will have to sell off some players,
            Am I of the view that we should give for example Theo a premium salary equal to leao, sure I’ve said it for a long time but lets just see and give the management a bit of leeway before we actually comes with judgement on July third.
            Inter took a financial risk by their moves and for now it panned out but truth be told its a house of cards regardless of their recent scudetto.

          3. I think you’re coming around to the point there M. I just don’t see anything funny in laughing at Inter who have so far shored up their team in terms of renewals and added, once more, very good pieces on the free. It’s less to do with the 50m (which btw they could pay, its certainly not out of their MO). I don’t care about Inter’s financial issues (which are overblown imo). They have higher revenues than us and will have good revenue growth this year. But somehow us in a better financial condition can’t renew our guys or make smart moves in the market. All this budget and we’re not smart, neither we we smart last year too. Not renewing our starts sends signals to potential targets. That Inter shored up Lautauro probably made way for Z to go to inter….which I’d choose if I were him.

          4. Im not laughing at inter but its a fact they are potentially in for a downfall. Simple as that.
            Those free transfers most likely comes at a high price, big salaries and sign on fees so that should limit them further,.
            Well they might spend a lot but you can also argue that if we have the same salary and i go out and take loans on my house live above ability then it doesnt make it smart either,
            I obviously want quick success but im more in favor of long lasting success. In regard of us not renewing players its just media speculation for now but we cant really renew maignan and theo currently but time will tell i just dont see no reason to ruin my mood with it at present as there really is no clear indications that they wont stay beyond the summer.

          1. The thing is they dont need to spend big. Just keeping their star players (like they did with with Lautaro and Barella) is enough. Plus several additional smart free transfers and they’ll be good to go. And if they somehow sell / lose their key players (like it’s been for several years) they’ll just get decent replacements. All the structures are there.

            While us, we’re having trouble on both keeping our star players and attracting new star players. But at least, we’re better on the financial ranking and soon will be rewarded with 2nd star of Accounting Scudetto.

      1. Yup already sealed like from mid way thru last season. Yes, some teams had prepared for the next season way ahead. Contrary to popular belief here that the transfer window only starts when it’s officially opened.

  1. There can’t be many AC Milan fans left who actually would step on the break of their car if Kia Joorabchian crossed the road while they passed by.

      1. hahaha you clearly don’t understand when someone is joking but ok my bad i probably should have left an emoji but clearly the guy isn’t popular amongst milan fans.

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