CorSera: Chukwueze takes summer spending past €100m – details of the €50m+ operation

By Oliver Fisher -

AC Milan have got the target that they really wanted for the right wing as Samuel Chukwueze should be announced as the seventh summer signing later today.

As this morning’s edition of Corriere della Sera (via MilanNews) reports, Chukwueze is expected at Casa Milan today to sign his contract and undergo the usual media obligations before being officially announced.

The Nigeria international will sign from Villarreal for €20m plus €8m in bonuses, and will earn €4m net per season until June 2028, which means a total operation worth around €54m when factoring in gross salary with the Growth Decree.

The paper goes on to state that Milan’s total summer investment is now at €107m – which makes them by far and away the biggest spenders in Serie A – and they have closed seven incoming signings before the start of August.

The management have no intention of stopping either, with other roles that need reinforcing before the season starts.


Tags AC Milan Samuel Chukwueze


  1. After we lost Maldini and Tonali it was hard to believe the management would take action but take action they did. Wow.
    We have raised the bar substantially in pace, power and technique. Can’t wait to see Pioli knit this team together even though Musah & a pivot are critical for depth.

      1. Maldini refuse to sell star players. With him, Tonali won’t be sold, that’s 70m difference for transfer market.

        So the unavailability of money is not caused by management denying transfer budget for Maldini, it was caused by Maldini’s unwillingness to sell star players.

        Even before the sacking, the management had told Maldini to sell players if he want more money for transfer.

  2. There nothing about ego or power play in action here,just imagine AC Milan got something from Donnaruma Calhanouglu and Kessie sales and am quite sure if to be this Furlani and co Milan would gotten over £100m from their sales that would be reinvested into the team.So I really think if Maldini can turn is weakness to strength then try to collaborate and don’t walk solo, he’s gonna turn out to be the best in his line.Remember the proverbial saying that he who pays the Piper calls the tune.

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