CorSera: Hernandez asks Milan for €8m salary amid ‘desire to leave regardless’

Theo Hernandez’s contract will expire in 2026 and AC Milan are keen on reaching an agreement for a renewal. However, amid rumours of a return to Real Madrid, the future is uncertain for the star left-back. 

Hernandez was asked about his future during a press conference with France yesterday, stating that it will be decided after the Euros. As added by Gazzetta dello Sport this morning, Real Madrid are closely following the situation as they are looking to sign a left-back.

According to Corriere della Sera, more specifically the journalist Monica Colombo (via @garante_il), Milan are struggling to reach an agreement for the renewal. Hernandez is asking for a salary of €8m per year and the feeling is that there is ‘a desire to leave regardless’.

Milan have slapped a €100m price tag on the Frenchman, as the report concludes, and it could be a hot summer. There is no doubt that the Rossoneri could do a lot on the mercato with such a huge sale, but it would be impossible to fully replace the player.

In the meantime, Hernandez is focused on the Euros and will be looking to go all the way with France, who are one of the favourites to win the tournament.

Tags AC Milan Real Madrid Theo Hernandez


  1. So Theo is asking for 8 million euros, is he being a greedy snake now? He gave this team 6 years of service at a rate way less than market value. Do they tell him, we can’t replace you, you are in the 3 best in the world. Here is the wages you earned…no they look to sell him. He wants to leave because after 6 years, nothing is looking like it will be any better. The winners in this team, are all gone. Up top and on the field.

    Don’t say I didn’t tell you so. You all had so much shit to talk about our players leaving on frees. The ones who stayed are not being treated with anymore respect or gratitude by the hedge fund or bankers.

    This team is going nowhere, fast. The players don’t respect these turds who own and run the team.

    I can’t wait for the dull ones here to turn arround and say if he wants to leave, he should. No one is bigger than the club…

    Yet you let the morons running it behave as if they and their M.O are bigger than AC Milan. Asking them to pay our best playyers fairly is doing what they should to honour our club. 8 million ror Theo, should have been signed last extension. They fumbled so many times, with no willingness to do better. Same nonsense over and over with them..

    1. Amin. Theo must be kept at all cost. Yes. The team is as important as players kicking the ball. No players — no team. We’ve been there, we know!

    2. Cut down on the drama until he actually is sold. And even then act like an adult not a child throwing a tantrum.
      Players leave…

    3. “He gave this team 6 years of service at a rate way less than market value. ”

      Not really true about the first year.

    4. Ppl dont understand that his request is he tell the club that they need to sell him. That salary request will destroy milan salary cap. I bet leao, maignan, tomory and pulisic will ask closer tp that amount in their next contract negotiation. Let alone their next transfer taget.

    5. Amen 8 mil for the best left back in the world is actually steal of salary in today game , you can’t put salary cap in football is just dumb idea not every players worth the same Theo and Calabria should not get same salary that’s just dumb as f

  2. So Theo is asking for 8 million euros, is he being a greedy snake now? He gave this team 6 years of service at a rate way less than market value. Do they tell him, we can’t replace you, you are in the 3 best in the world. Here is the wages you earned…no they look to sell him. He wants to leave because after 6 years, nothing is looking like it will be any better. The winners in this team, are all gone. Up top and on the field.

    Don’t say I didn’t tell you so. You all had so much stuff to talk about our players leaving on frees. The ones who stayed are not being treated with anymore respect or gratitude by the hedge fund or bankers. This team is going nowhere, fast. The players don’t respect these men who own and run the team. These people left unchecked and with no one with a pair or clue how to challenge them will turn us into Udinese.

  3. Imagine in 2026/27, there’s one of the best left back in the world, willing to join our team for 8M salary. He’s a free agent, so we won’t have to pay a transfer fee, maybe just a little, reasonable commission. Would you sign him?

    1. Anyone not kiving under a rock has known that Leao, Mike or Theo is leaving this summer. If it’s Theo, a hundred mill is not a bad take. I’d prefer if it was Mike, who Laos has a contract renewal coming up that our ownership isn’t gonna pay for or Leao, whose release clause would be need to be met at a very high price fir what he actually performs.
      We aren’t a top club. I don’t know how much Zlatan is getting paid, but when he said the words “I’m a winner, I wouldn’t be here if we were not trying to win” he either knew he was lying or he has so much money in his personal life that he dies not understand club finances.

      Theo is too good for for a club who wants to finish top 4 or better.

      I would want that money as well to choose to forego titles and accolades, if I was at a level where I could reamisticall win the championship league at the clubs chasing me. On fact, i’d more than likely prefer to fight for a place at Real Madrid for 6 mill than hope for a 4th place for 8 mill.

  4. If he wants 8 million, pay him 8 million with bonuses included.
    The Real Madrid rumors is mostly Theo wanting to go to Real Madrid than Real wanting Theo. Real has, according to reports, agreed on personal terms with Alphonso Davies. That’s who they want, and they have the luxury to wait on Bayern to cave in this summer and lower their price or sign Davies next summer for free. Just like with Alaba, Rudiger, Mbappe. They are not in desperate need for a LB. They just won the Spanish league and UCL with Mendy. Mendy isn’t as good as Theo or Davies but he is much better than both defensively.
    Milan best option is to pay Theo because they will not get the money they think they’ll get from his sale. No team out there is so desperate for a LB to pay you 100 mil or even 80 mil.

  5. He is worth the money, probably worth more. He can get +10M in EPL easy. He is world class and is nearly impossible to replace.

    Just pay the guy money he has already earned.

  6. I see idiots mentioning us not paying guys in the past, Donnarumma had 10m on the table and he left anyway due to Raiola not getting his commission, Kessie left and earned the same amount of money we offered him at Barcelona(5.5m) we just didn’t give his agent what he wants in commissions, same goes for Hakan(5m). You need to fact check first before spewing garbage. And for those this wouldn’t have happened if Maldini was here guys, all of those happened under Maldini’s watch. The refusal to negotiate with agents on their commission has always been the main thing, not us giving the players what they want, if they wants to leave he can go ahead and leave and take his stinking attitude and I’ll discipline with him and see if they put up with that rubbish, rats are jumping ship because they know any other coach wouldn’t allow the crap they were allowed by Pioli. No more babying he needs to take responsibility if he wants to wear the armband, especially after a less than satisfactory season filled with I’ll discipline lackluster performances and acting like a 2 year old, Ancelotti is the last person who’s going to tolerate his behaviour back to rotting on the bench at Madrid.

    1. If theos leave I hope you leave with him and anyone like you. You casuals don’t care about the club go support someone else. People like you get off to cardinale

    2. You are just making things up. Donaruma was given big salary during the Chinese ownership. When Maldini was in charge the ownership put a salary cap 4mil and then 4.5mil. So Milan def didn’t offer 5.5mil to anyone back then. And its not Maldini fault cause he worked with what he was allowed. Hakan himself said that if Milan offered him the same as Inter he would have stayed.

  7. No let not pay him 8 million or close to that amount.

    In fact let’s ask him to take a pay cut because this is how football works right?.

    As one of the top three left backs in world football that consistently perform, he doesn’t deserve a pay rise for his service, but a pay cut.

    Abeg, please pay him or negotiate to as close as to his asking salary as possible. Otherwise, cash in now, or loose him for free…when he contract runs out.

    Honestly, if the aim of the owners is to be competitive then we have to have very good players to compete.

      1. Theo should not demand a paycut… for what. He deserves what ever he asks for. If cardinale this broke guy dosnt want then the club settles for who ever is a downgrade to him simple. Milan regress no matter how you look at it and cardinale get richer. Fans get angry and life goes on.

      2. “look how they treated him after that.”

        You mean they sold him to the club he wanted to join to get 9M€/year for his gambling addiction? I don’t see Tonali crying about it anywhere.

        1. No he didnt wanted to join Newcastle, he wanted to stay. And yes he was crying about it, literally. But the club pushed him to leave regardless. But you people always make stuff up to somehow justify the ownership. Not sure if you are even Milan fans or Red Bird fans.

          1. “But you people always make stuff up to somehow justify the ownership. Not sure if you are even Milan fans or Red Bird fans.”

            Justify the ownership? Couldn’t give a **** about them. So… A fan is one who b*tches and whines every f*ng day about the owners and management instead of being positive and trying to see the good things around the club they love? OK then… You haters are funny. 😀 😀 😀

        2. Which player will cry if get salary triple than his current salary ? Wkwkwkwk . Pro arab owner always use tonali as weapon to atack management . Even if you sell theo to PSG and PSG give him 15m euro nett( triple his salary like tonali ) , theo will smile and of course to protect his image like other player ,he will say club pushing to sell him. Football player now chasing money , we cannot blame them , player play for loyalty and love club in the past like paolo maldini ,totti,zanetti only few in 2024

          1. “Which player will cry if get salary triple than his current salary ? Wkwkwkwk ”

            Probably cry a tear or two for happiness.

  8. My guess is that the majority here are kids. If we get 100m for Theo and can reinvest we should easily do it. Let me write it again 1 0 0 M. If that (which is unlikely) to be reinvested we could have 3 possible 4 class players. Theo is world class – acting wise. Defending is is above average. Keep leao sell theo.

    1. And whats the point of having 3-4 more players who are all worse players then him. As Fabio Capelo said you don’t improve a team if you sell a 90 player and then replace him with three players who are at 70 each.

      1. Exactly!!! I still don’t get how these guys don’t pick up on common sense. We sold tonali for 50 and got people who are downgrade to him. These guys are acting like it’s the first time they have seen this management. We sell theo for 100 and we buy 20million worth of players… these guys are paving there own way back to the banter era

      2. “And whats the point of having 3-4 more players who are all worse players then him. ”

        Sure, individually they’ll all most likely be worse (at least in attacking but to be better at defending doesn’t really take much). But then again, it’s a team sport where all the 11 matter. So… If you replace one great player with 3 good ones, the odds are that you are actually strengthening the team.

        You know the saying about putting all eggs in one basket? That applies to sports too.

        1. “So… If you replace one great player with 3 good ones, the odds are that you are actually strengthening the team.”
          Yes but we don’t do that. We replace/replaced good/great players with mostly above average players.
          Also it’s not like we need to sell Theo. What we need to do is to renew to him.

        2. According to your logic mid table teams should be the best since they sell their best players all the time and then replace them with couple of worse ones. But it doesn’t work like that in reality does it. In fact all the winning teams hold on to their core players and build upon that. Or if they lose them they replace them with the same quality. Not with something lesser. You can bring 10 Balo Toures on Theo place and all of them together wont have the impact that Theo has.

          1. “According to your logic mid table teams should be the best since they sell their best players all the time and then replace them with couple of worse ones.”

            Wow. The stupidity is strong with this one. 😀 😀 😀

          2. “In fact all the winning teams hold on to their core players and build upon that. Or if they lose them they replace them with the same quality.”

            You do realize “core” isn’t one or two players? I bet you don’t.

            And how do you replace Theo with “same quality”? You can’t. So it cannot be done and therefore it’s the “get 2-3 players who strengthen the team”. But I feel like banging my head against the wall here trying to educate you.

    2. Agree. Imagine the meltdown these guys would be having if RedBird had sold Kaka to Real? Or Shevchenko to Chelsea? Or gave away Pirlo to Juventus? Some people have very short memories. Or, like you say, they’re all 15.

      1. LOL. Excellent point. But all those sales can still be blamed on the current owners & management. Just like the war in Ukraine. Damn Cardinale. Ruining everything for everyone. 🙂

      2. Pirlo to Juventus was definetly a mistake. He won the scudetto the same season he left us, and then 3 others. I don’t undestand why you thought it was a good example.
        From memory, it was Shevchenko who wanted to leave for Chelsea. You can only do so much when a player wants to leave.
        Also both Kakà and Sheva’s departures were not popular at the time, but again given our recent sucess with Berlusconi, I guess you could give him the benefit of the doubt, this management has so far achieved no result for us to trust them blindly.
        We don’t need to sell Theo, we can afford to renew to him for 8M€ which is what he asked for. If he really wants to leave, there is nothing we can do, but as far as we know, he asked for an improved salary, meaning he is willing to stay and if he is willing to stay, why won’t we renew to him and end this drama ? (I’m being a bit speculative btw, I don’t know what is happening now behind the scenes)

        1. Yep – none of us really know what’s happening. But if it’s true we’re offering 8mil but he thinks he looks better dressed all in white anyway, then he should go is all I’m saying. A player who doesn’t want to be at a club isn’t much use to anyone – and tbh that’s kinda how he looked for stretches of last season.

          1. Most of the reports, rumors and articles seem to indicate it’s the other way around. Theo is the one who asked for 8M€ (and since he did it’s logical to assume he wants to stay) and I didn’t see any rumors or articles about what we’re offering him or if we’re offering him a renewal.

    3. Totally depends on the fee. If he wants to go but we reject say 60mn for him, do we force him to stay and run down his contract, especially if he isn’t motivated to be here any more?

      Agreed if a player wants to leave and you can get a massive fee for him , that’s just good business. But I’m not convinced us slapping a €100mn price tag on him means someone will pay it, even the PL clubs are suffering from FFP recently.

      What I can’t tell is if this frustration has been brewing for a while, or whether this is just him wanting a better contract and he believes in the project. I mean his son and family are settled here, it’s possible it’s being overblown in the media?

  9. What this ungrateful boy forgets is that he wasn’t a star when he came here, he was a Madrid reserve player, unwanted goods, we made him a star. At this point I’m tired of this boy and his attitude, if he doesn’t renew sell him to the highest bidder and get it over with. We can find another Theo. He can go back to warming the bench at Madrid. Out of all the players we signed, he was the only one who wasn’t a prospect. Kessie, Hakan, Tonali all prospects, he was a benchwarmer coming in as a backup for Riccardo Rodriguez and Diego Laxalt, that latter of which we sent on loan anyway.

    1. You cardinale bots can leave before theo. The club the fans love theo as a player. You cardinale bots are the worst thing to happen to this club. Cardinale will be blamed if theo go and rightly so

      1. You are the one who should go along with him, since redbird still the owner and wont go away while you only an unknown online fans lol

    2. Mister man! What are you even saying? You’re comparing him now with what he was when you signed him. Is that not laughable🤣?
      If you didn’t know, know it now that; years of service and personal improvement of an individual are the major criteria for pay rise.
      Stop being emotional about it.
      The right question should be; is he worth it?… and the answer is yes(and more). You can’t keep cheating people in their prime with cheap emotional blackmail.

    3. “We can find another Theo.”
      Name him. The only player close to Theo is Davies, who is either going to Real or staying in Munich. Face it, Theo is irreplaceble.
      Also, yes we made him a star, does that mean he has no right to ask for a rise in salary ? does that mean he should be earning less than other top left backs in the world because we decided as such ?
      If your boss decide to never give you a rise in salary and tells you to be happy for the opportunity he gave you, would you stay ?

  10. Theo played the most games in a defense that was horrendous last season. He had more yellow cards than goal contributions. While we might not find a left back who can rub the length of the field and score, we can find one who is better at actually defending and keeping a cool head. Everyone is replaceable.

      1. I really don’t care if my opinion isn’t shared by the majority of fans. LB first and foremost is a defender, not an additional LW. If he wants to go, then let him go and get a more solid defensive player.

        1. Well then you don’t know anything about the modern game. An attacking left back is a useful and a winger these days.

      2. Children get attached to their favorite players. I support AC Milan. The desire to wear the shirt and represent the club undergirds everything that is done on and off the pitch. Theo asking for an amount he knows we won’t pay because he wants to leave. So go. Anyone who doesn’t want to be here, for any reason, should be shown the door.

        1. We are the most financially healthy club in Italy fact. We are more then capable of paying that and more. Cardinale is a cash grabbing fool. That’s why we don’t pay. He is cheap and this management is a joke I hope they all fail.

    1. I think he’s one of these players who’s either “on” or “off.” We had about 3 months of him definitely being “off” thanks to the World Cup when he got back knackered. Then we had flashes of brilliance in amongst the horrendous defending you mention (although to be fair some of that was as a center back) but overall I agree.

  11. like i said in my other comments before this. we build theo, we made him into a star he his today. if he wants to leave sell him. Let see how he can break that peak himself in madrid as a bench warmer or under Kompany who isn’t sure he will manage bayern till Dec.

    Milan has the same level of confidence that we build and can build new world football stars. and i will love the club to put this sign on the entrance for all of their players to see as they return from their various competitions amid next summer:

    if you are staying. stay and play with your soul. if you want to leave tender your papers and we will offload you were the money smell nice.

    Team milan, Team Cardinale, Team Fonseca.

    This is the house of Cardinale you don’t like it here. there is more room to join Monza fan page or Atlanta page. we don’t need infiltrators even if they are the best i the world

      1. You know its red then black right? And AC means nothing specific without Milan after it- other than you are a fan of Calcio in general. You are an AC fan? AC Carpi, AC Reggiana, AC Prato, AC Monza?

        Being a calcio fan is great. Being a Milanista without knowing this….is stupid

        Learn the basics first maybe?

    1. Man I’m speechless… It’s not like Théo is practicing hard since he’s a little kid to become the player he is today. Almost no holidays, trainings almost every day, etc. Yeah it was a good opportunity for him to start for Milan, that was a poor team at the time of his arrival by the way, but Milan also benefited from him to win a Scudetto and get regular UCL appearance.

      Some here spit at Maldini, Berlusconi, Sacchi, Capello, Ancelotti but worship an a$$hole speaking about IP, ROI, moneyball… There is a flagrant lack of football culture here.

      1. Couldn’t agree more. These fake fans are more worried about the ownership of the club instead of the club itself. Embarrassing to say the least.

    2. You definitelly lick Jerrys balls being unpayed.You just love his scrotum in your mouth!Jerry is an american cartoon you mf.Just like you,pos!
      We are Ac Milan since you weren’t even born you clueless dum tool!

  12. Should the player be grateful for being allowed the chance to develop and grow when given the opportunity where he couldn’t get it before. Or is this a team busy exploiting players by paying below market value. This debate will rage for years without reaching its natural conclusion. Agents and players don’t make sporting but commercial decisions and maybe all should be allowed to live with their decisions. Milan decided on a certain strategy and if it doesn’t work in this current environment where the best players opt out then so be it. But to bash team and player is getting us no where. We will hope for the best, we will continue to celebrate and suffer with Milan. Players come and go and all that remain is a memory, good or bad. Let’s wish for the best solutions during this mercato, complaining about player ungratefulness and club exploitation will always be there. Make peace with a Theo that wants to go, and hope the team will atleast try to retain him. But other than that, let’s get a replacement that will help us along this project.

  13. RedBird will keep him and try renew him until his age 31 ( 5 years contract) . He deserve same salary with leao ( 7m euro nett) ,both are important player for ACM . But if he want to leave , then let him leave as long as his new club can pay 100m euro, he will leave someday too, you all cannot forcing him retire at ACM and play his entire career at ACM

  14. Media is just throwing random amounts out there. mIke was asking 8mil, now Theo… 8mil seems to be the magic number, LOL!!!


    1. People losing their minds over unconfirmed stories with made up numbers…. Again, “US against THEM”, especially when there are things you can’t control. Then you have to find an OUT group and blame them for ALL the problems.

      Not like we all support the same club or anything…

  15. He was nobody when he came to Milan
    So if he want to leave wish him best of luck then, and another nobody is waiting for same opportunity to take then, up Milan

  16. If the story is true, then, he’s doing what anyone else in his shoes would do. You either offer them better pay to keep them, or sell them off for good profit before their contracts expire. We can’t keep making our players look like greedy bastards each time they ask for better pay. Whatever they are asking for, will still be priced down by Milan, before an agreement is reached.

  17. In football everyone is replaceable look at Donnaruma and Mike or you guys forgot. 100 millions we give you Calabria on a free as bonus.

  18. You guys can’t be calling people kids and then be fine with the sale of a key player like Theo. That means you really don’t how teams are built or how projects are constructed. We already had the ‘star player sale’ last year. No need to do that this year. At this point in time wrt the project, it’s either we choose a certain path or we don’t. We can break out wage cap for certain players or we sell them thereby pulling the project back a year or two. Ofc we can get a left back from Theo’s sale. It will take some time for a new (presumably young) player to get up to speed. Plus you lose a core player. A consistent core wins you trophies. Constantly selling due to our own imposed caps means we’ll always have churn and that’s more difficult to win trophies. And that will distinguish which sort of ownership/management we’re under

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