CorSera: ‘Immediate change’ needed for Milan to avoid heavy international break

By Isak Möller -

Tonight’s clash between AC Milan and Lazio is already a decisive one for Paulo Fonseca, as a report highlights this morning. Following two very disappointing performances, and zero wins, the manager must things things around ahead of the break. 

As Fonseca himself admitted after the Parma game, defending and playing like Milan have so far won’t get them anywhere. Echoed by today’s edition of Corriere della Sera (via MilanNews), the manager knows that an immediate turning point is needed.

The game against Lazio this evening, therefore, must act as that and Fonseca wants to see a completely different Milan on the pitch. Above all, he wants to see a better attitude and this has been a worrying aspect of the first two games, especially among the stars.

Even though we are only in the third round of the season, Milan already have their backs against the wall and simply cannot afford to fail against Lazio. Without a significant change, some difficult evaluations will have to be made during the international break.

Kick-off is set for 20:45 CEST and according to the latest reports, Fonseca could bench Theo Hernandez and Rafael Leao in an attempt to spark some life into the team.

Tags AC Milan Lazio Paulo Fonseca


  1. Each game, Fonseca says the same stuff, promises a different team, and then disaster strikes. Against Lazio it will be the same. He is listening to the haters who bash Rafa and Theo as “lazy.” What the haters are calling ballsy, is just nonsense. Terracciano instead of Theo? Pfftt…

    People will say, “yeah, bench them, nobody is bigger than Milan, this will teach them” but this is misguided; when we play without Rafa and Theo, our offense doesn’t do well.

    Yes, we do depend on our best players. Most teams that only have a few great players like our current team (at least until our new players get into match form) depend on their best players. That’s normal.

    Bash Rafa and Theo all you want. You’ll see what the result of this nonsense will be. We’ll alienate our best players, we’ll lose to Lazio, and Fonseca will lose the locker room.

    Hello, Giampaolo Fonseca. Soon, good bye to you.

    1. Agree, and also Mr Ibra, Mr Moncada, Mr Furlani, their knowledge level is far away from to make it Milan back in Glory track.

    2. Did you watch any of Madrid games? There team have been terrible upfront. Even though they have the best trio a team can have. Sometimes star players are greedy they want to score, they don’t play for the team, they don’t defend.

      I think benching them is the right choice. Our team did play some nice football before the season started. Milan played more like a team and it wasn’t only because they are friendly games but because everyone on the pitch was working for the team and not themselves.

      1. It’s true that we played better games during the preseason. However, we were up against teams that play offensively themselves, which made the games more open than they were against Turin or Parma.

      2. Madrid has been terrible… after winning the league and the UCL??? Yes, they will have some trouble, including because Mbappé is a troublemaker and is already clashing with Vini Jr. But they will gel and be great as usual.

        Benching Theo and Rafa is not the right choice. They are being scapegoated but they are just exhausted after the Euro and their late start to the pre-season. Without them we never play well. You’ll see.

        I watched all pre-season games. We played against a bunch of youth players. We also had a bunch of youth players who were trying to impress. Sure, we did well. But that’s not official season games against seasoned grown-ups.

        1. Since the start of the Season!!! They played against a second team Atalanta. The only time they scored 3 goals it came from Endrick ,Diaz and Valverde. The point is star players need to be benched sometimes.

        2. “Benching Theo and Rafa is not the right choice. They are being scapegoated”

          LOL. Last time i checked football was still a team sport and individuals who don’t put an effort for the team should not play. What did Theo do to deserve to be a starter today? Absolutely nothing. When he’s ready to play, he’ll play. Meanwhile those who are willing to fight for the team will/should play. Simple.

        3. They are not the only players who played in the Euros and moreover they had their holiday rest before joining the team. When you are call to work you do your job perfecting after requesting for huge amount of money to renew contract

    3. Luigi, I’m on your side. I also think Fonseca should have stuck with one formation/Line up. I would have kept Chuku in the starting lineup against Parma and play puli as AM. And against Lazio i would only ad Fofana and maybe Emerson…. We’ll see how the game turns out. However, if we lose, fonseca will face massive criticism.

    4. It’s been two games lol.

      Also, this Milan team has always struggled when they press high, ESPECIALLY against quick counter-attacking teams.

      Still being haunted by some trash ass player from Spezia owning our defense on the counter.

      I would be SURPRISED if he benches Theo with no LB on the team. Terracciano is super ass at this point. He was getting cooked in preseason by academy players lol

      1. Man we have that rhetoric for more than a year now. It’s only July, it’s only August, it’s only September, it’s only two games. There is a trend. And Milan didn’t even play the best teams in the league yet…

    5. Will you be AC Milan’s next coach?
      How do you personally interact with these players, on-field and the locker room?
      Why won’t you allow Zorro fail at his job before prophesing?
      Some never supported Piolismo before the trophy, then he fails. Guess it was time he left.
      Please do not be a prophet of doom on our Lazio game all because you want one person out hereby wishing we all fail, that is absolutely unfair.
      Give him some time, I believe we all shall understand ourselves. Things can never be smooth at the start especially with our management decisions. Let’s be calm and criticise constructively.

      1. Who says I wish Milan to fail? I will be happy if I’m wrong and we win. I’m just afraid I’m right and we will lose. I will NEVER root against Milan. But I’m entitled to expressing my concerned opinion before the game.

  2. To put it in perspective from all the comments in these articles and others. However you look at it, “tired”, “out of form”, “mentally exhausted”, “not in the right frame”.. All means, you are not at a certain level and condition to play which means sit on the bench. Nothing personal.

    1. Unless the replacements are even worse. Do you actually believe that Terracciano will do better than even an off-form Theo?

  3. This coach is a fool and a clown rolled in one. If milan plays with the team that we read, then simply await a disastrous result …. thank god lazio are no big shake these days!!!!

  4. What a mess.

    Now – The same Redbird Lovers who are screaming to not panic about Fonseca that “it’s only 2 games, etc…” must also say (in regards to Leao and Theo etc…) that it is ALSO “only two games” and have faith that your star players will improve

    BUT of course that would mean they have some sense of logic – and that would require hell to freeze over🤣 – soooo NAH! hahahahahaha

    Well I will say this for Fonseca – he has some balls – that – OR he is panicking and is completely unsure of himself. Ya more likely. That is scary and not what real coaches do. They stick with it. Have some faith in their players. BUT he already bailed on Jovic – despite management telling us we didn’t need to sign a backup to Morata because we had Jovic!! Even tho nobody wanted him??? Hahahahahah – so we signed Abraham! LOL. BUT now Jovic is preventing us from getting Rabiot???? Hahahahaha!! You cannot make this $h*t up.

    I mean honestly, should we be surprised from such a mediocre coach? Solid hire by management. Anyone have Xavi or Conceciaio’s number??? Tell him Ibra, ummm I mean God himself is calling from a sat phone in the Alps!

    Well I guess IF it fails: he just sealed his fate and should be fired

    BUT I also guess if it works – do we win? Or does he risk alienating Leo and Theo for the season after only 2 games?


    Too early to take this gamble IMO – but we shall see. More fkn drama by Redturd!! Oops I meant Redbird!

    Good times

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