CorSera: Milan aiming to make one signing per department in the summer

By Oliver Fisher -

There are still four games remaining until the end of the 2023-24 season, but a lot of the speculation surrounding AC Milan at the moment is regarding the future rather than the present.

This morning’s edition of Corriere della Sera (via MilanNews) reports that everyone’s minds are already turned to the future and in particular to the choice of the new coach who will replace Stefano Pioli.

The process to identify his successor is open and at the moment the names that are in the running are as follows: Sergio Conceiçao of Porto, Paulo Fonseca of Lille, Roberto De Zerbi of Brighton and Mark van Bommel of Antwerp.

The paper adds that it is a decision that the management absolutely have to get right, because everything else depends on it, especially the summer transfer window.

Milan will need at least three significant signings – one for each department – to consolidate the squad and make it even more competitive. That means a striker, a midfielder and a defender.

Given how far ahead Inter are in the league the directors will have to try and bridge the gap with a good summer mercato, though it does seem unlikely there will be as much business as last summer when 10 players arrived.

Tags AC Milan


  1. We realistically need 2 CBs, the only quality, in-his-prime and modern defender we have is Tomori.

    Thiaw and Kalulu are huge question marks, Kjaer is finished, Simic needs time and Gabbia is a great rotation option but shouldn‘t be a starter.

    1. No , just buy one CB enough like bungiorno or scalvini. Next season CB should be tomori , gabbia,thiaw,new defender, kalulu ( if no one from them out in summer) . You cannot have 6-7CB if the new coach using 433 or 4231

  2. A lot are saying “Gabbia shouldn’t be a starter”.

    But I miss a particular statistic that would indicate why is that so. Or is it because he’s just not flashy enough for our spoiled audience?

    1. I like him but he still makes mistakes and doesn’t have the recovery speed of Tomori.
      I do believe it is important to keep him in the squad though since he is hard working, makes a lot of his talent and is and identification player.
      He is a truely valuable bench option, and the bench is part of what wins you silverware.
      Players like him are important to serve as a bench mark and as a reminder that however talented another CB might be there is a hard worker ready to take his place should he slag too much.

    2. He’s not selling jerseys in Texas 🙁

      It was already a mistake to let him go last summer, he was good when he played in 2022. He plays well, he brings grinta to this lazy team and he’s da Milan. I would keep him at least in the rotation.

  3. If we take into account that we need players who can seriously raise the level of the game with their quality, we also have to count on a high price. Such three players would, more or less, cost around 100 million! This probably means the sale of at least one such quality player of ours! somehow it seems to me that this summer, with the change of coach, will be quite dramatic as far as the changes on the field are concerned.

    1. This what happen when your sport director is mediocre. Great game canger player can come wit super low money if they creative enough in the market. But sadly yours just lack it.

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