Mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala

CorSera: ‘No incompatibility’ – Milan respond to Sala’s claims regarding new stadium

AC Milan have officially responded to Mayor Giuseppe Sala’s comments regarding his perception that both Milanese clubs cannot build new stadiums.

Sala spoke at an event to mark Republic Day and he was asked about the idea that Milan and Inter will both construct new homes outside the city limits, in San Donato and Rozzano more specifically.

He fired a warning of sorts to the clubs, because he revealed his belief that it is not feasible for the Rossoneri and the Nerazzurri to each construct new stadiums ‘so close together’.

As MilanNews write, the Milanese edition of the Corriere della Sera is headlined this morning: ‘Stadium in San Donato: Milan attack Sala’ and it contains the response from the club regarding Sala’s comments.

“Regarding what has been reported by the media on the new stadium project in San Donato, AC Milan underlines that the proposal presented insists on a private and buildable area, on which there was already an approved Integrated Intervention Plan, which allows the construction of 108,000m² of GFA.

“As reiterated several times, the area involved in the construction of the Stadium does not fall within the Southern Milan Agricultural Park, it is not a green space, but is currently abandoned and degraded.

“Following the planning of the Municipality of San Donato, which identified it as an Area of ​​Intervention for urban regeneration, Sport Life City (a company controlled by AC Milan, owner of the land) is operating with the State Police and the Municipality of San Donato to reclaim the entire area and make it safe, freeing it from crime and bad habits.

“The sector benefits from infrastructures such as the San Donato station, reachable by the railway link, and the MM3 metro stop, which is only 1.2km away. The nearby Rogoredo station is conveniently connected with high-speed railway lines from Naples, Rome, Florence, Bologna, Turin and Venice.

“The site can also be reached via the A1 motorway, for which new exits and entrances are expected, and from the pre-existing Metanopoli ring road, which already has a junction.

“Furthermore, several studies on traffic flows, also carried out recently, have highlighted the absence of critical issues in accessing the new stadium.

“The project finds no incompatibility with the possible construction of a new Inter stadium in Rozzano. The distance between the two structures would in fact be 13km as the crow flies (18km by car), while for example in the city of London there are eight stadiums built at even much shorter distances.”

In essence, the club have outlined how there are no grounds to half Milan’s San Donato plan because of anything to do with Inter build in Rozzano. It seems Sala is desperate to get the clubs to consider his ‘save San Siro’ project in collaboration with the firm WeBuild.

Tags AC Milan


  1. Has Sala ever been to London? Sometimes I wonder about this man, the people who voted for him should be ashamed.

  2. Like Sala cares about San Siro. It’s not his money. He’s just trying to build himself a good reputation, he probably has high ambitions after Milan. Maybe the region of Lombardy, maybe even the Italian government. This mf said nothing when they built the world Expo on green lands and he was the president.

    But that part is funny though: “reclaim the entire area and make it safe, freeing it from crime and bad habits.” I’ve been there, it’s true that it’s abandoned but that’s it. Last time they said there were drug addicts, now it’s crime. Next time it’s terrorists I guess.

    PR vs PR, liars vs liars, let’s get ready to rumble haha

  3. The only incompatibility I see here is Mayor Sala actually acting as a real mayor.
    I’d pay a great deal of cash to see him shoved into a cannon and then shot directly into a wall as he seem to nothing but trying to put road blocks up for the club and has been doing so since he assumed office.

    1. Actually I think he’s just saying what he thinks people want to hear as he’s supposed to represent the citizens of Milan. Most people care more about their taxes than football haha

      San Siro has been a big topic during the last Lombardy elections, last year. Taxpayers care because San Siro is the property of Milan, meaning the property of the taxpayers. Maybe Sala thought he had leverage and he was trying to keep the teams, make them pay a rent. Maybe he’s corrupted and he was trying to push both teams out so San Siro can be destroyed and sold to real estate developers. The area is very, very expensive and I guess many private companies would love to build expensive condos there. I know San Siro is protected right now but I can’t believe that they won’t find a loophole, it would be too expensive to keep, especially if there’s already competition for concerts and events at Milan and Inter own stadiums.

      1. He probably is and sure it would probably come back and bite people in their rear ends tax wise if both clubs leaves san siro but that isn’t or at least shouldn’t be AC Milans problem.

        Yeah I know even though I follow italian politics fairly little nowadays. I doubt that by now that there is any chance that it will be demolished becase I think its by 2027 that the second ring will reach the status of culture heritage or whatever they call it but sure i can imagine a lot of contractors would have loved to build there, Both clubs will still be there by that time and I think there is already planned some sporting event that year as well. Besides of that I’m pretty sure that San Siro also is a candidate for the cl that year.

        Milano will just have to deal with their own modern colloseum. Finally with the bad luck we have had in regard of our new stadium I wouldn’t be too surprised that when they actually start to dig in the area they will do some archelogical finds and the build will stop again 🙁

        1. Hahaha it would be funny, especially since I would love to stay at San Siro, but they build a lot of stuff in and around Milan these days and they don’t find anything archeological. I’m sure if they find something, they remove it before someone can stop the work haha

          Btw it’s off topic but how is it going for you with the UE elections? I know we share the some political sensibility. It’s going very, very bad in France and Italy is just following its usual poor way with politics. I’m tired of seeing posters with Berlusconi or Meloni on public buses… Even more than the black and blue flags with the two stars on it 🙁

          1. Ideally for sentimental reasons it would be grood staying there but if we really wanna take the leap as a club I’m affraid that there is no way around it. I was very much against moving away from the stadium for many years though and certainly didn’t like the idea of us building a 40k stadium while Barbara Berlusconi was at the club. I guess it will depend how big the archelogical find is 😀

            I cant really say I care as much about EU but yeah I’ve seen that there are some worrying tendencies happening in those countries in regard of the right wing. I can nevertheless understand that those countries are more inclined to maybe vote that way because they have some rather huge immigrant issues combined with parallel societies. What i really worry about there is if it endsup splitting up the European joint force against Russia, that would be a dangerous path in my view.

          2. Yeah the far right in France is seemingly linked to Russia and all of this is very shady. We also recently had antisemitic paintings in the streets of Paris that are reportedly the act of Russia to destabilise the opinion. But the shift in politics in France has more to do with the current government acting like criminals than the migrants. Anyway it’s well known that you’re happier in the north haha

  4. Did he dont know that liverpool & everton stadium more closer than san donato to rozzano ? Beside inter cannot build stadium yet, not until oaktree find new buyer so inter will stay at san siro while ACM moving to san donato , case clear. And it is still long waiting to 2029 for new stadium,at the time we dont know if sala still mayor or not

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