CorSport: Bennacer out, new signing in – Milan want to address midfield balance

By Oliver Fisher -

AC Milan could sell Ismael Bennacer this summer and use the proceeds to bring in a more defensive-minded replacement, according to a report.

This morning’s edition of Corriere dello Sport (via MilanNews) has a segment with the following headline: ‘The Diavolo’s idea: Fofana for Bennacer’. Milan are looking for a defensive midfielder and a profile that is very popular among the management is Youssouf Fofana.

The 25-year-old has become a pillar of a Monaco side that secured a Champions League spot with a second-placed finish this season and he is also a started for the French national team. He would cost around €25m, given he has just a year left on his deal.

The paper goes on to state that the signing of Fofana could be financed by the sale of Ismael Bennacer, who continues to be the subject of speculation regarding a possible exit after half a decade at Milan.

In addition to Fofana, one of Milan’s targets for the midfield is also Renato Veiga of Basel. The Portuguese midfielder is about to turn 21, the Rossoneri have had an eye on him for some time and have observed him with great attention throughout this season.

He is an alternative to keep in mind during the upcoming mercato, especially given the almost certain arrival of his compatriot Paulo Fonseca.

Tags AC Milan Ismaël Bennacer Renato Veiga Youssouf Fofana


  1. Let’s get rid of Pobega too who in my opinion is useless. He runs around the pitch like he’s the referee and he’s watching the game instead of playing in the game.

    I don’t understand what Pioli saw in him to convince management to bring him back from Torino instead of using him to get Ricci.

    I am so relieved the Pioli era is over. Sigh!

    1. I agree. Pobega’s skillset is below what Milan requires. I just don’t know that we can get anything decent for him. And I wouldn’t be against Bennacer leaving to bring in a second DM. I like Benny but he hasn’t been the same since the injury.

      I know I’ve said it before, but I really believe in Musah. If Fonseca can develop him in his time at Milan, then his tenure will have been a success for me. Musah has a lot to give, but he’s young and raw. There’s a good DM in him.

      I bet if Fonseca played Musah regularly next to whatever DM we bring in, Musah would get a lot better in a hurry. Pioli tried him in so many awkward positions, it was almost criminal.

          1. funny i agree with “inter fan” . Musah is 21, and like a lot of 21 yr old, he’s an idiot.
            He’s shown potential imho.

      1. Yeah Bennecer has not been the same at all since the injury. Musah has talent but he needs to figure out his position quickly, he says he prefers to play as a #8 but he lacks finesse passing the ball…

      2. Musah is the most useless player I have ever seen in the red and black colours .
        A player without pass in his pad controller

      3. Love the benefit of doubt given to last season’s blow in whilst rejecting a youth player and star of our Scudetto winning side…

        Musah has shown himself incapable of passing 5 yards or of making decisions in under 5 minutes.

        There’s nothing a coach can do with that.

        Pobega on the other hand actually passes the ball, tackles and scores!

        Bennacer tends to hold onto the ball too long but he has his moments of genius (and crucial goals). Plus he’s one of our longest serving players and we’ve just lost our coach and two most senior players.

  2. Thank you for all your contribution Bennacer. Your career would be better at other club rather than stick with a sinking ship that got holed by it’s owner.

  3. Lol I dont get why people bashing Musah. Hes a very good player. He just needs work on his finishing but overall hes decent

  4. Said it years ago, Bennacer is limited as a player, lacks physicality to be a number 1 midfielder. He needs to be shielded and covered by
    1 stronger and then 1 more skilled, quicker 1 vs 1 players in a midfield. He was exposed and made it obvious to me in our matches vs Inter. Deer in a headlight performances. If they can get 40 to 45 mill for him, they should sell him.

    I would even consider trading to the Saudi club that has Kessie. He was the one we should have never let out of our grasp. Our best at blocking shots, open play goals from midfield, recovering balls and best long ball completion percentage. He was worth the money he asked and was tailored to our style of play. It was the most ridiculous decision ever taken because he asked for more than the moneyball computer geaks had for a salary cap. The money spent on our midfield on 4 players has yet to cover the loss of what he brought to the field. It was more expensive to get mediocre players than it would have been to keep him.

    1. “The money spent on our midfield on 4 players has yet to cover the loss of what he brought to the field” 1000% facts.

  5. funny how people want to sell bennacer n keep musah… Musah does not even know who to pass the ball to…. ben is 10 times d player TJ is…tj dat just carries the ball n starts running headlessly, dribbling even his teammates… we still have pobega in d team..and u all want ben as d sacrificial lamb…. ok no problem

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