CorSport: De Ketelaere could return to Milan amid Atalanta’s doubts – the situation

By Euan Burns -

Charles De Ketelaere could be an AC Milan player again this summer with Atalanta beginning to question whether they want to make the Belgian’s loan deal permanent. 

As reported by Corriere dello Sport (via Radio Rossonera), La Dea may not keep De Ketelaere which means Milan are set to miss out on a transfer fee that had been budgeted for.

The Belgian has spent the last season on loan at Atalanta and the Bergamaschi have until June 14 to decide whether they will exercise the option to keep him or not, which would mean paying Milan €23m and €3m in bonuses, on top of the €2m loan fee that has already been paid.

Considering how good De Ketelaere has been for Atalanta, it would be a shock if they did not sign him. As it turns out, Gian Piero Gasperini’s side are having doubts over the agreed fee and the 10% Milan would be owed on any future sale.

As well as trying to renegotiate those figures, the club are wondering whether he is actually the right sporting fit for the next stage of this team under Gasperini.

If he does not sign, Milan will have to either find a role for him or seek a new transfer.

Tags AC Milan Atalanta Charles De Ketelaere


  1. I’m not sure I agree with myself, but…

    maybe he’s our solution?

    He’s had a year to build confidence now and he’s clearly a good player – he still has a tendency to disappear from games but you know who else does – Zirkzee.

    If he had never played for Milan and was actually on Atalanta’s books last season, you can guarantee we would be being linked with him.

    The problem is, if we went down this road, the board would be accused of cheating out.

    1. All depends how Foncesa lines up. If it’s a 4231 or 433 like we being told then I highly doubt we will keep CDK. If however he will play 2 upfront then keeping CDK could work but other clubs will be interested after the season he’s just had so I still think he will be sold.

  2. keep him and buy zirkzee? you can keep jovic too if his wage demands are not too high and have a decent attack to rely on for once

  3. With Saelemakers seemingly coming back to us and now perhaps CDK, our “100M budget” would more like a 60M-70M. If we sign Zirkzee, we will pretty much remain with something like 10M, with the club linked to CBs, RBs and we won’t even have a DM.

    1. CDK is getting bought out. Not sure why Atalanta are trying to haggle. They know they have a player on their hands.

      ZERO chance Alexis is staying. They will offload him, just because the players we have on the RT are far better quality than him.

  4. Atalanta will get 40M from Juventus for Koopmeiners, they’ll pay. Even if De Ketelaere wants to leave Bergamo, they can sell him to PL for more.

      1. That would be the best solution or Milan would be able to sell him to an EPL club. But Koopmeiners would be great for our squad.

      1. And yet Giuntoli is ready for a big summer. He managed to fire Allegri for cheap. They’ll sell McKennie to PL, Chiesa is on the market, Vlahovic as well. Di Gregorio and Koopmeiners are almost done deals, they’re going for Greenwood now. They should be way better next season.

        1. That’s a different story if they’re flipping players. Doubt they’ll be that better tho. I do like Motta and he has potential but he isn’t a miracle worker and that juve team is far from being ready to challenge for anything

        1. He is a striker/center forward, but with Atalanta it was within a 2 striker system and even in Brugges, he often played in a 2 striker system. But he was rarely used as an attacking midfielder aside from us.

    1. That would be a disaster.

      3 players in Leao,CDK,Zirkzee that like to stroll around and have no work ethiic.
      Never mind having 2 “second strikers” in CDK and Zirkzee, neither of whom are efficient goal scorers.

      We would top the table ok, the table for missed chances!

      1. “3 players in Leao,CDK,Zirkzee that like to stroll around and have no work ethiic.”


        Umm ya sure. 😂

  5. Beats me that 14goals and 10 assist later that this is still a ponderable…wonder if Atalanta has another player with more contributions for them to doubt making the investment. The Italian market is a difficult market…look at Bologna snubbing Saelemaekers….

    1. CDK suits more to quick passing game, he won’t succeed here in milan with our conservative possesion football/slow moving playstyle

      If Fonseca can change this, then he will have his time here. And me too, will prepare more popcorn if we play attractively for 90 minutes.

      1. Fonseca doesn’t play slow football, if you’ve seen how Shakhtar, Roma and Lille play they play possession based attacking football, and he likes a good Trequartista/Fantasista. He managed to squeeze 13 goals out of Mkhitaryan at Roma by playing him as a Trequartista. He might actually want De Ketelaere as his Fantasista behind who ever lines up Infront.

  6. I pray Milan keeps him because he’s very young fast and still developing. If we keep him definitely with the confidence he has now Milan will be explosive in attack. All we need to do is buy good defenders (central and right back)
    We can loan kalulu out also

  7. Him coming back is a good one for everyone, he has potential, Fonseca needs to see him during the pre season, and then taking a decision, he would be good behind the striker, above all let the coach havAn open mind and asses him…

  8. I think they’ll cash in eventually, they’re just trying to blackmail and squeeze a bit.

    If not, I believe there are EPL clubs lining up for him.

    Either way he’s not staying in Milan.

  9. if you’ve seen how Shakhtar, Roma and Lille play under Fonseca, they play possession based attacking football, and he likes a good Trequartista/Fantasista. He managed to squeeze 13 goals out of Mkhitaryan at Roma by playing him as a Trequartista. He might actually want De Ketelaere as his Fantasista behind who ever lines up Infront.

  10. Milan should not negotiate any discount. Atalanta is just trying to put pressure on MIlan. If they don’t want it (I doubt it, I think they do want him) we’ll sell him for more to the EPL.

    I DO NOT want CDK to return as a MIlan player. He did well with Atalanta but won’t do well with Milan. We’ve been through it already; he is useless for our system (which Fonseca apparently will keep).

  11. I hope he stays at Atalanta.
    That club and especially Gasperini know how to work with him and I want him to succeed.
    Milan on the other hand dumped him after one bad season (yes dumped as they put the transfer option there).

    If he was about to leave Atalanta, then I hope he will join a good team like Roma.
    Chiesa (rumours) + Dybala + CdK would be a great team

  12. We need to find a way to sell him, to use that money for CF/CDM. Especially if they’re insisting on spending €20m for another RB.

  13. Better sell him. Atalanta needs him more than us. Fonseca needs to see how to integrate Leao + Zirksee + Pulisic, with Jovic, Okafor and Chukwueze giving support from the bench or tweaking the attacking line up.

    CDK will only be an additional puzzle, and like he says, he wants to play as a starter.

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