CorSport: Kalulu expected to ask for pay quintupling after switching agents

By Oliver Fisher -

AC Milan will restart their work on Pierre Kalulu’s renewal with his new agency after the defender chose to switch representatives, a report claims.

Corriere dello Sport (via MilanNews) reports that renewals will be a hot topic for Milan in the coming weeks with Rafael Leao and Ismael Bennacer’s contract situations on the table, but also that Kalulu with whom the discussions have been going on for some time now.

The 22-year-old recently changed power of attorney and will now rely on Stellar Sport, one of the most powerful agencies in the world footballing scene, and this change could affect the figures required for an extension.

At the moment Kalulu earns about €400k net per season and would like that amount to be quintupled to around €2m net per year, while Milan’s idea is to recognise his hard work and his development and to lock him up until 2027 which would be a two-year extension.

Tags AC Milan Pierre Kalulu


  1. 2M is nothing for a player of his quality. Without him I seriously doubt we would have won Scudetto. All things considered, this should be the easiest renewal of them all.

  2. Shiva if we give him a huge salary at the age of 20, how much would we give him by the time he reaches 30yrs old??? 10m???
    When you are at AC Milan’s level in term of finance, you don’t splash money around, you need to spend wisely and thinking about the future too…
    We are not City, PSG or Chelsea , WE ARE MILAN!!!

    1. 2M is a joke for a player if his caliber.

      If we want to be competitive, want to grow and keep our talents for a long time, so they can grow with the club, we need to be able to pay them their worth. Sadly, their worth is determined by oil and PL clubs, so we either get on board with that, or we admit we are no longer a big club, able to compete on the highest level and we keep losing our best players to those that can afford them.

      It’s a hard pill to swallow, but it really is as simple as that, either pay up, or shut up.

    2. Also, I think you misunderstood me. I’m saying they should give him 2M he wants right way. It’s a no-brainer because he is worth more.

    3. Rashad that 2m contract goes until 2027 when the player is 25. Unless he manages to score double digits every season and keep 38 clean sheets I doubt he’ll be able to seek another 5x his salary at that point. Additionally we keep players as long as they serve us. By 2027 we may have the next edition 20 year old to replace him at a far lower salary. People need to keep this in mind with Leao too. Just because we agree to pay him 7m net a season on a five year deal does not mean he’ll in fact play here and be paid that full contract. Players can be sold at any point.

    4. ofc if by the time he reaches 30 he becomes the defender of real good quality and he is one of the best defenders (top5) in the world, ofc we should pay 10M. And this we are Milan attitude. Dude if we want to get back to the top level in football. Winning CLs and Winning leagues we have to shell out wages for players who are reaching the level. if we don’t quite simply we will never ever reach that level back.

      1. Disagree. There will always be more players coming up to replace those getting long in the tooth asking for huge salaries. Sign him to this deal and keep an eye out for the next version of him. They will come and keep coming….

        1. This year we could be lying Romagnoli 3.5m to be our CB instead we are paying Kalulu 400k who is arguably better. We should continue this strategy.

      2. What Milan Attitude? Everyone knows Milan nowdays is not the same with Milan 20 years ago that ended up bring us to this misery before elliot save us.How can you paid a player 10M nett if you only have 200-300M revenues

  3. Anything between 2 to 2.2m is reasonable for till 2027 and option of another year….tie him up because players of his caliber who can perform both as cb and rb effectively well is hard to find…hopefully by then we will be able to increase our revenue and act more effectively. This renewal as mentioned by shiva should be easier on paper…

  4. i never criticized any Milan players & coach, this last few seasons.
    but when it came to the owner’s, it’s another story, it’s either you have the money or not!
    don’t bite off more than you can chew.

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