CorSport: Vos, Kone, Rabiot and sales – Milan’s midfield remains under construction

The final two days of AC Milan’s summer transfer window will be focused on the midfield, with more signings possible and more sales potentially needed to make them possible.

As reported by Corriere dello Sport (via Milan News), plenty of names are swirling around Milan’s midfield both in terms of incoming and outgoings.

The major deal for Milan was to get Youssouf Fofana through the door, who had been pursued for the entire summer. Ajax youngster Silvano Vos has his medical booked but he is not expected to be an immediate first-team player.

Milan are continuing to work on a deal for Manu Kone from Borussia Monchengladbach and Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Geoffrey Moncada have reportedly struck an agreement on personal terms with the player.

The club are asking for at least €25m for the Frenchman and Milan do not intend to reach that figure. The most important factor in that signing is that Ismael Bennacer needs to be sold in order to make space for Kone.

There is intention to sell Bennacer but no offers have come in for the Algerian just yet. The other player to keep an eye on is Adrien Rabiot who Milan could swoop for late in the window.

Tags AC Milan Adrien Rabiot Ismaël Bennacer Manu Kone Silvano Vos


    1. It doesn’t matter, he should be able to get ready soon with all his attributes. Wanna see 3 world class MF (not mofo) R-F-R (Reindeers, Fofona, Rabiet)

  1. What a bizarre Mercato

    So last summer we bought RLC, Musah, Reijnders. 2 of them not good enough to be starters – 60m spent

    Now we are signing Fofana plus another randomer like Kone

    Can someone please let them know its quality not quantity that we need.

    In that time frame we will have dumped Tonali, Bennacer, Krunic, Adli and Pobega

    Is this any upgrade?

    At striker we are bringing in Abraham after signing Morata. Again quantity over quality.

    What system are we building a team for?
    We don’t have any attacking midfielders and we play 4231???
    So management buy for 433 and coach plays 4231? Do they talk to each other?

    Last but not least we sold Kalulu to bring in Emerson? I think most fans already see this as a down grade

    Its all very very bizarre.

    Fonseca said he wants to keep Alexis and now he is being swapped?
    I guess we are not going to play 4231 then?

    Oh did I mention the upgrade of Fonseca over Pioli?

    It seems we are swapping out pieces for similar pieces and disrupting the squad with no real plans or consideration.

    Its beyond bizarre at this point

    1. It smacks of too many middle managers justifying their existence by being busy….

      Like when consultants take over a business and start growing like parasites.

      1. “If it doesn’t work out for first half season”
        Then there always is the second half of the season to keep repeating ones mistakes 😛

    2. I wrote the same yesterday, it’s so messy and disorganised. I really wonder how they are going to pull out of this during the next month

    3. “It seems we are swapping out pieces for similar pieces and disrupting the squad with no real plans or consideration.”

      You said it all. 2nd is well enough for this management, they said it over and over. Milan is not competing for trophies. So why should they upgrade a team that finished 2nd. Just swap the departing players. Just sell and buy guys so there’s a sense of novelty for the fans. This team is managed by bankers and marketers.

    4. We didn’t dumb Bennacer, those Saudi rumors were false.

      Tonali is the only major hit to our lineup, Fofana and Reijnders are beasts, Musah a bit too raw, hence why the Kone rumors started. We have Liberalli, Zeroli and Eletu waiting for chances.

      RLC is the only liability which some people like for some reason…

      1. I hope Eletu can make the leap, he has a lot of potential.
        Though he has had absences due to injury and contract disputes, so we may never see him in the senior team

    1. Exactly – I like Kone but we don’t really need him, unless we ship out RLC or Musah which I can’t see happening. No idea why we’re going for a slight upgrade on positions we already filled two, three times over.

      1. Torino looks in good shape, if Roma refuse direct purchase of Saelemakers, swap Saelemakers with Ricci + 5M.

        Sell RLC and terminate Jovic. get Kone for 15M and 30M for Jonathan David (1 year left on contract can play as N10 and won’t interfere with Camarda).

        8.5/10 mercato

        1. Terminate Jovic? Sure, that’ll happen. As it has happened with Origi & Ballo-Tourette too. LOL. Video-gamers… 😀 😀 😀

  2. I hate to say this but Juventus management did an amazing job this summer, first they got Motta then they spent around 90-100 mil for De Grigorio, Kalulu and look at theirs midfielders Thuram, Douglas Luis, Koop im audition to their existing midfielders.
    Look at us… we spent around 85-90 mil and we play with a midfield Loftus- Musah and a Fofana who still needs to be seen how good he is. No striker no RB improvements and we already have 4 injured players already.

    1. Not to mention the wingers they signed.

      Juve, Roma, Atalanta have all had more impressive mercatos than Milan, which looks like a mess.
      Hopefully Fofana and Pavlovic work out well, the rest is no upgrade

      1. Even Napoli pulling up… ironically this type of management style cause Napoli to drop 10 place…

        Why spend 30M on J.David? Why get a regista and a defensive CDM?

        Even top 4 might be a challenge. We have to fight Roma, Atalanta and Napoli for final 2 positions.

  3. Bs site stop promoting Vos as some notorious achievement of these clowns when the kid is just another roback ment to be sent to futuro or primavera.

  4. How many people who hate Milan comment on this portal. Or they support Milan, but they play a lot of video games and their brains are boiled. First, we brought in 4 players targeted and two of them proved to be real reinforcements, and two we haven’t even seen yet (we are not Fofana, Juventus fans are not Douglas). You complain that Milan doesn’t have another striker, and then you complain about the Abraham-Sala exchange, you say Sale is needed for the roster. Okay. But Sale can only stay if he continues to play in a 4-2-3-1 formation, Puli would go to ACM, while Sale would cover the right side with Chuka. So, you are looking for Milan to play with 3 in the middle and where do you see the space for Sale? You say Abraham is prone to injuries, and the man only had a ligament injury, which Isma also had, but you regret if Isma leaves. You want Kone or Rabiot in the middle, and you know that is only possible if one foreigner leaves (we can only register 17 foreigners). In the case of Abraham’s arrival, then Jovic is surplus, which opens up space for Mane or Rabiot, but you find it ridiculous, because they extended his contract a month ago. And now who can understand what you want?

    1. How many people love Milan so much that they’re so excited by finishing 19 points from Inter or getting evicted from UCL in group stages? Or by getting that awesome 1 point in Serie A after two games against elite intergalactic superteams Torino and Parma? Or having to pay +19% for the season pass to watch future Ballon d’Or Musah or Emerson Royal?

      1. Then apply to run the club’s sports sector. Milan must have players on the bench, it used to be Dalla Bona or Brochi, so I think that Musah and RLC are better than those mentioned, with whom we won the CL in 2003 and 2007. I don’t know what you want? Bad starts happen, and both Sacchi and Pep started badly and then won everything. We have to wait for the Pioli spirit to disappear from the players and it takes some time. Believe in your team, which will have a great season. In the preparations, we play against Rapid, which closes and we cannot break through, then in the USA matches with big teams that compete and you can see Milan’s game. At the beginning Parma and Torino and again catanaco. Pioli syndrome takes over again. That’s why I say it takes a little time for everything to fall into place, because a change of coach would not mean an improvement.

        1. What Pioli syndrome? Scudetto win and UCL semifinals? But if you think that Musah is better than Brocchi, I think we’ll never agree on anything.

          1. B, those were the highlights in a sea of mistakes and poor decisions. Did you forget about the “lowlights”? 🙂 Be Objective.

          2. Objectively: Pioli built from scratch a team with young prospects, developed them, worked well with the management to bring veterans like Zlatan. All of this in the middle of a global Covid crisis. He finished 6th for his first year despite arriving late after Giampaolo, finished at an unexpected 2nd place the following season to finally qualify Milan for UCL after 8 years out, then won a Scudetto, then went to UCL semifinals. He finished 2nd again last season which looks like a miracle considering that this team lost many starters (Kessié, Diaz, Tonali, Zlatan). He still holds one of the best records for a Milan coach ever.

            Last season was the beginning of the mess we have today so I can’t really blame him. Anyway you’re free to ask for a change, which was obviously what the previous management wanted, but to get Fonseca in return seems like a huge joke.

  5. What Pioli syndrome you ask? Well, if you haven’t seen the results since April, then we have nothing to talk about. Comparing Brochi and Musah is not appropriate. Brochi may have only had tactical discipline, which Musah still doesn’t have, but in everything else Musah is far ahead.

  6. Why do we need to sell first in order to buy Konè??? Why is this always the case???

    IF we really want this kid we should just buy him then worry about what we do with other players – I guess in this case Bennacer.

    Plus keeping Benny and adding Konè is the best route. Our mids would be: Reindjers, Fofana, Musah Benny RLC and Konè. We need 6 mids esp if RLC is playing in a more advanced role and esp since Musah plays like a chicken with his head cut off.

    We are profitable right??? So why can we not keep Benny AND sign Konè?????

    Oh ya I forgot – that pesky NET Transfer Spend we must be mindful of!!! Can’t go over that lads. So apparently the $$$ we give to Roma for Tammy will be used to buy Konè LOLOLOLOLO….Genius move by management!!!! 😂🤡You cannot make this $h*t up.

  7. Amrabat only has strenth he has no techincal abilty he cant shot cant dribble he isnt an ac milan level player for me i prefer rabiot

  8. Musah is an mess he is alwyas lsot and dosent know what to do yes he got good dribbling and work rate but he is more of a libility

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