CorSport: ‘Level has dropped’ – where Pioli ranks among current Serie A coaches

By Oliver Fisher -

The season that AC Milan are currently having continues to divide opinion, all while speculation swirls regarding the future of head coach.

This morning’s edition of Corriere dello Sport (via Radio Rossonera) provides a ranking of what they think are the best coaches in Serie A based on the season that is currently ongoing.

There is a list of 10 coaches that have a higher rating for the season, which begins with Simone Inzaghi (1st) who gets a 9 out of 10, as does Bologna’s Thiago Motta.

An 8 was given to Max Allegri of Juventus and Gian Piero Gasperini of Atalanta, then a 7.5 is given to Maurizio Sarri of Lazio. A 7 was awarded to Daniele De Rossi of Roma, Raffaele Palladino of Monza and Davide Nicola of Empoli.

Vincenzo Italiano (6.5) of Fiorentina even comes about Pioli (6). Alberto Polverosi, the author of the article, writes: “A step backwards for Pioli: after the masterpiece of the Scudetto two years ago, Milan’s level has dropped.”

It will certainly be an interesting summer when it comes to coaches potentially moving, with Italiano, Thiago Motta, De Rossi, Calzona, Nicola, Juric and Palladino all on contracts until the end of the season.


Tags AC Milan Stefano Pioli


  1. 1) Our team is worse now than a couple of years ago. All thanks to MONEYBALL MONCADA!

    2) Despite this, he was unable to invigorate the new squad nor able to get them to play as a team. Tactically, it still seems half of them are just doing their own thing out there.

    3) Pioli has hit his ceiling. I don’t think he has the tactics or intelligence to go a step farther. He’s a good but limited coach. You can only mimic top coaches for so long. He gets exposed and then fired every time he reaches CL.

    Why? His tactics don’t change. He forces people to fit his tactics (which aren’t great to begin with) but refuses to acknowledge or understand that they might not be suited for it. Also, because his tactics don’t change, he’s super predictable and top level coaches destroy him.

    At this point, we have a coach who’s trying to model himself after other CL coaches who will remain unnamed unfortunately, Pioli doesn’t have the football tactical IQ to get it working nor does Pioli have the players to play that formation.

    We still don’t have a holding DM since Kessie left. Biggest mistake ever.

    We’ve been living off Giroud up front & have gotten lucky, but despite being a 38-39yo player, we still haven’t signed anyone up front.

    Then we signed Reijnders to be an AM, which he failed so he was moved back to DM which he’s pretty bad at. Can’t play defense, win the ball back or doing anything other than be a pass merchant. He’s useless. Who scouted this guy? WHY SIGN HIM?

    Moneyball Moncada’s great scouting & ideas is to raid Bologna. BOLOGNA. For 3 of their players (& possibly coach) because we all know the great players Bologna pumps out. Bologna is our new model, forget real madrid, city group or bayern players — Bologna is where it’s at boys. Do you really believe we’re going to go anywhere in CL signing half a BOLOGNA team?

    Cheapo signings. Cheapo results.

    It’s almost like Moneyball Moncada wants Milan to fail.

  2. A higher rating ? who the hell cares about corierre dello sports ratings when you have only lost 1 serie a match since december 7th yeah sure ten coaches must be ranked above him, bs as i percieve it.

    1. Exactly! I laughed when I saw that Vicenzo Italiano was placed higher than Pioli. A them that has won only one league game this year losing the rest but two is rated higher than another that was unbeaten for two months until a week ago and is sat on third place.

      And another has had just about a handful of games is judged higher than one that has been there all season and his team is in the Top 3.


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