Criscitiello critical of Ibrahimovic as he claims there is a split in Milan’s management

By Oliver Fisher -

Sportitalia director Michele Criscitiello has claimed that there is a split inside the AC Milan management, with Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Giorgio Furlani not on the same page.

Milan’s search for a new head coach has descended into a bit of a farce. It seemed certain that Julen Lopetegui was arriving to take over from Stefano Pioli but then a fan protest brought a halt to things, and it now seems that the issue has been reopened again.

Having gone back to the drawing board, reports over the weekend suggested that it is now Sergio Conceicao who is in pole position. This morning, La Gazzetta dello Sport claimed that he will try to leave Porto and that he is very attracted by the idea of taking over at Milan.

Criscitiello spoke during his weekly column for Sportitalia and he suggested that there is a divide within the Milan management that is not helping the decision making processes.

“Milan are wrapped up. Now it’s official. If they wrap themselves up on the coach, the risk is that the mercato will become a minestrone without salt. Moncada is on Furlani’s boat. Ibra is Cardinale’s leader. Furlani represents the pre-Cardinale,” he said.

“In short, if Furlani goes to the right, Ibra is going to the left. The truth is that Ibra should not have been placed in this Milan team. He has no experience and for now he has no competence. Being a footballer and a leader in the dressing room does not mean knowing how to be a manager straight away.

“Zlatan wanted to bring Conte or Van Bommel to Milanello. Furlani opposed Conte and did not endorse the Dutchman. The Furlani tour had first confirmed Pioli, only to be surprised by Roma and the derby, and subsequently closed Lopetegui.

“The noise caused the signatures to be suspended and now other solutions must be found. At the moment there is a mixed majority government at Milan, with Ibra and Cardinale trying to be masters in their ‘own house’.

“Conceicao is Furlani’s idea. Ibra does not endorse. Meanwhile, from Milanello there are also rumours of a Zlatan who still behaves as a footballer/coach which also puts Pioli himself in difficulty.

“Alongside his former team-mates he would tell them how to do and what to do on the pitch, often disorientating the player himself who rightly must listen to the instructions of his coach and not of a manager who has no right to give this ‘advice’.”

Tags AC Milan Giorgio Furlani Zlatan Ibrahimovic


  1. That’s ibrahimovic the snake the two faced person the one who always right and complain often others the fake-legend the one who brag himself like lady

  2. That’s what i was saying ibrahimovic is an ass*ole looser who’s thinking he is winner his two faces will never hide from wise people he has women style always complaining and talking about others and bragging himself

    1. Aren’t you just doing the same right now😅 almost everyone in here are doing the same.
      And where is the admin what this concerns? Is it allowed to write what ever you want, call anyone what ever you want?

      1. 😀 you are absolutely correct Marianne but ashraf pretty much always whines in all of his comments.

    2. Shut up mate. No idea what you are talking about. People like you Couldn’t stop singing Ibra praises when he was a player and hoping he would continue into Milan back staff and now look at your comments. So fickle and push over!!!

  3. “Moncada is on Furlani’s boat. Ibra is Cardinale’s leader. Furlani represents the pre-Cardinale” – This is all anyone needs to know.

    If Milan is to move forward with Cardinale as the owner, ALL remnants of the previous management need to go. Furlani, Moncada, Scaroni, etc. Anyone that had anything to to with Elliott appointed management must be replaced.

    1. Elliott unfortunately still own 2% of Milan and apparently according to some reports still has a lot of say in Milan.
      Hate the bastards.

      Also the Man City sheikh is a partner of RedBird too.
      Something very weird is going on at AC Milan.

  4. FURLANI is the source of the problem.

    He was the one who stopped Motta talks because he wanted Pioli to stay. Then, Lopetegi sh*t.

    After derby defeat, he was smiling on that interview and happily congratulating Inter on Scudetto.

    Now, Ibrahimovic is trying to confront him and he doesn’t like that.

    Surprisingly, THIS media is trying to talk sh*t about Zlatan to support FURLANI.

    Interesting!!! What kind of ‘experience’ they are talking about FURLANI?

    Did he succeed in football management in another football club? What kind of achievements he has that Zlatan doesn’t have??

    This type of corporate hoe(FURLANI) should not be anywhere near Milan

    1. thy hired bankers and business men to manage a football club a prestigious and ambitious one for that matter.

  5. Even tho I don’t like Pioli’s tactics or most decisions in general you should never give different instructions to his players to be fair. It’s no respect. And ironically Ibra is trying to hire Conte. Let’s see how brutal Conte tolerates such!

    Well If these managers are so split and can’t work together then first replace some of them before getting any coaches.

    1. you dont believe all the media says. zlatan has been pioli helping hand and during the scudetto year he gives most of the peach to the players in the dressing and almost all of the players testified to this in any of their interviews… zlatan stoop up when pioli lost of words and encouragement to push the players.

      and we all know zlatan he is a very outspoken man who knows how to defend his words and actions. he is very confident and you people see it as him being proud of had pride but no.

      he is very different from pioli who has low self-esteem and doesn’t how to defend himself, but only to accept all blames.

      anyways maybe he will come out to talk and shared lights to whole lots of things when he get replace just had maldini did.

      i would had love to see maldini and zlatan working together

      1. Not only scudetto year, if Ibra doesnt come in winter 2019 Pioli will be fired in the summer 2020 because we are at 10ish place at that time

      2. Only in your dreams.Maldini would neber colaborate with Ibrahimovic.Ibrahimovis has a low human quality with no morality.Paolo doesn’t agree woth that.

    2. Pioli is a crap manager who was bailed by Ibra
      Maldini and Boban literally signed Ibra to save face after the 5-0 Atalanta debacle

  6. And who is Furlani? Funny how quick everyone accuses Ibra of being in the wrong. I’ll take the actual football guy over the little American banker any day of the week.

  7. As much as I like Zlatan. I’m very glad if Conte doesn’t end up at Milan. Other than that I find it hard to know what’s true and not. How do the media get this insight? Is it true and if so how does it get out and why?

    I don’t think it’s good if this kind of info leaks. I just hightens the misstrust and plants doubts both with fans and in the whole club. I don’t like how things are going right now. I will be so happy when all the rumours end and we get a new coach so that we can move on.

  8. Well whether this guy know more info than anyone or not, it was obvious from interviews Furlani give that not all is right in the management circle. After Cardinale basically said Ibra is his right hand man/lap dog (“you go do it”), Furlani said Ibra has no formal power at the club lol 😂 and slyly alluded to being superior…he’s a man of the pitch while he’s a director. Best to just grab the popcorn and watch this unfold. My guess is Furlani is gonna get the boot from Gerry in the summer. They *may* keep Moncada but as someone said above, if Gerry wants to run the show his way with his people let him be so we can see his true vision for the club unfold and in the manner he wants.

  9. The best solution is to give ibra superiority over Furlani.. and let moncada work together with ibra.. ibra knows football better than furlani, he will choose the right coach than furlani..Moncada is good in scouting and discovering players… Furlani Should just focus on keeping the Milan’s account clean as he is or was an American banker… because in today’s world, it is those who knows football better that thrives in football better

    They are so many rumours and false information on media except the news is official that’s when I believe it… Ibra his
    Always honest and he loves Milan alot than furlani, on his day of retirement he cried in front of thousands of milan fans, Even yesterday against Genoa when giroud missed a clear chance when he got an assist from Noah okafor, the camera spotted ibra reactions with a facial expression which shows he was disappointed, ibra is a Milan fan and he’s enthusiastic about Milan, He didn’t give instructions to the milan players as the media said, ibra his not a coach he is a person who loves to motivate, encourage and advise the Milan players with love and he also loves to share ideas with coach Poili as seen on the bench during his time when milan won their last scudetto before ibra retires, ibra was always there to give support to Pioli from the bench during our last scudetto season, my point is that even if ibra gave instructions to the milan players, it was still poili who gives tactics and at the end it’s his tactics which the players follows, Poili has run out of ideas, ibra his only trying to help..

  10. I’m still confused about Zlatan’s appointment, his capacity and decision making…

    Feels like too many cooks in the kitchen. Makes sense if there’s confusion, because I don’t understand the hierarchy and who is stepping on who’s feet with their decisions.

    Ibra was a great player but I don’t know that he is experienced enough as whatever advisory capacity he is in. Same with Maldini – great player, mixed reviews on hid directorial capabilities…

    Milan need to streamline and put forth a system that works. Seems dysfunctional.

    1. It’s pretty obvious what is happening here.
      Cardinale is clueless and appointed Ibra to damage control after Pioli shat the bed by December.

      Ibra now is using this opportunity to try hard to prevent management from turning Milan into Arsenal.
      Just look at who these clowns tried to hire(Lopetegui) vs who Ibra wants to hire(Conte).

      Management are a bunch of ambitionless cheapskates.

  11. This club needs stability, and the management has failed at that big time.
    First with all the rumors for the new coach going, then with all the rumors about the new striker, midfielder, defender before the transfer market even started.

    How would Leao or Chukw or Calabria feel if they hear mid-season that the new coach might be Conte and they would need to change big time how they play?

    How is the coach supposed to exert authority to his players if the management makes it clear that he’s being let go since January?

    What happened to not letting any rumors come outside from Milan… Look at Inter, the only rumors are those for Dumfries who’s pimped to be sold for the least 2 seasons. Instead we have every day a new rumor for Central midfielder or striker or right back or central defender

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