Criscitiello: Ibrahimovic wants Conte to replace Pioli but ‘the right conditions’ must be created

Italian journalist Domenico Criscitiello believes that Zlatan Ibrahimovic is keen for Antonio Conte to replace Stefano Pioli at AC Milan, but an attractive proposition needs to be made.

Writing for Sportitalia, Criscitiello attempted to interpret Gerry Cardinale’s latest comments from the Business of Football event.

One person that Cardinale spoke a lot about is Ibrahimovic, who is enjoying life in his new advisory role between Milan and RedBird Capital Group. It has become clear that Ibrahimovic is Cardinale’s man on the ground in Milan.

The Swedish former striker is holding a lot more power than many expected him to, and for that reason he will surely have some sway over who will replace Pioli, be that this summer or the next.

Criscitiello claims that Ibrahimovic wants former Juventus and Inter coach Conte to take the role, presumably to ensure that Milan win Serie A as soon as possible.

He does say, though, that Ibrahimovic will need to create the right economic and technical environment for Conte, a coach who is not afraid to walk away from a job where he feels he is not being sufficiently supported by the ownership.

“Ibra is the new [Paolo] Maldini, however, I like him as a person. He is not an image man but Ibra represents the ownership and will have decision-making power on the choice of the new coach. Ibra wants Conte but he has to build the technical and economic conditions,” Criscitiello wrote in his interpretation of Cardinale’s words.