Curva Sud end protest for final game: “They will all see once again what they can miss”

By Oliver Fisher -

The Curva Sud will return to supporting the team for the final game of the 2023-24 season against Salernitana at San Siro, it has been confirmed.

In a bid to make their concerns regarding the ambition of the ownership known, the Curva Sud have been on a strike of sorts during the three recent games against Genoa, Cagliari and Torino.

The protest first came about during the 3-3 draw against Genoa at San Siro last weekend and they decided to repeat it six days on, wanting to reiterate their stance that clarity must come from the management.

The group further elaborated on why they felt the need to take strong action in the fanzine that was distributed before the 5-1 home win over Cagliari, calling it a ‘desperate cry of love’.

Luca Lucci – the head of the Curva Sud Milano – published a video on his Instagram profile in which he confirms that the ultras will be backing the team in Saturday’s game.

“The one scheduled for the weekend will be the last match of this season, and for our part we will end the year in the only way we would always like to do, that is, incessantly supporting our colours and making San Siro bedlam as usual.

“The message to the entire Milan environment must be clear, the Rossoneri fans are no longer willing to accept projects that are not aimed at aiming for the highest level both in Italy and in Europe, a people who have won like no other in Italy, and who has always stood out for its closeness to its team even in the most difficult moments of its long history.

“Aware that you certainly cannot always win, but being prepared and equipped to always be able to do so is something else! project that starts from the coach, moving from the field up to the management!

“Do you want this Curva? Do you always want this stadium and this climate? Well, now it’s up to you to ‘pay the price of the ticket’ now it’s up to you to simply get down to business. Milan and the Milan fans have always understood every situation but never mistake our intelligence for resignation!

“Because Milan have never been satisfied and never will. We’ve been through some sh*tty years, we’re back at the top and now no one wants to move from there anymore. We have paid far too much for corporate changes etc etc.

“The Rossoneri people want the team to return to occupying the role of undisputed protagonist, the role that the Rossoneri people have always maintained firmly in the stands of every stadium! Second to none! Saturday bring banners flags banners! They will all see once again what they can miss… for the good of Milan!! Always!”


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  1. Complaints are valid. Registering your opinion in a variety of ways is valid.
    But withholding support during actual games makes you cowardly and a traitor. Fan support or lack thereof in actual games can affect player psychology on both teams. Withholding your in–game support weakens your own team and energizes the enemy. Shame on you!

    1. I see it differently. Some of these people work their a$$es off to be able to buy tickets, buy season tickets, merchandise, take kids to games etc. Everything that is a huge contribute to salary of everyone in club. And these fans except a certain return. This protest is not players targeted but a reminder to new owners that we are Milan. In Italy this love goes deep, like really really deep for many. Like he wrote, we’ve been through sh!tty years and when we finally have a proper sustainable project in our hands, starting with Elliott. They made us dream again and believe we can return among those top few. They are warning these new owners not to slip. We’re Milan and our aim is to win not participate. But direction and decisions that are supposedly on the table don’t make us title contenders. But participants. If it’s all media cr*p, time will tell.

      1. So it’s a preemptive protest? They are protesting what they think Milan might possibly do? They are “warning the new owners not to slip”. So they haven’t slipped, but they are protesting anyways just in case they were thinking about slipping? People doing mental gymnastics trying to justify this ridiculous protest. How dare they take this team from finishing 4th (really 5th) last season to 2nd place this season! Definitely the wrong direction!

        1. Beats me, that’s what I understand from their protest and posts. There’s probably more to this whole protest thing than we understand and read about. Maybe they know more, idk.

      2. @Ted sorry buddy, I work hard too to support the club. Their money and contribution aren’t somehow bigger or more important than mine. I dont see the relevance. They’re another section of fans, a section I just so happen to disagree with vehemently notwithstanding their crimal activities and associations. The only thing they have that’s distinct to other fans is the time they put in to travel with the team to support. The only reason some fans may not do that is simply due to geography anyways.

        1. You’re going in whole other direction here buddy. I’m not talking about their activities and associations, which of course I am not endorsing either. I’m talking about them as passionate lifelong fans. And they have every right to express their disagreements however they please. No one forces them to support the club and the team on all games be it domestic, home or away and around the Europe. Travelling and spending probably a lot of money to do so. You probably don’t and I don’t either. So their contribution is so much bigger than yours or mine, it’s incomparable. But that was not what I wanted to say, I am only thinking out loud, trying to understand why they are staging these protest, while I’m not making absurd conclusions on it.

          1. Exactly! It’s stupid to be starting a p*ssing contest “I’m more of a fan than they are” just because you feel like you love the team more etc. They live nearby and go to every match. I love my Milan but living 3000km away from there means I cannot commit to supporting the team at the stadium and that makes them more important to club than I am. Same applies to you, like it or not. People whining online isn’t the same as people singing and chanting at the stadium.

          2. It’s ok, it applies to me as well. I live only 400km from Milano but my support compared to those who travel with the team all the time. It’s incomparable.

          3. @Ted I did say their associations notwithstanding.
            But Ted the comparative support is literally the point I’m making and the one you’re bringing up. Their supposed “greater” contributions doesn’t mean they arent more important than mine or yours. Me spending a grand on the team each year doesn’t mean my support is greater than your or the Curva for instance (you as.sumed they somehow spend more than I do). The only thing they have on other supporters is time they spent doing the travel with the team and that’s only because some ppl like myself don’t live in Italy. You cant even say money. They can make their protests that’s fine but they’re not greater than a regular fan, they’re just part of the fanbase. And ppl, many of them disagree with what there doing. If other supporters had agreed with them then the stadium would have been empty in the Cagliari game in the 80th minute won’t it? Plus they’re always contradicting themselves. Boast that they support the team incessantly but failed to do so vs Roma. And that’s one of the reasons I dont really vibe with them. Their actions are very self serving

  2. Viva curva sud lucci Luca you talk for us you are representing us we are with you we are ac milan we are not mid table team our aim should be competing with real Madrid anything less we can not accept

  3. Nope. Cardinale wants $$$. That’s why Maldini was fired and MONEYBALL MONCADA was hired.

    The goal isn’t a winning Milan. The goal is a Milan that constantly buys cheap players and uses their name brand to sell them on for a profit.

    Winning is irrelevant.

    If you don’t believe me, Ibra has already stated the
    new Milan model will be based on Ajax. They want to make an academy where you wheel and deal in players.

    The old Milan is gone and Curva Sud know it.

    1. Naa it’s a bit more polished than that. They’ll buy cheap and use club’s brand name to sell on profit while maintaining top 4 spot. Every now and then they’ll find a scapegoat and indirectly blame him for not winning.

  4. These childish, self-important fools in Curva Sud are embarrassing. Don’t come to the game at all then? It doesn’t even make sense this stupid protest. The team is finishing better this season than it did last season. Last year’s mercado was better than any of the last 3 before that with nearly all of the signings contributing in a big way. If they do equally as good this summer we should have a really good squad. So I ask again, who and what are these idiots protesting? Progress?
    Little babies just want attention.

    1. Man please stop celebrating that 2nd place, that’s embarrassing. 19 pts from 20 time Scudetto winners Inter, humiliated in Europe, eliminated in Coppa long time ago. That’s the state of that team.

      1. Nobody is celebrating, but these children crying and protesting like the team finished mid- table or something. They don’t even know what or who they are protesting. The team is going in the right direction and getting better. Maybe you have a short memory and don’t remember what it was like5 to 10 years ago when the team was in massive debt and couldn’t even finish top 4 for years .
        There was literally 1 team better than us in Serie A, yes it sucks that it’s Inter, but they had an amazing season and are also in debt.
        And saying we were humiliated in Europe is ridiculous. We drew by far the toughest group as is evident by the fact that Dortmund is now in the finals and PSG were in the semi finals. Despite that we finished tied for 2nd in the group with PSG and really should have gone through but for the unlucky draw vs Newcastle in the first game. So saying we were humiliated is just a lie. If you want to make your points try doing so without the ridiculous exaggerations.

        1. Maybe you have a short memory and don’t remember that two years ago we won the scudetto. Maybe you have a short memory and don’t remember that one year ago we were in UCL semi-finals. Stop with that Banter Era PTSD. La Curva protests because the management is erratic. Firing M&M to keep Pioli, selling Tonali, buying many useless players, firing Pioli, almost hiring Lopetegui, etc. You have the right to enjoy that rollercoaster if you wish but that doesn’t make you the only adult around here.

          1. Selling Tonali was the smartest move Milan has made in years. He was terribly overrated by the Italian media and fans, not to mention a degenerate gambler, who if we hadn’t sold and brought in the numerous players we did, the team would’ve been destroyed when he got suspended and probably wouldn’t have even finished top 10. And the “useless players” … Nearly all of the signings have made big contributions to the team. Better than any of the last 3 mercados done by Maldini. I don’t need to get into all of his flops.
            And Pioli 100% deserved to coach this season.
            Pioli’s last 4 seasons:
            2nd place
            1st place
            4th place ( semi-finals of Champions League)
            2nd place
            Let’s hope the next coach can do as well.

  5. Soccer is part of the entertainment industry, if the fans don’t like what they see they can go watch something else.

    It’s not up to the fans to decide how to run the club and which coach to appoint or players to buy.

    And to think that fans wants to win more than those running the club and playing for the club is mind blowing. For them it’s a job for the fans it’s just a hobby.

    1. Yeah, a hobby that pays for the salaries or at least a big portion of it for most of the employees and players at the club.

      “Soccer is part of the entertainment industry, if the fans don’t like what they see they can go watch something else.”

      A typical newcomer take. These yanks thought they’ll come to Italy and convert this club into one of their cheap fast fashion entertainment shows in a snap of a finger. They’re finding it the hard way, it’s not how it works here.

  6. Yawn. Post something when it means something Curva

    “..for our part we will end the year in the only way we would always like to do, that is, incessantly supporting our colours and making San Siro bedlam as usual”

    Oh really, incessant support? like before a European cup tie? Or a game or so ago when you left before the whistle had blown and the team needed to see the victory over the finish line vs Cagliari ? Last time I checked the dictionary incessant meant “continuing or following without interruption”. A bedlam of silent protest lol FOH with that
    Curva’s logic as usual oxym.oronic.
    “We’ve been through some sh*tty years, we’re back at the top and now no one wants to move from there anymore”

    So …they’re saying we’re now back as t the top after a long time during terrible moments and now no one wants to move from being at the top?? What??? I hope we continue to no move from there anymore,. Phew..
    What a waste

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