Curva Sud issue statement ahead of Venezia game: “No more extenuating circumstances”

The Curva Sud Milano have posted a call to arms on their social media accounts, insisting that there can be no more excuses and that results must improve soon.

Milan had a great preseason as they beat Manchester City, Real Madrid and Barcelona in the USA. However, things didn’t quite go to plan from there as the Rossoneri had to come from two goals down to rescue a late draw against Torino, then they lost 2-1 away against newly-promoted Parma.

Most recently they let a lead slip against Lazio before rallying back to earn another 2-2 draw, but that means Fonseca’s side are winless in the first three games and five points behind their main rivals Inter and Juventus – teams that the coach said his side should be battling for the Scudetto with.

With a statement published on their social media channels on the eve of a must-win Venezia game, the Curva Sud wanted to send a clear message to the club after an unsatisfactory start to the season and on the eve of a series of decidedly important matches.

“The start of the season for our Milan has been disappointing to say the least, to the point that it seems like we are reliving the end of the season just gone by.

“These are not our ambitions, nothing and no one can be justified for the embarrassing spectacle shown in the first three games. There are no more extenuating circumstances or lightning rods for anyone, everyone must assume their own responsibilities, no one excluded!

“We invite all the Rossoneri people to meet at 6:45 pm in front of the bus entrance ramp, to make the club, the coach and the players understand that September represents a decisive crossroads for our season! With Milan always in our hearts!”

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  1. The curva love their Milan to death. Too bad really that they can’t take a chill pill and let things evolve naturally. Everyone wants results, but lets not forget how Milan were in the Biglia era. Mediocrity while spending big. The Curva should not confuse criticism with support.

  2. Good job cardinale milan. Now we have big game againts fellow relegation zone.

    Don’t let us lose fonseca, you still unbeatable at home. If you can not win, at least make it draw.

  3. Shut the F up Curva Sud. The most annoying, self-important group of fans in all of sports. It’s their fault we have Fonseca anyways. Management was going to hire someone else but Curva threw such a tantrum that they backed out of it and hired Fonseca instead. SO they should keep their mouths shut.

      1. So you are only an “actual fan” if you live in Milan and go to every game in person? What a dumb thing to say. They are just fans, nothing more. And certainly shouldn’t be listened to when making business decisions about the club. Same “actual fans” who sat silent during games last season rather than cheering their team on. I guess it’s better than the fake fans on here like you who are actually rooting for the team to fail because they don’t like the owner because he’s American or because they got rid of the infallible Maldini. Give me a break.
        And talk about keyboard warriors, all these pathetic tough guys on here who want to talk trash and insult Ibra wouldn’t say a peep if he was anywhere in sight.

        1. You sound stupid. Of course there are some who are more fans than others. Curva sud is more than just fans. They spend money and time to support our club. They are our voice when things goes wrong. You are not of equal value to either of them. You can still be a big fan of Milan but just stop belittling others.

          1. No, they are not our voice, at least not mine. That’s the problem they are arrogant ( not to mention a bunch of them are criminal thugs) and think they speak for everyone and they don’t. Just be fans and support the team, don’t try telling the people who run the team what to do.

        2. I think it’s only you who haven’t get out of Maldini sacking, you keep bringing same thing with no reasoning.

          It shows your immaturity not knowing history of relation between Curvasud and Maldini.

          Curvasud spoke nothing when Maldini was sacked and even their statement was they support club no matter who is at the helm of club.
          Maldini spoke many bad words about Curvasud and Curvasud boo Maldini in his final days at Milan.

          You should be a lost kid or atleast stop smoking.
          Otherwise you will end up very bad by comparing the opposite things without knowing the history.

      2. They’re idiots and even more dangerous than keyboard warriors because the club might actually be stupid enough to listen to them or at least use them as cover for their terrible decision making.

        They helped force out a manager who finished 2nd, protested his replacement and left us with Fonseca.

        1. Well we agree on that at least. If there is one thing I will criticize this ownership about it is caving into these Curva Sud fans. It’s never a smart thing to do, they pay people to make those decisions, they should listen to them. They chose a replacement and they should have stuck to their guns. Now we have a coach that was nobody’s first choice and if it doesn’t work out they will all lose their jobs because they let Curva Sud talk them out of their first choice.

        2. I don’t like the guys from la Curva usually but they were right to protest last season, like any other fan who was disappointed by only 1 win in the last 7 games, a loss to Inter at home to witness them crowned with a second star and embarrassing performances in Europe. Pioli would be the scapegoat for a poor season, it was quite evident since the beginning and it happened. But if this management had better ideaS to replace him, the fans wouldn’t need to protest. Maybe the brand is strong but on the football side it’s a catastrophe and fans have the right to be angry, especially when you pay 19% more for the season pass.

          1. Talk about exaggeration. Yeah, second place is a catastrophe. What were the 10 years before the American businessmen took over when they had no Scudetto and no Champions League play at all?
            Every idiot fan has an opinion as you can tell on this site. If a club starts letting the fans make the decisions, they are done.

          2. Talk about exaggeration. Yeah, second place is a catastrophe. What were the 10 years before the American businessmen took over when they had no Scudetto and no Champions League play at all?
            Every idiot fan has an opinion as you can tell on this site. If a club starts letting the fans make the decisions, they are done.

          3. Damn you’re a fan of Milan for two months and you’re here explaining how fans spending time and money to attend every game and witness the biggest humiliation in the history of the club (Inter beating Milan in the derby at home for the second star) should sht up. Fans protest because the management is making poor decisions, not the opposite. That’s sad that you were not around during the banter era to show the same support toward the club.

      1. Imagine being a nobody that has done nothing with their life, much less anything involving professional football and thinking you know more than professionals who have spent their lives in the game and thinking you can tell them what to do because you buy seats to a game. Know your place.

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