DAZN: Ibrahimovic meets Cardinale with Milan owner keen on reunion

By Oliver Fisher -

Zlatan Ibrahimovic had a meeting with Gerry Cardinale this morning and the AC Milan owner would like to explore the idea of bringing him back, it is claimed.

Social media and the media in general went into overdrive when Ibrahimovic’s car pulled up at the training ground yesterday and he was spotted speaking to head coach Stefano Pioli and CEO Giorgio Furlani while the team did their morning session.

A number of reports then emerged suggesting that it was just a cordial visit that had been planned for some times, and that a return to Milan in any capacity was not imminent for the Swede, who retired from football at the end of last season.

However, Orazio Accomando of DAZN is reporting that Ibrahimovic had a conversation this morning in a hotel in Corso Venezia in Milano with Cardinale, the Milan owner.

Cardinale has ‘never hidden his desire’ to have a figure like Zlatan in the management, given his experience and the weight he could have for the team and staff.

This news emerges the day after Ibra’s visit to Milanello, in which he wanted to give his support to his former team-mates on the eve of the Champions League opener against Newcastle.

Tags AC Milan Zlatan Ibrahimovic


  1. Trust me, the introduction of ibra into a kind of bridge between players and management could actually do magic, remember the scudetto won was prophesied by ibra after his signature of which even pioli in his wildest dreams never ever envisage or thoughts of….that’s how a winning mentality thinks….setting yourself a tall order kind of goal and objective so you could push yourself physically and intellectually beyond limit… but this dumb coach never has any objectives other than to be in top 4 of which he eventually failed if not for Juventus point deduction!
    If someone may ask him what is the team aim and objective this season, you would be shock to hear his response! A clear testimony to his failure and survival mentality! This man in all aspect is nothing but a mismatch to this team.

  2. Have been saying it since the scudetto season. Pioli isn’t the right man for the project. Maldini realize that but unfortunately he was let go, if Pioli survived this season he will be terminated at the end just like Maldini.
    Hopefully management can attract Di zerbi. I love his style of play

    1. Few like you see it agat off, but many on this platform will slander and slaughter you of you dare speak your mind against pioli! I wonder why it so difficult for fans to watch and see football in a truly holistic way! Its all about the movement,keeping your shape, baiting your opponent, waiting for his attack and countering, Turing his attack to defence,deceptive and false movement to lure your opponents, discipline and a moment of decisions that surprised your opponents…. I see none of this things in this dumb coach team…i wonder how we can survive of we face a team of Manchester city calibre..it’s like a game of chess, what separates the master from the constant losers is ability to strategies in foresight, having 14 moves already pin down , drilled and become second nature with your players! Unlike the zombie dumb coach who only knows one way to play! This manager is one of the few rare Italian manager I have seen without Nous and intellect.

    2. Maldini realize that? Isnt he the one that give him a new contract in october? Lol

      He give him a new contract and then want to replace months later is purely bad management

      1. Yeah I couldn’t disagree, giving him a new contract was his undoing…it also tells us that Maldini having just being promoted from a kind of team manager to a technical manager I believe is just learning the trade and craft of moulding a team….he certainly messed up with some of his decisions of which was expected….after all he is not marotta.

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