Joint statement: Defending the work of Milan-specific outlets and the freedom of the press

Dear readers,

For the first time, the major Rossoneri information sites have come together to issue a joint statement following the news, reported in today’s edition of ‘La Repubblica’ written by Enrico Currò, according to which: ‘On Thursday (the most recent), in a meeting via Zoom, the managers of the Milan information websites were invited not to convey news that could discourage the fans’.

The meeting, held on Microsoft Teams in the presence of part of the press office, the sites and content creators who follow the Rossoneri events on a daily basis, is part of the broader program of discussions which for years has allowed our brands to (we believe) maintain the high quality standard of our information. Information that is redundant to define as independent, both in moments of great sporting enthusiasm and in those of greater difficulty.

There is no point in hiding the fact that it is surprising how (true) news is conveyed by placing emphasis on a (presumed) coercion that never occurred. And which in any case, we underline, also presupposes a psychological subservience on the part of the Rossoneri’s digital information. An essentially harmful consideration for organisations that, indeed, relaunch media content daily on their platforms, undoubtedly bringing a beneficial echo to the aforementioned newspapers.

Today, let’s not forget, the digital information that revolves around the Milan club brings with it something like around 1 million followers on Instagram, 1.3 million followers on Facebook and large segments of the active public reached on X, TikTok, YouTube, Twitch.

Not to mention the data strictly linked to the audience of the sites themselves which, without mincing words too much, reduce the impact of the so-called ‘traditional’ media, even in their online versions. Although you are not required to share the content of the call on Teams, it would be enough to visit the various Rossoneri sites to realise the absolute disparity, and therefore freedom, in the treatment of issues.  Which, it goes without saying, are for everyone.

It is therefore easy to also find points of convergence in the treatment of some aspects that can only depend on the communication of the press office. We would, however, like to underline that no one has ever even thought of asking to be able to ‘override’ broadcasters (even more so those in possession of rights and commercial contracts) in collegial situations such as press conferences.

This press release is designed to defend an action that in about 14 years has represented for many a bulwark in the evolution of digital sports information, but above all to defend the millions of Rossoneri fans who get information every day on our channels, sometimes even criticising its contents, but always with the conviction of dealing with our professionalism, transparency, freedom. Quality that we make available to everyone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And without asking for anything.
