‘A desperate cry of love’ – Curva Sud explain decision to continue protest

By Oliver Fisher -

The protests of the Curva Sud continued last night during the 5-1 win against Cagliari as they remained silent and did not show any of the usual flags or banners.

A protest had already happened during the 3-3 draw against Genoa at San Siro last weekend and they decided to repeat it six days on, wanting to reiterate their stance that clarity and ambition must come from the management.

A banner reading ‘The noise of silence’ symbolically represented the protest against Genoa and the same image was used to explain the decision to continue the protest. As on the occasion of the match against the Ligurians, the Curva Sud distributed a new fanzine outside the San Siro to explain their motivations.

As Calciomercato.com recall, the banner in the Curva Sud accompanied the teams’ entry onto the pitch read: ‘We demand and deserve a strong and winning club. Milan are not satisfied’. As against Genoa, a single chant from the second blue tier: ‘We are the Curva Sud’.

For the rest they remained silent and any chants heard were from other sections. Below is the full text from the fanzine.

“We had the intention and need that our questions, we believe they are the ones that every AC Milan fan has been asking for weeks, would be well received by the ears to which they were addressed and the best way to achieve this result was to do it in silence, rendering the Curva Sud silent and the large part of San Siro that responded with participation and conviction to our protest.

“Without wanting to point the finger at anyone and without looking for blame, we wanted to highlight and remind the management where a project that can be considered successful starts from. It starts from a club that is cohesive and compact in every element, that is ambitious and is not satisfied to arrive in the top four because Milan was born to win, to excel by fighting with all its strength and because ‘he who is satisfied enjoys’ does not apply to Milan and to Milan, the project starts from a club that is capable of moving with ease in every field: from the playing field to the transfer market, from the institutional offices to the media where on too many occasions Milan, the team and the club, have been treated in a disrespectful and unfair manner precisely due to the lack of an effective communication strategy, which will then have to be combined with safe, reliable and prudent planning that concerns the technical area and the team’s staff for the coming seasons.

“This is why we have chosen silence, to give more power to our questions, to give as much prominence as possible to what we ask and which seems to us to be the indispensable basis for returning to competing to win and not simply participating, as sadly happened in these two years after the wonderful and unforgettable Scudetto of 2022.

“In the surreal atmosphere of a San Siro that was witnessing yet another match resulting from this sad period and well before the Rossoneri’s partial comeback, we had decided to leave in the eightieth minute of the match, leaving the completely deserted Curva Sud adorned only with the banner ‘THE NOISE OF SILENCE’, the shocking sight of which expressed all the anger we have in our bodies at seeing a Milan that has been playing games without determination for too long, that is content to just scrape by in the ranking positions sufficient to guarantee a place in the Champions League but it is not what we want because we are not satisfied, because Milan are not satisfied like any provincial team: the team that has won the most European Cups after Real Madrid cannot limit itself to participating like any other team in the competition for most important club of all.

“Our silence has made noise, our silence demands concrete answers, our silence is a desperate cry of love, it is the cry of those who are ready to do anything for their Milan and it is the task of those who direct and command Milan not squandering the strength and passion of the Curva Sud and the Rossoneri fans.

“Milan is governed by its thousands of fans who historically have NEVER lacked their support, especially in the darkest moments, and the great responsibility of the owners is to give these people a Milan that lives up to its name, a Milan which always sets itself the most ambitious goals if only for the fact that it is called MILAN.

“How can we be satisfied? How can we be satisfied with an objective that in some places is historic but which for Milan is the minimum? We sang only one choir last Sunday and it was our anthem, a cry so explosive that it tore through San Siro and silenced the Genoans (we finally heard them…), it was the song of a Curva that asks for the same madman for Milan love of which it is capable, which asks those who manage Milan to be in love with it, to have Milan in their hearts to build one that will see the stars again.

“We ask our questions to an owner who has known first-hand, who has seen first hand and breathed in a delirious square everything that we call ‘Milanismo’, an owner called to give answers and who has the fate of Milan in his hands: do not betray our love and our trust.

“We will continue our protest for this match too, continuing to remain silent and without displaying banners and flags. We will continue to make noise with our silence , all together with Milan in our hearts.”

Tags AC Milan


      1. All they do is reinvest that 50ml from cl entrance is the only money they used to buy players nothing from their pockets

        1. Are you an accountant? What is your actual concern? They sold Tonali and allocated over a 100mil to bring in new players.

    1. Stop with your nonsense. If this summer’s mercado is nearly as good as last summer’s this team will be in great shape. I don’t think these clowns in Curva Sud even know what they are protesting for. They just want attention and are acting like children. Why even go to game at all if you are really protesting? If you are sitting on your hands and not celebrating while your team plays a great game and scores 5 goals, you are not a real fan.

  1. “the media, where on too many occasions Milan, the team and the club, have been treated in a disrespectful and unfair manner”

    Absolutely. The media has been attacking Milan since the end of last season. Spreading lies. Even that clown the other day who said that someone pressured him not to release an interview from a disgruntled ex Milan employee. Didn’t get the desired effect. Most people gave zero Fs about that interview.

    1. What disgruntled ex Milan employee. Was the interview about Maldini-RedBrid relationship or was it overall Maldini-Milan story telling? Did he speak bad about anyone from the club in this interview? Or did he tell his life story in Milan? Calling people biased and media liars but who’s really biased here? Hint: go look for a mirror

      1. It was the reporter that said that he got pressure not to release the interview so he can get notoriety. If the ex employee wasn’t saying anything negative about the club, as he did in his 1st interview, why say that there was a pressure besides trying to try to make Milan look bad. It didn’t work. No one at Milan besides that 1 interview that Scaroni gave after the employee was fired has ever even mentioned that ex disgruntled employee. But all he does is talk about Milan.
        Without Milan he is nothing

        1. “But all he does is talk about Milan.
          Without Milan he is nothing”

          Wtf, Maldini IS Milan. What else can he talk about related to football, he and his father spent their lifes in this city and this club. He won everything with this shirt. There are only a handful of players that built such legacy with a club.

          You give impression you were nowhere near Maldini’s playing time. That would explain your disrespect towards him.

        2. Lol so the guy should never talk about his life??? He cant talk about his life without talking about milan, coz his father was at milan, he was at milan from 10 to 41, his son is at milan, so literally he cant talk about his life without mentioning the word milan, and since he is a public figure he will always give interviews, whether you like it or not, people who appreciate his journey enjoyed the interview, it was full of wise words if you like football, personally i have it saved, not everything is about Gerry’s milan, there is more to life than who is right and who is wrong, learn from everyone, i also read Gerry’s interviews to learn about investments and how to maximise profits, learn from experts, and maldini is an expert in football, that was a great interview, it had its intended effect, to share football knowledge with people like you and me who have only been fans, cheering and clapping for others

    2. it was muppet scaroni who tall that sh!t, M&M never did, fr them who said loyal fans live in the past, yes.. i’m Milanista of past, present & forever

  2. I just don’t get the timing of this protest… it’s not like we’re nearing the end of summer with nothing to show for it in the market.

    The season isn’t over yet. We can not bring in new players to show intent. Hell, we can’t even announce a new coach since the current one is still on the bench and the season ISN’T over yet…

    What is Curva looking for here? For the management to come out and lay out all its coaching and mercato plans before the season is over?

    1. The timing couldn’t be more perfect. Matches with nothing left to play for and the owners will remember these as the mercato is soon to be opened. Well played, Curva Sud. Well played!

  3. To show the owners this is milan not mid tier team we can not be happy for top 4 like our owners is happy to finish within top 4 to generate some profit they don’t seem ambitious curva sud is backbone of milan they are there whether it’s cold or hot whether it’s night or day they are the ones paying 50% of milan revenue they are right to support milan not to support billionaire to be trillionaire they must know where their money goes to

    1. They’re running it like a football club, in line with earnings. They’re changing philosophy to be open to sales because that’s how top clubs without Arabian state ownership have to be run these days.

      It’s been one season of the new management, they’re spent on many new players, pretty much all of whom have contributed.

      What you’re blaming them for is not inventing a time machine and going back to stop Marotta spending money that Inter don’t have for the last ten years and then going back to the mid-90s to warn Serie A that the EPL is going to market itself hugely in Asia and the rest of the world and destroy foreign revenues. Blame them for that if you want but I feel that’s harsh.

      1. R please you are way too forgiving with Redbird. They spend in salaries only 31% of yearly income while Inter spends 51%. UEFA rules allow the clubs to spend more than twice than 31%. There is no excuse. Redbird keeps too much money in their pockets.

          1. Almost every team in this world are in debt, debt free is good for gerdinale and Redbird because when they are selling milan everything will go through their pocket debt free isn’t something to brag when we are fans we don’t have to worry about debt we have to worry about winning trophies like inter doing now

      2. My issue is not the money – which doesn’t grow on trees.

        My issue is the mismanagement of that money.

        No other business operates the way Milan have operated in the last year.

        – completely arbitrary decision making around targets;
        – massive turnover of staff and players;

        Last season Milan over-achieved in Europe (we made the semifinals of the Champions League) and met expectations in the league (qualification for the Champions League).

        The response?

        Fire Maldini, Massaro and most of the back room staff, and sell and loan (to our immediate rivals) about half the first team and sign another 10 or so first teamers.


        And look at this season – the club set Pioli the minimum objective of a top 4 finish. He finishes 2nd and is fired.


        If money is finite then it’s all the more reason not to be so wasteful.

        But this isn’t about money, it’s certainly not about football, it’s about using a football club as a vehicle for flipping players and backhanders.

        And that is the modern transfer market.

        The club didn’t spend money in the 90s (the most expensive player at one stage 13m). It built solid foundations around a core of local players and it added a small handful of truly world class players to those players.

        It doesn’t require a Time Machine. Just a normal approach to running a business.

        As for the Curva Sud. Useful idiots.

        1. The super rich have always exploited football. The difference is the the super rich have got richer (relatively speaking) and more brazen. Where the brown envelopes used to literally be that, they are now media or property tie-ins, but it’s all the same.

          We were spending with the best of them in the 90s. The money we paid for Papin and Lentini in particular was crazy at the time, especially considering Papin wasn’t even a guaranteed starter.

          We weren’t a club that was renowned for flipping players in the 90s because we were the 90s equivalent of a super club. However there was still plenty of turnover, particularly around that couple of dreadful, wasteful seasons in the middle of the decade. The two players named above, Panucci in and out in a year, Dugarry, Bogarde, Davids. We dropped the ball massively on Vieira, we sold Desailly when he still had loads left in him (small profit proves it). I’m going off memory alone so they’ll be more.

          Then that same board overindulged massively as we tipped into the 2000s. The money for the two Alaves boys based on one good European run was stupid (utterly stupid), as was the outlay for Donati. Obviously this was largely a period of inspired signings and there will ALWAYS be some duds, but the money changing hands was in line with the biggest spenders of the time.

          Then that same board sold prime Sheva, sold prime Kaka, and let prime Ibra and Silva go in one window, all for profit.

          Then that same board sold to the highest bidder with complete disregard for the future and the fans.

          This board are clearly learning on their feet, but my sense is they ARE learning.

  4. This whole thing is pathetic.

    “seeing a Milan that has been playing games without determination for too long”

    Sorry, but that’s cowcrap. This team may not be as good in some areas as the Inter team (who are paid way more on average) and not as experienced, but ‘playing without determination’? What artificial nonsense. This team consistently put in effort on the pitch and fight for their shirts, they never have a massive losing streak because after a few game their determination wins through.

    There are clubs out there run terribly. Some are underperforming. Some have been financially mismanaged into oblivion. This just shows how spoiled some Milan fans have been over the years. They’d rather gamble everything and play the last ten years back again than wake up to a modern reality.

    Milan are none of those. This season, they’ve performed on par or above the payroll level, they’re well and away above 3rd place in the league (despite Juve and Bologna having ZERO European commitments and thus 14 games fewer over the season.

    4th highest wages in the league, but comfortable in top 2. 4th highest wages in UCL group and stayed in Europe (and two group opponents made the semis).

    Just because you grew up watching a Milan team with one of the highest wage bills in Europe doesn’t mean you should ignore what this team is doing without it.


    1. There’s a slide since the Scudetto season. That two-year dip is concerning to the Curva Sud. But not the last decade, when we were a mid table team.

      The overall ascent has been upwards. There’s a palpable growth, development and improvement in the club, fiscally and in quality. But Curva Sud is concerned to a point of a protest.

      I think this is honestly because the ownership is American. How long did Silvio decompose Milan for before he dumped it to the Chinese? Where was Curva Sud then??

  5. I don’t get these protests either, I mean I also don’t agree with decisions taken last summer and I surely don’t support the management. But those are my reasons. Anyway, after a turbulent summer we are still overachieving and are 2nd in the league. And Curva seem to protest based on assumptions. I don’t even know based on what assumptions? Hiring a lousy coach and below par reinforcements? Do they know something more than us?

  6. Honestly, if management were at least to be honest with us I can tolerate it a bit. we have furlani and gerry saying the exact chatgtp ai generated message “we want to win” yet, they never specify to us what they want to win. Win against Lecce?Monza? Win one cl game against psg?? We are not Roma, lazio and Atalanta. It’s so hard for them to say to win trophies why? Other than not wanting to win trophies I can’t think of another reason.

  7. Curva Sud does not own or manage Milan, nor does it represent the majority of Milan fans worldwide.

    This Milan has done better than any other Milan for the last decade or so.

    Maybe, they ought to shut up!

    1. And that’s an unrealistic fairy tale. If you want that, fine, hope for it, but don’t expect it because that’s completely unfair on everyone doing a good job to move the club in the right direction.

      You’re blaming things that you can see now but those die have been cast a long time ago, by Serie A falling behind England and Spain, by Italy’s big clubs refusing fairer revenue sharing 25 years ago, by Berlusconi and the people he sold the club to, by Maldini and Massara as sporting directors (signings like Origi eating the wage bill).

  8. Curva Sud are spoiled and pathetic as fvck!

    – 2 season ago we got 19th Scudetto
    – Last season we tasted CL Semi-Final again. When was the last time we managed to reach CL Semi’s? Right, back in 2007 or 16-17 fking years ago.

    This season is unfortunate but we still ended up at 2nd place in the league while managed to beat top club like PSG in CL despite we didn’t qualified to the next round.

    I get the dislike towards Cardinale (i also dislike the guy) and we all want win and trophies. But this protest doesn’t bring anything except disrespect towards the players and manager who already worked so hard to bring this club back at top level again.

  9. Funny how people here have been crying out for changes from the management and all they do is b*tch and cry on this website’s comment sections. Now that Curva Sud are actually making themselves heard (by being silent, which is ironic), the same guys are calling them idiots.

    I give my thumbs up for them for standing up for the true fans who want Milan to improve and not settle for finishing in top4 like the hypocrites here seem to.

    1. Turning on the club before a crucial Europa league tie?

      What heroes.

      We’re not finishing in the top 4. We’re finishing in the top 2. After 2 is 1. It goes 1 then 2.

      I know. What a f’ing disgrace. That’s nowhere near your imaginary standards.

    2. Why didn’t you give them thumbs up for not protesting Scaroni when he said top 4 is their goal? Why now all of a sudden? The Curva is a walking contradiction machine. Half of the time they don’t even know what they want. They want the team to improve yet before the season started said the team was great and management did well.
      Can’t even support the team before a critical tie. Why long yourself with these individuals is beyond me. Sure I want improvements but we can’t exactly do anything now. Which quality coach wants to come to this sort of nonsense

      1. “Can’t even support the team before a critical tie. ”

        I’m talking about the protests in the last 2 matches.

        “Why didn’t you give them thumbs up for not protesting Scaroni when he said top 4 is their goal?”

        Well, that is so dumb it doesn’t even deserve a proper reply.

        “Sure I want improvements but we can’t exactly do anything now.”
        Yeah, do the silent protests during the summer when the matches are on a break. That will show the management, right? 😀 😀 😀

  10. As like others I don’t even know what exactly they are protesting? It couldn’t be that they didn’t like last year’s summer signings. After all they themselves said and i quote, ”
    We haven’t seen Milan making so many good moves in the transfer window in years,….We were certain that strong corporate moves must then be supported by actions, and so it was!!”

    So they were ok with both the transfer campaign, the strategy of the club and the corporate moves being made. (I’ll leave aside them saying they don’t make assessments on the coach,. Players and corporate for now).
    We have largely the same set of players we had at the start of the season which according to them, one of the best transfer windows. Somehow they want another further leap in quality i guess 🤷‍♂️ which apparently requires mass protest. Sure /s, but wait until the season is finished or the transfer window opens. Geez.
    And we know they wanted a new coach, which btw is still contracted for another year (but that’s another issue). Talks about disrespect but yet disrespects the current one. Not to point finger or blame but points finger or blame. Typical curva contradictions. If you want a leap in quality of coaching let the people do their work to find one. Which top quality coach would want to come to put up with their nonsense like abandoning the team before a crucial return leg?.
    They’re just upset with the results. Who isn’t?. Because things didn’t go their way doesn’t mean u have to throw tantrums. I get when they protested during the banter era, that made the most sense out of any time in their history of protests. But protesting a second place Serie A finish does not make any sense. Maybe they bought into the management’s overly optimistic expectations. That UCL group to get a r16 was actually high expectations..maybe an exit into UEL and a few more rounds (wink wink) there would be more apt. Copa was a disappointment too. But these things happen in football. The level of protest relative to the what’s happening with the club is disproportionate. We’re not in banter era. Save your energy for when we finish 7th or something like that /s. In the meantime go support the team.

    1. “In the meantime go support the team.”

      Their money. They decide. Are you at the stadium week after week showing your support? Didn’t think so. Easy to judge from a distance.

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