‘A desperate cry of love’ – Curva Sud explain decision to continue protest

The protests of the Curva Sud continued last night during the 5-1 win against Cagliari as they remained silent and did not show any of the usual flags or banners.

A protest had already happened during the 3-3 draw against Genoa at San Siro last weekend and they decided to repeat it six days on, wanting to reiterate their stance that clarity and ambition must come from the management.

A banner reading ‘The noise of silence’ symbolically represented the protest against Genoa and the same image was used to explain the decision to continue the protest. As on the occasion of the match against the Ligurians, the Curva Sud distributed a new fanzine outside the San Siro to explain their motivations.

As Calciomercato.com recall, the banner in the Curva Sud accompanied the teams’ entry onto the pitch read: ‘We demand and deserve a strong and winning club. Milan are not satisfied’. As against Genoa, a single chant from the second blue tier: ‘We are the Curva Sud’.

For the rest they remained silent and any chants heard were from other sections. Below is the full text from the fanzine.

“We had the intention and need that our questions, we believe they are the ones that every AC Milan fan has been asking for weeks, would be well received by the ears to which they were addressed and the best way to achieve this result was to do it in silence, rendering the Curva Sud silent and the large part of San Siro that responded with participation and conviction to our protest.

“Without wanting to point the finger at anyone and without looking for blame, we wanted to highlight and remind the management where a project that can be considered successful starts from. It starts from a club that is cohesive and compact in every element, that is ambitious and is not satisfied to arrive in the top four because Milan was born to win, to excel by fighting with all its strength and because ‘he who is satisfied enjoys’ does not apply to Milan and to Milan, the project starts from a club that is capable of moving with ease in every field: from the playing field to the transfer market, from the institutional offices to the media where on too many occasions Milan, the team and the club, have been treated in a disrespectful and unfair manner precisely due to the lack of an effective communication strategy, which will then have to be combined with safe, reliable and prudent planning that concerns the technical area and the team’s staff for the coming seasons.

“This is why we have chosen silence, to give more power to our questions, to give as much prominence as possible to what we ask and which seems to us to be the indispensable basis for returning to competing to win and not simply participating, as sadly happened in these two years after the wonderful and unforgettable Scudetto of 2022.

“In the surreal atmosphere of a San Siro that was witnessing yet another match resulting from this sad period and well before the Rossoneri’s partial comeback, we had decided to leave in the eightieth minute of the match, leaving the completely deserted Curva Sud adorned only with the banner ‘THE NOISE OF SILENCE’, the shocking sight of which expressed all the anger we have in our bodies at seeing a Milan that has been playing games without determination for too long, that is content to just scrape by in the ranking positions sufficient to guarantee a place in the Champions League but it is not what we want because we are not satisfied, because Milan are not satisfied like any provincial team: the team that has won the most European Cups after Real Madrid cannot limit itself to participating like any other team in the competition for most important club of all.

“Our silence has made noise, our silence demands concrete answers, our silence is a desperate cry of love, it is the cry of those who are ready to do anything for their Milan and it is the task of those who direct and command Milan not squandering the strength and passion of the Curva Sud and the Rossoneri fans.

“Milan is governed by its thousands of fans who historically have NEVER lacked their support, especially in the darkest moments, and the great responsibility of the owners is to give these people a Milan that lives up to its name, a Milan which always sets itself the most ambitious goals if only for the fact that it is called MILAN.

“How can we be satisfied? How can we be satisfied with an objective that in some places is historic but which for Milan is the minimum? We sang only one choir last Sunday and it was our anthem, a cry so explosive that it tore through San Siro and silenced the Genoans (we finally heard them…), it was the song of a Curva that asks for the same madman for Milan love of which it is capable, which asks those who manage Milan to be in love with it, to have Milan in their hearts to build one that will see the stars again.

“We ask our questions to an owner who has known first-hand, who has seen first hand and breathed in a delirious square everything that we call ‘Milanismo’, an owner called to give answers and who has the fate of Milan in his hands: do not betray our love and our trust.

“We will continue our protest for this match too, continuing to remain silent and without displaying banners and flags. We will continue to make noise with our silence , all together with Milan in our hearts.”