Di Marzio says ‘Ibra is coming’ and confirms he will be a ‘sporting eye’

Gianluca Di Marzio has confirmed that Zlatan Ibrahimovic is on his way back to AC Milan but the timing of his arrival is not yet certain.

As was reported by Di Marzio on Sky Sport (via Francesco Nasato), the former Rossoneri striker will be a part of Milan again soon and he is going to be a sporting reference point for the club and for Gerry Cardinale.

The only uncertainty that remains is when he will start this new role, which has been discussed for many weeks in meetings and in the press.

“Ibra is coming, we don’t know the timing. He will be a sporting reference point in the Milan galaxy and in Cardinale’s galaxy, in all his interests and investments. He will be his technical and sporting eye,” Di Marzio said.

One of the recurring themes was the idea that Ibrahimovic does not want to come back in a superficial role, he wants to feel that he is having a genuine influence on the sporting side of operations.

Stefano Pioli is thought to have been in full support of Ibrahimovic getting a new job with the club.