Di Marzio: Milan hold talks with the agent of Brazilian defender – the situation

By Ben Dixon -

A new right-back is among the priorities for the summer mercato, and AC Milan’s management have held talks with a defender who they have an interest in. 

Earlier today, it was reported that Milan, under Fonseca’s management, will look to sign four players/roles in the summer, and one of those positions is a right-back. Two names have been linked consistently with the role, and those have been Tiago Santos and Emerson Royal.

However, Gianluca Di Marzio has reported that the club have held talks with the agent of Emerson this afternoon, given he is one of the ‘top targets’ for the Rossoneri’s management. However, there are some drawbacks.

Given he is not from a country in the European Union, there could be difficulties when registering him for the squad next season, and this could cause the club to look in other directions. Additionally, given Santos plays for Lille under Fonseca, he could be preferred due to their existing relationship.

Regardless of who is selected, Di Marzio states that the plans are clear, and the Diavolo ‘aim to move a few pawns from the right side’ and a new right-back will be brought into the club. It is not known who will be chosen to compete with Davide Calabria for the starting spot, though.

Tags AC Milan Emerson Royal


  1. Emerson Royal is better than Calabria and Tiago Santos combined. The only problem is that he will take up a non EUA spot if we sign him but he is a good player for Milan and he can play CB as well.

  2. WHY ARE WE TRYING TO GET MORE RBs!? We have 5 already. Buy a striker and a CDM already you useless ownership. Ffs

    1. Bro we dont have a good RB only decent ones.In a top team you need strong players all over the pitch.Its perfect that the managment are focusing on a striker, midfielder,CB and RB exatctly the position we need.Tiago santos is fantastic

  3. Has anyone actually watched this guy, he is a liability, utter trash, headless chicken, in fact with him and Chukie on the right flank we would be hilarious, wtf is happening to this team, Spurs will be delighted to get rid of this guy as they know how shit he is.
    Spinazzola is available on a free, there’s your Lb and Rb solution sorted !!

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