Di Marzio: Zirkzee’s agent will not be ‘influenced’ by his desire to join Milan

Gianluca Di Marzio believes that agent Kia Joorabchian will not be swayed by the fact his client Joshua Zirkzee wants to join AC Milan this summer.

As we reported earlier in the week and as has been confirmed by several other sources, the discussions have reached a make-or-break point and it is solely because of Joorabchian and his Sport Invest UK agency.

After suggestions that the gap on commissions was being reduced, Zirkzee’s entourage have made it clear that they will not budge on their €15m demands. If Milan want to close the operation they will either have to wait and hope for a reduction, or pay up the extra.

The final green light is awaited from Giorgio Furlani and the ownership to approve the overall €55m expense, but based on Zlatan Ibrahimovic’s comments about the club not being a ‘charity’ it seems unlikely they will falter.

Di Marzio spoke as he does almost every night during Calciomercato L’Originale on Sky and he gave an update on how things stand in the Zirkzee-Milan negotiations, with his comments relayed by Radio Rossonera.

“Milan will not give the 15 million euros in commissions, Ibrahimovic was very clear today. Either he [Kia] will return to more moderate figures or they [Milan] will go for another target like Artem Dovbyk,” he said.

“The player, however, wants Milan and the club are clearly trying to leverage his will. Kia Joorabchian is an international and very high level agent and I don’t think he will be influenced by this. He will try to close the operation with the best conditions for him and his client too.”

Tags AC Milan Joshua Zirkzee


    1. Kia works for himself first and then his player.
      Sole objective of any agent is to maximise profit 100 percent
      So maybe Milan should go for Artem dorbryk and give Kia food for thought

  1. Not by that but his release clause is only from 1st to 15th of July after that Bolgona would probably ask for a higher price which means the agent wouldn’t have that much room to ask for such a big commission. I mean it’s in his best interest to just accept whatever is offered to him before the 15th

    1. He’s probably stalling for time to see if he can get an English club to pay more before 15th July – especially if he’s now in the national team, there’s every chance of someone like Chelsea, Newcastle or Tottenham offering a lot more wage and commission.

  2. Just call this cumbdunt’s bluff. He thought we’re so desperate for a CF, we would go all-in on his client.

    I’d prefer that 15M go towards the yearly operational cost of the U23 team.

  3. Nope, that’s ridiculous. They are trying so hard on such commission as they know he is our primary target since the start of last season. I don’t see huge interest from other clubs so far, that would suggest the 55M price tag.

    The main reason Milan are willing to pay the 40M without negotiations is because they want the player now, not in 2 months. But if his agent doesn’t sort it out in the next week or so, I think they will move on with other targets.

    And I don’t think Bologna can sell him for much more than the 40, especially when clubs know half the price will be negotiated with the agent afterwards.

  4. Just move on to Artem already, or other strikers.
    If the 55M€ ain’t a problem for Milan but that we shouldn’t pay 15M€ to agents, then why not go for 50M€ strikers already ?
    If Zirkzee really wants Milan, he’ll find a way, otherwise, good luck for him since apparently not many clubs are tempted by him right now.

    1. Maybe because Zirkzee is the profile they want?

      – Younger, 23 vs 27 (Dovbyk), so more room to grow and can lead our line for longer time.
      – Know Serie A Well, no need for much adaptation. Just look at Chukwueze who was tearing at teams before he move to us from Spain.
      – I imagine he already know Italian language slightly and can communicate better, rather than Dovbyk who might find it difficult to communicate (does he know Italian? Highly doubt it)
      – economically, Zirkzee is lower in salary and still benefit from growth decree. But Dovbyk is older so maybe wanted bigger salary, and he won’t benefit from Growth Decree.
      – maybe his playstyle which is enabling others around him to shine is what Milan wanted, rather than Dovbyk type? (This is purely my speculation)

      That’s what I can think right now, any ideas?

      1. And then Zirkzee scores 15+ goals per season and then after 3 seasons when he’s got 2 years left and it’s time to extend he demands way more than we can pay and leaves for the PL anyway? Might as well sign Dovbyk, who is still relatively young and who will be 30 when the renewal is up and less likely to have the leverage created by other clubs wanting him after a few successful seasons with us. Remember that Ibra and Giroud joined us in their mid thirties. Also Remember we have Camarda. So Dovbyk might actually be the sweet spot in terms of everything, including integrating Camarda in a couple of seasons. Heck, I’d even take a serious look at Lukaku, who is surely no worse than either Zirkzee and Dovbyk, is probably stronger than both, has lots of Serie A experience and will be ripe for replacement by Camarda when his contract with us begins to run down at age 34 or 35.

          1. While I have no problem with smart sales when the time is right, the idea is also to build a squad. We can’t do that when we have to sell every player three years after we got them.

      2. I’m not trying to say that Zirkzee is a bad profile, I’m not his biggest fan, but on paper he does seem to be suitable for what we’re looking for. Furthermore to your points, I’d add that since he’s dutch, getting him and Wieffer would give us 3 dutch players and thus make it easier for communication, mood,…
        However we can’t allow ourselves to pay 15M€ for comissions and don’t have time to waste.
        Even aside from Dovbyk, I’m sure we can find decent strikers for 40M€-50M€. So if Zirkzee doesn’t want to come, it’s time to move on.

  5. This is like meeting a girl who’s already acting crazy before you start dating. Imagine having to deal with this goofball agent if we buy Zirk.

    1. Exactly. He’d have his player sign for a 2 or 3 year contract to only get to start with the same sh*t next summer for his extension. Pass.

  6. Seriously, when will UEFA or FIFA do anything about this agent scourge?

    I don’t rule out that this is a time-stalling technique that Zirkzee has approved, but it should be an option at all, that a player is in an agent arrangement where the agent can just stop them doing what they want to.

  7. What worries is me is the precedent this sets if Milan pays it. Also. For anyone blaming Maldini for Kessie leaving. This is the reason. Kia. Greedy agent who doesnt care about his client only his own wallet. Imagine arguing over 15 million as a comission. Like 5 million less is going to hurt him long term? Get out of here. Go start the conversations with Dobvyk an see how fast Kia budges.

    What will be interesting is if Juve enters the fold and Kia accepts less in comissions. Thats when an investigation should start.

  8. No no no. Seriously, just leave this drama, and start focusing on other options. It is simply an expresion of disgrace and greedy from his agent. One season wonder (,although it is still questionable to say as “wonder”, coz for me I rate it still as “above average”). And dont forget, this drama will happen once again in 3 years when contract extension starts. Enough drama already.

  9. If Zirkzee wants Milan then he has the power to fire his agent. So I don’t see why they his is a problem.

    Clearly the agent is not acting In Zirkzee best interest which is why he’s holding out for the 15m to enrich himself rather than getting the player to the club that is best suited for him and his development.

    At the end of the day Milan management shouldn’t have wasted their time even offering a contract to the player if they are not confident of closing the deal.

    Because I don’t see any downside in signing Dovbyk or even Jonathan David. Both would do well if not better than Zirkzee who really only had one DECENT season. So what’s all the hype about with this player when he hasn’t proven anything really?

    I would rather Milan sign a cheaper option like Dovbyk or Jonathan David and get us a strong CB and 2 midfielders while offloading Bennacer and Pobega.

  10. I wonder how easy it would be for Zee to fire Kia. Smelling a hefty paycheck Kia could have put in clauses into their contract to make it hard to boot him.

    Ultimately it’s the agent stalling the deal. Hopefully Zee is aware of that. He is off to the EURO’s now and that benefits Kia the most. Now he can sit back and watch the demand grow.

    1. Zirkzee has at least 5mil promised from that 15 mil commission. Unless UEFA is actually doing something about this scums called agents they will keep asking for more. And like this isn’t enough they even found a way to cheat the rules asking for big commission but as a ,,settlement bonus’’

  11. I don’t get it. Who is in charge here? Doesn’t the agent work for the player? Can’t he just say to his agent make the deal happen or I will fire you and find someone who will?

  12. Ya taking moral stances in sports always works…I mean just look at our moral stances and where that got us just to name a few: Donnaruma left for free; same with Kessie and Hakan; Thuram signed with Inter and destroyed us and we missed out on Taremi this winter who could have helped us….

    Ya let’s pay 50M for a 27 Yr old who has no experience in the league and no resale value VS 55M to a 23 yr old who has a resale value has played in the league and has room to grow. Ya this is a no brainer – I can see the logic here yep.

    Being principled in sports always works. Let’s stick to this. Why spend money on a greedy agent when we can give more money to a greedy club. Makes absolute sense to me😂😂😂

  13. Hilarious that Zirkee isn’t firing him already. Actively trying to ruin his career and send him to a modtavke epl team just so he can get a bigger payday. Like buddy, fire the clown. He doesn’t care about you

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