Di Marzio: Thiaw to AC Milan is a done deal – he will arrive tomorrow

By Isak Möller -

Malick Thiaw is one step away from completing a permanent move to AC Milan, who accelerated their pursuit in the last few hours. In fact, the player will be in Milan as early as tomorrow. 

Milan secured a comfortable 2-0 win against Bologna this evening, thanks to goals from Rafael Leao and Olivier Giroud. Off the pitch, Paolo Maldini and Ricky Massara secured the services of Thiaw from Schalke 04.

According to Gianluca Di Marzio, Milan have reached an agreement with the German side for the transfer of Thiaw. The centre-back, born in 2001, will arrive in Milano tomorrow and he will sign his contract on Monday.

The transfer should cost the Rossoneri €5-6m and it will be a permanent one, having first pondered several loan options on the market. Thiaw is a name for the future and it will be very interesting to see him in the red and black shirt.

Tags AC Milan Malick Thiaw


    1. You mean there was no fuss in the media about Milan’s plan F for the defense after they missed out on their higher targets.
      Plus Milan already tried to sign Thiaw in January

      1. Dude you take the media fat too seriously. Any decent manager with limited budget would try to make everyone think they are focused on players x and y, so they can sign who they want without causing problem blems such as a bidding war, etc.

        But of course this is just my opinion which is no more correct than yours. After all, we can only speculate.

        1. Bidding war for thiaw 😂😂😂😂😂😂

          Do you even know the dude? Milan better not send gabbia out because of this guy, he is a panic buy and nothing more.

      2. The media throw out different names in the summer forgetting about Thiaw after last winter. It was only in the last 2-3 days they remember him.

      1. Based on your info , he played around 90% of the time as a defender. Which makes him A DEFENDER.
        Since he is only 21, those 18 times he played in midfield happened when he was really young and they were trying to find out what is his best position.
        Milan needs a proper midfielder who will back up Bennacer and Tonali

          1. The transfermarkt data seems to be mixed with youth appearance though, but he still play few times at DM for senior team 2 seasons ago.

          2. You are wasting your time with absolutely useless information.
            So what does it mean that he played 15% of the time in midfield?
            That if we have a situation where 4 of our 5 midfielders + Calabria ( the emergency midfielder) are injured, Pioli can try and play Thiaw as DM.
            C’mon bro . He is a CB, they signed him to play at CB. They need to bring another midfielder who actually is a midfielder not someone who once in a blue moon plays or played as a midfielder

          3. You forget that with squad size limit in Serie A and UCL, Milan cannot just sign more and more players for a single position. This is whay triple M and Pioli value flexible player who can play multiple roles very highly.

            Even CDK play as AM less than 20 times for Brugge (he played mostly as CF last season) but that doesn’t stop Milan to sign him as AM. Thiaw will be Milan’s 4th/5th CB but I won’t ve surprised if Milan have him as emergency 5th DM in mind given that DM is already his secondary position to begin with.

  1. He can play at CB and DM, his birth year qualify him as U21 this season so he can play at the league without being registered at 25 players list in Serie A squad (might be excluded from UCL squad though as he has not been at the club for at least 2 years to qualify for UCL B list).

    Make sense from multiple perspective.

  2. Is he any good? I barely watch any 2.bundesliga (similarly most Milan fans I think) so difficult to assess … is this a desperation squad addition like Ballo Toure was last season? Or is he really a promising defender that could be a starter

    1. There is a reason he only costs 5 mil.
      He is very raw but with proper coaching he can become very good because he has something that can’t be taught, height, speed , big physical body.
      He is very good in the build up because he can pass with both feet.
      He is more of a project than a sure thing

  3. Why exactly are we buying this dude? Must we get every trash out there just because we are saving few millions, nobody wants to buy ballo toure and now we are adding another Budden………THIS GUY IS NOT GOOD!!!!!!!!!
    Very slow and easily beaten, go watch his last match with schalke……We should have kept gabbia, then promote him to 3rd CB above kjaer (who is getting old already) till January when REDBIRD atleast might take over and provide funds for January (hopefully)

    This is just a panic buy and they should not try this rubbish when getting a midfeilder, that midfeild really need one more quality. it’s better we keep the players we have instead of getting every cheap mediocre player out there cos we are saving money that won’t still be spent….

  4. It’s like the same with buying Botman for 30M++ isn’t it? He’s also slow and tall but now look at Newcastle with Botman can compete in premier league.

    1. Does Newcastle play with high defensive line like Milan?

      High defensive line require fast player. Which is why Milan sign Thiaw (according to Pioli).

  5. If this guy is coming in for Gabbia then it’s a no for me. He was part of a team which has been awful for some time and he was part of there team that let 6 goals in this weekend! Sometimes it’s just best to stick to what you already have. If he plays well and proves me wrong I would be more than happy.

  6. Maybe this dude can provide better aerial save than kalulu. They already want to sign him in january so this is not panic buying. Good luck malick

  7. #fakenews. The true football experts here has said no one will come after CDK. I trust their expertise and superb knowledge over any official AC Milan announcements or rumors by reliable sources.

  8. Thank you West Ham. This WHOLE deal was funded by the sell on fee we get from Lyon selling Paqueta to West Ham(8M)..so we have 3M to play with. Maybe a loan for Onyedika with obligation to buy.
    This is a decent low risk signing that adds depth

  9. The “MILAN HAS NO MONEY” crowd are by far THE WORST sporting fans on the whole planet. I’ve honestly NEVER seen this sort of behavior before, let alone from supporters of one of the 10-15 largest clubs, and a Top 5 club in terms of historical importance. Yes AC Milan do not play in the EPL, this is a HUGE financial disadvantage…to EVERY CLUB OUTSIDE ENGLAND. However besides that one thing Milan have almost no financial limitations as compared to 99% of European Football clubs. Milan’s financial situation is MUCH closer to that of the top spenders in Europe(Barca,Madridx2,Munich,Juve etc) than it is to the Clubs who they’ve been spending like the last 3 years(Fiorentina,Lille,Sevilla,Fulham). This idea that Milan cannot spend money like a European powerhouse is mind boggling, it came from absolutely no where, and it’s being promoted HEAVILY on comment sections/boards like this, either by THE WORST supporters ever, or more likely by trolls and bots. Elliot have NEVER released anything even close to FACTUAL hard evidence to back up their financial claims, look for this evidence it does not exist. The only reason the “Milan can’t spend money or else FFP will get us” has come ONLY from a SINGLE SOURCE: Elliot Management/their cronies. Yes Milan was hit with a slap on the wrist for FFP after being so pathetic as to not get a UCL spot after being one of the Top 5 spending clubs in the world over the previous 5 years lol. Think about that for a moment people. Milan got a totally BS, no consequence FFP hit after spending more money than the likes of Chelsea,Barca,Arsenal,Juve and almost as much as PSG! And THE ONLY reason they got knocked for FFP was due to not making the UCL. And cant we all agree that you should be punished period for spending that much money without finishing Top 4 in your league? I’m kidding but the larger point is this: THE ONLY PEOPLE who don’t benefit from Milan spending money are THE OWNERS! This idea that the spooky FFP monster is going to get us if we even spend Top 30 money is COMPLETE Elliot fabrication/misinformation. The next person who cried about how “Milan doesn’t have money waahh” or “I don’t want to be one of those irresponsible spending clubs, we’re better than that waaahh!” 😢😭 That person needs to provide links to facts that back up their point that Milan can’t spend money and/or that being a club who doesn’t spend money is BENEFICIAL and THE BEST strategy. Good luck with that, but I’ll be waiting.

  10. if Malick Thiaw really come in, Fode Ballo-Toure must be out, Kalulu go RB fight a place with Calabria, & Florenzi will be Theo’s Backup.

    Because Thiaw is 194 cm tall & he is perfect for CB.

  11. Thiaw is a solid signing for the future. Not sure how much he helps us now as I have read he’s still a bit raw – but we will see. Best case is he develops like Kalulu. Sits bench for first half of season and learns and when he gets his chance he shines. But expectations should be kept low. Worst case he takes a few years and is the eventual replacement for Kajer. M&M wanted him back in Janaury so they have followed him for a while and must be happy to get him at half the cost. I think we still keep Gabbia for depth because Thiaw is not a proven player just yet. We NEED at RW. Zyiech is a must if he’s still available for the reported 10M. DM – Onana at 5-6M should be done as well.

  12. Gabbia should stay, I think there will be space for him to play… he is also important as an homegrown player for us in the Champions League…. if we allow him to leave , it should be a dry loan and we would need to buy or loan another CB…
    We would need 5 CB’s for the whole season if we want to compete ( 5 starting CB’s)

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