Elliott Management respond to Milan investigation: ‘This allegation is false’

Even though there was sun over Casa Milan during the day, it would be fair to say that it has turned into a bit of a stormy evening.

As was reported by La Gazzetta dello Sport among other sources a few hours ago, there was a raid carried out by the financial authorities at the Milan offices as they looked to seize documents of interest.

Milan’s current CEO Giorgio Furlani is being investigated by the Milan Prosecutor’s Office alongside the former CEO Ivan Gazidis. The crux of the investigation is the corporate transfer between RedBird and Elliott Management which took place in August 2022.

Then, the esteemed Italian lawyer Felix Raimondo shared his thoughts on the news that Casa Milan was raided by the Guardia di Finanza on Tuesday afternoon, suggesting that there is no reason for fans to worry about sporting punishment.

Now, Elliott Management have provided a statement regarding the matter which has reached us, and we can relay it below.

“We note reports this evening that the current and former CEOs of AC Milan are under investigation in connection with an allegation that the football club ‘still belongs to Elliott, and it was hidden from the Football Federation’. This allegation is false. AC Milan was sold to RedBird on 31st August 2022. As of that date, the Elliott funds have had no equity interest in, or control over, AC Milan.”