Expert says referee made ‘many mistakes’ in added time of Salernitana-Milan

By Euan Burns -

Former referee Luca Marelli believes that the official in charge of AC Milan’s 2-2 draw against Salernitana on Friday night made a number of mistakes in the final few minutes of the match.

Speaking to DAZN after the match (via Milan News), Marelli was very critical Daniele Doveri who had his work cut out in stoppage time with Luka Jovic’s equaliser and the brawl that seemed to break out with Alessandro Florenzi at the centre of it.

Given Milan had just scored an equaliser and were desperate to get the game going and find a late winner, they were not happy to see that no time was added on to the five minutes of stoppage time that were allotted before the brawl.

As Marelli explains, an extra minute or so should have been added on to the match, time in which either team could have found a winning goal.

“Doveri made a big mistake with added time. As you can see, in the ninety-third minute and thirty-five seconds a melee broke out near the Salernitana bench and there was also a sending off. There was a minute and twenty-five left until the end of injury time, in reality Doveri blew the whistle at ninety-five thirty. An error by Doveri, he was missing at least another minute of injury time that should have been added to the time allowed at the end of the match,” he said.

Doveri was surrounded by Milan players at the end who clearly expected there to be a bit more time added on.

Tags AC Milan


  1. I mean Florenzi is unwise too get involved so much, but in the end of the day he was physically attacked and the ref not giving these minutes meant that Salernitana profited from a physical attack, This just cannot be as a matter of principle.

    1. Yes, but with a minute to go he is discussing something outside the field with someone that already got a red card. Could have been a professional and done it 2 minutes later.

  2. Florenzi made genius job,he wasted us a 1:30 minutes for no reason,idiotic,leao tryed to get a second yellow in that situation but failed,but its obvious that he is not happy as before,his recognizable smile disapeared while ago

  3. I was watching the game with a friend who is a Newcastle supporter and doesn’t really watch the Italian league and he commented that the referee was terrible. I guess I’ve become numb to the substandard of football on every level in Italy.

    1. How many players did he say would have been sent off in the prem. I counted 6. But really 5, just the right back would have had 4 yellows.

  4. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t even matter if Doveri added more time and Milan went on to find the winner.

    The cracks have been there last season and all of this season so far. If it didn’t happen against Salernitana, it would happen against a different bottom dweller… Udinese loss was no different.

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