GdS: Adli shows closeness to team-mates again with amazing NBA jersey gesture

By Oliver Fisher -

Yacine Adli has always been a player that wants to create a positive environment around the AC Milan squad, and news as emerged of another amazing gesture.

According to La Gazzetta dello Sport, Adli woke up at 5am on his day off during Milan’s tour in the United United States. He went to New York, an hour away from Milan’s hotel in New Jersey, and came back with gifts.

More specifically, he bought an NBA jersey for each team-mate, and distributed them to the team. Obviously it’s not the expense that counts – he can afford it – but the gesture is one that was very well received.

Adli is in his second consecutive summer in which he seems close to leaving Milan, yet in the dressing room he has a special role. Many team-mates speak of the midfielder being wise, available to help and to talk, so while he might not be a vocal leader on the pitch he’s one of the most valuable in the group.

In May 2023, when he was completely on the fringes of the team, the Frenchman organised a barbecue at his home, with all of his team-mates and their families invited. A month later he said no to Eintracht Frankfurt, determined to fight for minutes, and they started to arrive.

Adli reciprocated the affection from the fans, too, as he learned the chants of the Curva Sud and applauded them when they collected necessities to aid charity. When he spoke to SportWeek he revealed even more about his character.

“I am a footballer, but first of all I am a man. And as such I want to be useful to my family and the club. We have money, but it is not everything,” he said.

“I do not have the strong legs of someone who can sprint 40 meters and leave the opponent behind, but I understand the timing of the game, I ‘see’ passes that not everyone sees.”

A year later, however, he is again on the fringe. Pioli did not play him due to his defensive limitations at first, then in the key moment of 2024 cited him as the best Milan midfielder at reading trajectories and intercepting, yet now the risk is that there might not be a spot in the squad list.

A year later, Adli remains faithful to his previous attitude: in difficult times, instead of complaining, he does something for the group, also because he has a very strong bond with teammates like Bennacer, Thiaw and Chukwueze.

Back to the NBA jerseys: to Mike Maignan he gave a Michael Jordan jersey, Mike for Mike. To Luka Jovic he gave Nikola Jokic’s, given the Serbian connection. To Tijjani Reijnders, LeBron James’s: all-around players with the soul of a playmaker.

Other pairings are less obvious such as Ja Morant for Leao and Wembanyama for Pobega, but the meaning remains: and there is a thought behind the gift. They are small things, but they help him to be part of the group, for how long remains to be seen.

Tags AC Milan Yacine Adli


  1. Great chap, fantastic footballer, an asset that could have been utilized by Fonseca, badly treated at Milan, despite his great contributions on and off the pitch, amazing spirit and love for Milan, would be terribly missed if he leaves.

    Coach and club need to consider Adili and feature him in the team. He’s got quality and has shown it, can easily fit into the mould of legendary Milan players like Andrea Pirlo. Forza Adili.

  2. I can’t recall a player having this much attachment to a club he’s hardly played for. Pure class off the field and potentially on as well – hope we keep him. 🙏

  3. What a guy. Now if only he had been tested in his natural position, that would save us time and money currently being wasted on Lazar.

    I believe that now with his defensive positioning and awareness, he could do even more if played in that AM role he was always supposed to. Coming down deeper for both defensive and offensive actions. He doesn’t have speed but has vision and determination.

  4. His gestures are one of a kind,I love the sacrifices he has made,you have no choice than to love him,I hope he gets to read this and sees how we love him,I am so following him as a fan to any where he goes.we love you Adli btw,you have got good passing skills

  5. He is the best Milan midfielder,exclud bernacer,
    Just that we don’t have coach
    I pray for our new head coach
    All we need this season was just two defenders
    Calafioli 50milion and pavlovic 20milion thats all
    With this two we can still play 3 5 2 or 3 4 3 formation,that’s why I was praying for sarri or conte
    Adli with have been our deep playing playmaker he can build from the back and can give Out pass from tight angle like pirlo
    Do u no that luka Romero is better than chukwueze
    We have it all

  6. We should absolutely keep him. Not just because his love of the club – but because we actually need him.

    First – it’s rare to find a player with his vision, talent and creativity. Second selling him now would yield a meager return – similar to the peanuts we received for a player like Simi’s (3M??) a joke. Third, in light of Pulisic’s impending move to #10 position with Chuck at RW – Adli would be a natural back up to Pulisic as a #10/ACM – his NATURAL POSITION. Fourth – it’s likely we don’t get Fofana or anyone else at DM which means RLC will have to play more in the double pivot w Reindjers, Benny and Musah as the top 4 mids – leaving a hole at backup ACM.

    Give him the chance to play in his natural position – where he doesnt have to worry as much about the defensive duties and let him do what he does best – control and spread the ball around the pitch with his creativity and vision and I think he will reward us in spades. We all know his dedication to the club and game and he will continue to work and continue to be a positive member of the team – and won’t complain if he doesn’t start.

  7. This guys is just a class act – off the field, at least. Hopefully, he would be useful in some ways for us this season.

  8. I get the passion but it’s a bit cringey given several coaches and now management dont want you there. Sry 🤷‍♂️
    Sometimes u gotta know when to give it up

  9. Adli is a feel-good story and I feel for the guy. But what is he stellar at? What is his true position? He hasn’t shone in any one position he played….

    Where do you use him? Same with Salad …

  10. Another Pacqueta situation loading here! We’ll end up selling a gem who will blow up within the year and have us ruefully looking from afar while he shines for club and country only because our Coach had no Idea how to use him.

    Even worse, this young man has proven he has the tenacity to fight his way into consideration on match days (I believe Italians call this ‘Grinta’ ) an unmatched love for our Colours and his teammates plus his passing accuracy and recovery starts last season were off the charts!

    If Carlo Ancelloti didn’t think outside the box with a certain Andrea Pirlo, one of the GOAT midfielders would have been relegated to obscurity. Keep Adli for what he provides as opposed to dropping him for what he lacks!

  11. He can back to be an AMC, as Pulisic’s Deputy. And sometime go to be A Regista like last season, if Reijnders in fatigue or Bennacer get injuried.

  12. I like Adli and so do many fans but do we see him in training everyday? Do have training certifications by the Italian FA? two professional coaches now deemed him surplus. too slow for the modern game. Even with the new coach who’s giving everyone a chance as shown by willingness to keep salad and kalulu…. Don’t see how we can’t trust the coach to make a professional choice. The players said Fonseca has a clear game plan. Adli just doesn’t fit it, no matter how much I love his grind, incredible technique, vision, and love of Milan. Good luck Adli whether you stay or go!

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