GdS: Concrete interest and new coach factor – Theo a ‘prime suspect’ to leave Milan

By Oliver Fisher -

Theo Hernandez is the most likely of AC Milan’s star names to be sold this summer but the new head coach will have a big impact in the choices made, a report claims.

According to La Gazzetta dello Sport, Milan start the summer knowing they have three big names to defend from foreign offers: Rafael Leao, Mike Maignan, Theo Hernandez, in ascending order of probable departure.

Ismael Bennacer is the fourth interesting name because, even if it isn’t talked about much, there is a question of the mercato lurking. The feeling is that it is just a matter of time before he moves to Saudi Arabia, even if it currently remains unlikely to be this summer.

Theo Hernandez is ‘a prime suspect’ to leave Milan before next season, the paper adds. Bayern Munich will lose Alphonso Davies either now or in a year’s time, and they ‘have everything they need’ to get the Frenchman.

They have the concrete interest, the gap in their squad (either now or soon) and the money to convince Milan to sell. The Rossoneri management have set an asking price of €100m for Theo and Mike Maignan.

A lot will depend on the offers that arrive, the timing (Newcastle’s bid coming early in the summer helped facilitate Sandro Tonali’s sale) and the will of the players. In this sense, the choice of the coach will be fundamental too because the stars will also look at this when deciding whether to stay.

Tags AC Milan Theo Hernandez


  1. Will be gutted but I do understand, he’s unlikely to sign a new contract and only has two years left on it – the bigger mistake was not signing him to a longer one last time we did a deal.

    Better be a huge number, he’s legitimately one of the best in the world in his position. And we better have good replacements lined up; Kerkes would have been perfect.

    1. What are you saying Theo needs to be kept he is one of the best LB in the world. Get rid of Tomori and Maignan but not Theo. Would even rather sell Leao but not Theo. You can find many good left wingers like Doku, Kvara, or even Savio but how many good LB do you know?

      1. I agree theo should be kept at all costs and i would also rather sell any other player in the team than him.

      2. If you are thinking theo is untouchable check this player quilindschy Hartman then for sure you will change your mind quilindschy Hartman is far better than theo and he is cheap

        1. That fella is out until January after he has had a knee surgery so I personally wouldn’t bet my money on him at least not in the foreseeable future.

  2. Why do we need to sell him? All we hear is how he’s a milanista, loves the City, future captain etc

    Management said nobody needs to be sold so what’s the issue? We are financially stable so what’s the issue if he wants a new contract?

    It’s time people started seeing through the BS, these people are corporate leaches, they will say what needs to be said when it need to be said. People keep buying the BS. Me and many others said last summer that one star will be sold each summer and it will continue us to be that way. How can you strive to challenge the likes of city, Madrid, Bayern etc by selling elite players and starting all over again….unless of course the aim isn’t to win as Gerry said in which case….more BS.

    I hope the curva boycott all home games if Theo is sold. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, by losing Theo you break up his unbelievable chemistry with Rafa. Any owner serous about winning knows that when you have something that good, you don’t break it up….

    Time will tell but I think we know what hapoening here. United aren’t in the CL but has said Bruno is not for sale….there you go, it’s that simple

    1. “Why do we need to sell him? All we hear is how he’s a milanista, loves the City, future captain etc”

      If Theo wants more money and Milan won’t pay, he will leave one way or another. You can’t force a player to stay. Milan has never made any player bigger than the club so why would they do that for Theo? There has been way bigger superstars in the club and even they have been sold or let go.

      Sure, I’d like him to stay. Out of Leao, MM16 & Theo, Theo would be my favorite to stay. But if he wants more money than Milan can give and/or he doesn’t want to stay for some other reason, what choice is there?

      Oh and make a big enough offer for ManU for Bruno and they WILL sell. For sure.

      1. well back in the days we also had far better players so selling one didnt really matter that much in the bigger scheme of things selling theo would be a huge mistake.
        In this modern day milan i wouldnt buy a shirt with a players name on it as every player is apparently up for grabs. Instead next time ill buy one ill have this written on it Il Diavolo and the number 666 printed on it instead that way i know i wont end up disapointed in a matter of time.

        1. You’ve nailed it in a nutshell. Who’s shirt do you buy? Parents aren’t gonna invest 100 quid in a lot for the player to go next window….

          1. I am actually serious because ac milan is called the devil and the devils number is 666 and i dont mind a bit of blasphemy 😀 i can see how it also can be interpreted but that is actually my take on it and i dont mind metal music and think it would look great and If kaka can wear a shirt that says that he belongs to jesus ill make a reverse statement 🙂

        2. The other day I saw a man with this season Milan shirt and CardinaleOut and number 0 print on the back. It was fantastic.

          1. That is definitely a clear zinger and i would definitely have laughed out loudly if i spotted a shirt like that,

      2. But this is a race to the bottom and who say Theo wants more money? Besides, If you want to hold on to an elite player you have to start paying big boy wages, at what point does the tide turn and we start becoming a serious club again? Everyone seems to have accepted that we can’t pay more than X yet we hear the club is financially sound.

        The bottom line is Redbird have no loyalty to a player because in their view with their stupid moneyball concept you can sell that player and make it up across the aggregate with cheaper options. This is why they won’t pay high salaries because it gives them the ready made excuse to offload stars. This is why the club will have no identity.

        If this club sells either of or both Theo and Rafa it is a clear statement of their intent and should be a line in the sand. Perhaps guys like me who have supported the club since 1988 are a thorn int eu side for Redbird…we will not tolerate Milan selling their elite stars…we are better than that

        1. “The bottom line is Redbird have no loyalty to a player”

          Like Barca showed loyalty to Messi a few years ago? 🙂
          I’m not defending the Milan management/owners here but I’m saying that no club in the world does what you expect Milan to do here. Loyalty to a player? Totti was the last loyal player to retire and there are no more loyal player left. Why should clubs be loyal to the players when they are getting the same treatment? Loyalty and respect should go both ways.

          1. Perhaps you are right. I am from the Maldini, Giggs, Le Tissier era when football had a small amount of honour and loyalty left in it. The point I am trying to make is that we have got elite players and we should at the least give them parity to their peers. Theo deserves a salary equal to that of Rafa. The Mike argument is different but only if a solid plan is in place to replace him like (for example) Carneschi comes in for 30m or so and Mike goes out for 60-70m….. Same with Tomori, sell to the prem for 60-70m and in comes Buongiorno for 40m. I like both Mike and Fik and would rather keep them but if a robust plan is n place then there is sense to it because they can be replaced. That Theo-Rafa axis is world class and can’t be

            If we need to sell, sell that way, but we have been told we dont need to sell. I think Redbird smell a bidding war for Theo and will take the easy option, not the correct one.

            There has to come a point where your best in class players need to be paid appropriately. I mean they are all massively overpaid anyway but the game is the game.

            Regarding Messi, Barca are f&cked financially, they literally sold the silverware to get Raphina and Lewandowski. Messi clearly wasn’t prepared to reduce his salary and he now regrets it. Messi could have played for free…. he’s already set for life as are his kids and grandkids….he could have spent those PSG years at Barca and then gone to Miami.

      3. I dont know how much Theo is asking, but if he’s asking a bump in his salary to be in par with Leao, I dont see it as a problem for us to satisfy that. Of course it would be another thing if he’s driven to win trophies elsewhere. But, if he is willing to stay with us and would just ask a reasonable salary bump – there’s no good reason to sell him.

      4. At some point we’re gotta be willing to pay players more if we want them to stay and/or want to get better players.
        Theo is arguably the best LB in the world right now and is earning 4M a year. The management should be willing to give him 6-8M a year in order to keep him.
        We always hear that inter is almost bankrupt yet they’re offering Martinez 8M a year and already have many players earning 6M a year.
        It’s one thing to lose MM16 because he wants 8M a year because he is a goalkeeper, always gets injured and easier to replace. But replacing Theo is almost impossible. I’d sell one or 2 other players if it means being able to pay Theo.

        1. I’d say anything less than 10M€ is fine and should be paid to keep him. Let’s say he’d sign a 5-year-contract with 9M€ instead of 7M€. That’s 5 times 4M€ = 20M€. Sure, it is a big sum but would that 20M€ make Milan go bankrupt? Nope. Can he get repay the money with his performances on the pitch? 20M€ in 5 years? Sure. Go for it. Renew!

  3. We cannot pay more than 5 millions + bonus to one player on our team. Across the street where they are on the brink of bankrupcy (been hearing this for years now), they offer 8 millions to Lautaro and Barella without any problem.

  4. He will leave Milan. The management already fired his idol (Maldini) without respect, will fired the coach (Pioli) who trained him for 5 years where he reach world class level, looks like the management wants to sell his compatriots too (Mike and Kalulu) as well importants players like Leao, Bennacer, Tomori, Thiaw etc, and the management doesn’t want to pay him more than 5 mill salary.

    So there’s no more reason for Theo to stay at Milan except his family. But i can see he will brings his family if he moved to Munich or City.

  5. These are just headlines, folks. Relax. This isn’t the first headline we see about Theo “leaving”. No one is breaking the door throwing money at us for Theo. Bayern rumors are just that – rumors.

    Nothing will happen at least until Milan gets a new coach. At that point it would be easier to lose a GK asking for 7mil/year than a stellar LB.

    1. you are right, but once again you are thinking from a position of smart football ownership. However the bidding war on Theo could get big. The decisions over the next few weeks on coach and elite players will show Red Birds true colours.

    2. True but there is the issue of Theo’s renewal.
      We might not sell him this summer but we have to renew to him.

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