GdS: Cardinale will be at Milan’s Venezia clash as pressure builds on Fonseca

AC Milan owner Gerry Cardinale is going to be at San Siro for the Rossoneri’s clash with Venezia on Saturday evening in which Paulo Fonseca is searching for the first win of the season. 

Life under the new Portuguese coach has not been good so far with Milan drawing against Torino and Lazio, and losing to Parma.

With Venezia having struggled since they made their return to Serie A, this is the sort of match that Milan simply have to be winning. They should really be winning it in style but just three points would be enough to give the team something to build from.

As reported by La Gazzetta dello Sport (via Milan News) Cardinale is going to be back in Italy and will take in the action live. It is certain that another poor display and anything other than a win will pile further pressure on Fonseca, with some very prominent managers currently waiting for the right job to come up.

This will be Cardinale’s fifth trip to Italy from the United States of America since the start of 2024 as he is trying to be as hands-on as possible, even with Zlatan Ibrahimovic being his man on the ground in Milan to feed information back to Cardinale in the USA.

Tags AC Milan Gerry Cardinale


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  1. Building on a discussion I found on other topic.

    Well, is clear that hoping for three negative results in a row, only to see Fonseca fired, in theory displays, as some of you pointed out, not only an attitude of lack of love towards Milan, but also a foolish way of thinking.

    However, an even grimmer possibility looms on the horizon: let’s say, for example, that the team gets a good result against Venezia (3×0, let’s say) and loses by minimal scores to Liverpool and Inter (1×0 and 2×1, let’s say) . Now that’s it: the stage is set for the board to adopt the convenient, conformist and in the end utterly mediocre narrative that “we are evolving”, and then no fvckin’ changes will be made at all. And so that classic scenario of midtable mediocrity will be consolidated, with the team winning its matches against small or medium-sized opponents and losing or at most drawing all important matches.

    In other words: in certain aspects, perhaps an abrupt change of direction right at the beginning, although obviously painful, would be ultimately better, as precisely occurred in the Giampaolo/Pioli transition…

    Anyway… we’ll see!

    1. Fonseca was doomed from the beginning. He doesn’t have the abilities to lead a top club. We knew that from the beginning and his resume is a clear evidence of that. On top of that he doesn’t inspire the players. Musah discrediting him in front of the media, the Théo-Leao show, now all the discussions around Zlatan’s role. It was a move in line with the current club’s policy, achieve top 4 and develop young players. There is nothing to hope for these days.

      1. Beating a dead horse, B. We all know there were better options. Let’s hope he turns things around quick, because I doubt Redbird puts a third coach on their payroll.

    1. I saw that. It is from Reppublica though… I don’t know how much stock I put in that. If it is true though, then sh*t is definitely starting to crack.

  2. I can’t wait to see what happens after the game if we win everything will be rosy with comments of Fonseca has turned things around and we are on the way to winning the treble.
    People, truly believe this is a player or a coach problem when in the reality it’s a management problem and anyone who doesn’t see this is either ignorant or getting paid by redbird.
    You need to have the right manager and the players need to understand his tactics but building a winning teams requires though and people at the top who understand football.
    Which we don’t seem to have, Ibra works for redbird and will always push Gerry’s agenda. Moncada is a scout and should remain a scout and Furlani is a glorified accountant with no idea about football. Gerry had no idea of Milan’s history and what this great club has achieved and frankly he could care less and he is a banker.
    The solution is simple bring people who understand football to run the club, a manager who has a winning mindset and players with a winning mentality. Preferably an owner who wants to always win.
    Words mean nothing, spending money means nothing unless it’s for the right players.

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