GdS: ‘Fonseca, direct line’ – the situation as Milan hold new talks with Lille boss

By Oliver Fisher -

Paulo Fonseca is the leading candidate to become the next head coach of AC Milan and the next few days will be decisive in determining whether it will happen or not.

Fonseca has been evaluated for a while by Milan given that he was always an alternative candidate to Julen Lopetegui and, after saying no to the Spaniard, they have always considered him a profile worthy of maximum attention.

Yesterday brought new contacts between Milan and the Lille coach, who tomorrow will play for qualification for the next Champions League with Lille. After that, we will begin to get more concrete signs either way.

Fonseca is the favourite to become Milan coach starting from July but the alternative candidates are evaluated day after day, with even some surprise contacts with other names.

Mutual choice

The official appointment will not arrive before the end of Serie A, this is practically certain. Milan have been saying this for some time, they don’t want to talk about other coaches until Stefano Pioli’s fifth season is finished.

The decision hasn’t been made but there are some pretty clear signs. Marseille have understood in these two days that Fonseca has no intention of accepting his proposal and it is no coincidence that they met Sergio Conceiçao, who was also highly valued by Milan.

Fonseca, if he wanted, could continue at Lille, he could go to Marseille and he has also been contacted by a top club (Bayern? Chelsea?). However, Milan are at the centre of his thoughts and yes, it is understandable: with Milan he would return to Italy, coach a team with a legendary history and attend the Champions League starting from August.

All attractive. Milan, on the other hand, appreciates him because he is a coach of ideas and common sense, willing to cooperate with the club and work with the (young) material available.

Who decides and how

At Casa Milan, as the paper adds, there is no shortage of brainstorming. The decision is in the hands of Giorgio Furlani, Geoffrey Moncada and Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

It is natural that there are ideas that arise from one of the three and are approved or not approved by the others. There are no zero-risk solutions with Milan’s budget, which doesn’t want coaches that earn €8m net per season, and perhaps there aren’t any regardless.

However, there is no shortage of contacts and proposals. For example, Lionel Scaloni of Argentina is something they have spoken with, with Marcelo Gallardo and Graham Potter also on the list.

Tags AC Milan Paulo Fonseca


  1. Shall we roll over and make peace with this development, or is that petition coming…I can’t accept that this is our best choice. If we wanted to experiment then Motta and Van Brommel would be best suited for that. As things stand we are resetting the start button, give the project 3 seasons before it settles.

    1. Don’t worry bratan, now the RedBird financial supporters will come here and tell us how we can’t afford to pay good coaches 5-6 million a year because we won’t be able to build stadium and after that buy Mbappe because then are revenues will be off that charts. I really hope these same guys are here in 2-3 years time when we will be still playing only for CL qualification and teams like Inter and Juve who are financially “worse” than us will still be more successful than us.
      That being said instead we upgrade from our coach we go to a Fonesca who in my opinion is at max on the same level as Pioli if not worse. Targets like Zirkzee will go to Juve who are so worse than us FINANCIALLY that they managed to snap the best young rising coach from Serie A.
      This Management has no other ambition than build a stadium to rise the value of the club and sell for profit.
      The clown Jerry said it – it’s so boring to win every year that’s why Milan won’t do it – I bet Real and City fans are sooooo bored of wining something every year that their fans boycot them every other game or year 🤡

  2. I won’t say of he is good or bad. But one thing is certain: on paper, with the information we have right now, he is no better (by any means) to Lopertegui.
    So if the fans protested (and managed to stop) Lopertegui, we cannot expect anything different with Fonseca.

    1. Pioli is far far better than him. I see no reason to sack Pioli & hire all this coaches that were mentioned. Equip Pioli & see what he can do. Pioli won Scudetti with the team even Guadiola, Klopp or Ancelloti will not will with it.

      Leave Pioli to end his contract, just equip him. Period

      He won league. The season after that he reached Championships League Semi final. The league after that’s this season he finishes 2nd in Serie A, then what did he wants him to do more than this with this weak team.

      Whether you like it or not INTER MILAN were better equipped than Milan, Juve better as well in fact even Napoli were.


  3. Pioli is far far better than him. I see no reason to sack Pioli & hire all this coaches that were mentioned. Equip Pioli & see what he can do. Pioli won Scudetti with the team even Guadiola, Klopp or Ancelloti will not win with it.

    Leave Pioli to end his contract, just equip him. Period

    He won league. The season after that he reached Championships League Semi final. The league after that, that’s this season he finishes 2nd in Serie A, then what did you want him to do more than that with this weak team.

    Whether you like it or not INTER MILAN were better equipped than Milan, Juve better as well in fact even Napoli were.


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