GdS: Kalulu expected for Juventus medical soon – why Milan accepted an option to buy

Pierre Kalulu has given the green light to join Juventus and his medical should take place in the next couple of days, according to a report.

According to La Gazzetta dello Sport, the negotiations between Milan and Juventus have now reached the final details and the player has opened up to the idea of moving to the Bianconeri, while the Rossoneri management have accepted a loan with option to buy and no obligation.

Juve, however, will immediately pay a sum equal to almost double that which they had initially proposed with the loan fee being €3.5m up front rather than €2m. Work is now underway to define the details of the option to buy, with Cristiano Giuntoli trying to keep the final sum under €20m.

A resale percentage in favour of Milan could help do this, and final figure of the deal should remain around €18m guaranteed, plus 10% of proceeds from a future sale to the Diavolo in the event that Juve – once they have acquired the player – sell him.

Juve should welcome Kalulu in the next 36-48 hours which is just enough time to complete some bureaucratic steps and exchange documents. The medical visits have not yet been scheduled, but the French defender will be available for Juve’s league debut on Monday at home against Como.

Giuntoli convinced Thiago Motta with Kalulu because he can play different defensive roles: left centre-back despite being right-footed, centre-back in a three-man defence or as a right-back, a position which he played with the Lyon youth team and in some games with Milan.

The only doubts are related to the player’s physical condition after missing a lot of games last season, and this is the reason why the negotiations were unblocked because Milan were willing to accept an option not an obligation.

Tags AC Milan Pierre Kalulu


  1. If the role is reversed, people would be bashing the management saying why we sign an injury prone player who only had 1 good season during the scudetto.

    1. I wouldn’t mind Kalulu going to Atalanta. Selling him to Juventus under such favorable condition for them is a mistake.

      But I do agree with your comment

    2. Exactly. Potential ~20M income for a 500K spend for a player that has only had 6 good months in 4 seasons and is currently 5th choice CB and 3rd choice RB. Great deal. Juventus will probably pay his wages, so that also comes off the books while the 3.5M loan fee can be flipped into getting Fofana over the line. If Juventus doesn’t trigger the buyout clause we will be in no worse position with him in the summer of 2025 with us needing to sell for sure at that point. If anything, in the event Juventus choose not to trigger his clause because this is kind of an emergency signing for them, the loan will increase interest in him next summer.

      1. You really think that we don’t have 3,5 mil for Fofana and we depend on this money to get him ??? 🤣 If they want to pay they will pay ,with or without Kalulu…

        1. these finance experts speak as if we don’t pull in 350 to 400 million euros each season…we sell for cheap and buy cheaper…then reinforce a team that did more on their market to surpass us. It is bad business

        2. It’s not about the money but rather about how many players we can have in the squad. That’s why Milan is trying to loan or sell before getting anyone new. Otherwise, you have to sell the players who aren’t included in the squad for less than their actual value.

          1. Correct, Milan is financially one of the best clubs in Serie A. This is bcoz we have self imposed salary caps and spending limits.
            We have to accept tht Milan will never be that club to sign a marquee player, we invigorate players that maybe on a bad spell, or buy young prospects and sell them later for a capital gain.

    3. Many of our players had only 1 good season , should we sell all of them ?? Even though i would call it “the best season” ,not “the only good season”.

      1. From those many players, kalulu is one of the players who missed a lot of games due to injuries.
        And he has never been the same he came back.
        Sometimes injuries can put fear in players mind thus they have never been able to perform like they did before injuries.

        And kalulu isn’t the first or the second choice either.
        For cb we already have Tomori, thiaw, gabbia and pavlovic.
        For rb it’s Calabria and Emerson.

        And in case people forget, kalulu himself agree with the move.
        He probably wants to secure playing time because he knows he won’t get that with Milan.

        1. It’s a pretty good amount of money too for a player with so many fitness issues. Also, at RB, we may even have a third choice in Saelamaekers. Kalulu is even further behind in selection than we think.

        2. He missed only last season because of injuries,and didnt have a chance to show us if he is the same player from the season before(scudeto season) or a scared player ,first three seasons he didnt have any injuries which is unbelievable for our team since all of our players have injury problems

  2. Idiots!!

    Selling a truely quality footballer, to a rival, in order to make room for a dud from tottenham.

    Kalulu can do it all because he is a quality player.

    Absolute imbeciles, are not in any way strengthening the team with very average signings to plug big holes all the while selling off really good proven players, thereby creating more holes.

    It’s 1 step forward 2 back with the Redturds ever since they darkened the doors

    1. They don’t care, they are not here for titles or being competitive in football or anything of that kind. Its all just business. Kalulu brings nice capital gain since he was brought cheap as a youth player and that’s that.

      1. He doesn’t bring any capital gain if they don’t buy him. And he’s a player who has hardly played for us last season and has very little exposure as a right back. I don’t like the terms of the deal, I’d rather a dry loan, but we have to move someone on from the team and this is the one they’ve chosen.

        1. Well yea, but thats even worse. If he does good Juve will buy him, if not, no problem for them. In general Juve will be stronger with him. Even if he ends up just being a back up for them. And Juve is a direct competitor. If he goes on loan better send him in some lower Seria A team that isn’t a direct competitor to us.

        2. They paid 500k to bring him and 3.5m for loan.
          Not just that they will pay 1m or 1.5m to kalulu if he stays, if he is on loan Milan will still get 2m more even after salary.

          Whatever Milan get from Kalulu sale is pure capital gain.

      2. WTF are you all talking about? Kalulu has been with us for four seasons, and the time he played well was for 6 months in the scudetto season. This guy is a 5th choice CB that we could get 20M for after having paid 500K. Of Pavlovic, Tomori, Thiaw and Gabbia, who does Kalulu start over (if he can stay fit)? Like, seriously.

        1. At the moment I would play him over calabria or Emerson at RB.

          I’m terms of cb id play him over an unproven Pavlovic an out of form tomori a rusty Thiaw.

          Lots of people mentioning his injuries last year. He was rushed back after his initial injury to cover for other injured players and got injured again.
          Most of the team had significant injuries, do we sell all our proven players because of last year’s debacle?

          1. I don’t get the critic he gets, guy have been struggling with injuries, but he needs playing time. Kalulu to me is one of defenders, when playing, have been flawless. No, I don’t say he has been a standout, but he keep it simple with few mistakes.
            Calabria or Royal, really need show up this season

          2. Ok, you would. But apparently the two professional coaches we’ve had over the last 5 years, Pioli and Fonseca, won’t. That’s the bottom line.

        2. I see what you are doing, twisting the facts to prove something that you want…sharing a fraud info.. you say injury prone player with only 6 good months in 4 years? Let’s talk about that. First of all injury prone player in 4 years? 1st season-no injuries, 2nd season- no injuries ,3rd season -no injuries, 4th season-injured! Now lets talk about “6 good months in 4 years”. First season he was basicaly a youth player,bought to primavera,just coming in to senior football,played 13 matches only when everyone was injured(tomori,kjaer,musachio,duarte and gabbia also),we all know how pioli worked with primavera youngsters…season 2 he was already excelent playing the whole 2nd part of season 2 in first line up (from january to may which is 5+ months) and that is why he was our starter in the whole scudeto season 3 in which he was also excelent playing 34 matches from August-May which is 9 months long. Now you want to tell us again that he had only 6 months of good play in injury prone 4 years?

          1. Thank you for telling the truth.
            It’s like listening to a bunch of Trumps here, just repeat lies and make stuff up, over and over

          2. This prompted me to go back and look at the stats. You are right. He only had one injury riddled season. Apologies, I stand corrected on that point and it’s a good reminder to do some research.

            But that doesn’t change the fact that he’s still 5th choice CB and 3rd choice RB, and selling him for 17.5M (potentially 20.5M with bonuses, and more if there is a resale clause) if you Juventus makes the move permanent, is a smart move for a player we paid 500K for….and is 5th choice CB and 3rd choice RB.

  3. Quality footballer? He had one half of a good season and only played 9 games due to injury last season. He’s totally replaceable. Relax.

    1. Yep, we’re right to cash in now before it’s too late. He’ll get injured sneezing in the locker room in a couple of weeks.

      1. They didnt cash in anything ,3 mil is nothing,you cant loan equal quality player for that money,there is no obligation to buy ,so if he gets injury they wont buy him,win win for juve ,and now we need a cb 🤦 which one you can bring for 3 mil??? Based on how much injuries we have we cant stay calm with only gabbia and thiaw on bench!

        1. Imagine getting a rental fee for a car that you use five times per year, is 50% sure to break down, and also not having to pay insurance on it for a year. Win win for Milan.

          Worst case scenario we pocket 3.5M (and maybe use it to get Fofana over the ling) and also not have to pay his salary for a year, and then we get him back in the summer of 2025 no worse than we are now with him on the squad.

          1. All the things you are talking about is based on assumption that he will get injured again and we will not use him.
            Worst case scenario is if he stays fit,repeat a scudeto season he had with us and upgrade our rival this season for only 3,5 mil.And if he do so ,his price will go over 30 mil but they will get him for 3+14=17.

          2. @Milee

            Lol. And what are you basing your evaluation of Kalulu as some unsellable player that we need to ask 50M for or start over players like Tomori, Thiaw and Gabbia???

            “Worst case scenario is if he stays fit,repeat a scudeto season he had with us and upgrade our rival this season for only 3,5 mil.And if he do so ,his price will go over 30 mil but they will get him for 3+14=17.”

            How does he get to that level here if he’s 5th choice CB?????

      2. What basis is there for this?

        Season 1- he played 13 league games, a good result for a young guy who had never played senior team games

        Season 2 – He played 28 league games, outstanding contribution to scudetto win

        Season 3 – 34 league games, rocky season for all our defenders, as no DM

        Season 4 – 9 league games, got a nasty injury, was rushed back to cover other injuries, got reinjured 1st game -not his fault. The entire team was ravaged by injury

  4. When we try to buy – negotiating for 3 months. When we get offer to sell ,eyes goes shining watching a few milions,imediatelly sell on a first offer,even though we could blackmail juve because they dont have time and need CB so bad,ffs they accepted a few days ago to pay 30 mil for todibo who is nothing better than kalulu ,this really is a sh*t job.

    1. Are you kidding? We haven’t sold anyone. We’ve got two world class players on soon expiring contracts and no hint of a sale. We need to move some players out because we’ve brought in more than we can register!

      I don’t think this is a great deal but I don’t understand why we’re critical of them moving fast and making a decision.

      1. Because he is sold under price to our rival. If they sold him for 25 mil fast i would not say a word but this job is complete sh*t. Why didnt they sell pobega,calabria,origi,toure,adli and other trash under price fast.

        1. Problem is he’s not worth 25 mil. Genuine question: Are you fully relaxed watching Kalulu in the back line, against say Inter? Or anyone for that matter?

        2. I agreed, it’s not a good deal.

          But they didn’t sell Pobega and Calabria because we currently have too many non-Italian players to register. Origi and Ballo-Toure we’d literally let go for free if we could, but no-one wants to take on their salary – we’ll have to pay them to leave at a loss. So the only one left on your list is Adli, who we don’t know what offers we have that are acceptable to the player.

  5. Kalulu is better than Calabria and Royal, smarter, and faster. He is better at defense as we saw him playing as CB, and better at offense as he was more involved.
    I hope we are selling him just because of his injuries.

  6. People are losing their mind about Milan selling a player who was injured all of last season and was dog doo doo the year before.
    The funny part is that they don’t want Tammy Abraham for the same reasons.
    At the same time they call Tammy a finished player because he had an ACL surgery but they want Milan to sign Chiesa who had the same surgery even though Milan has no need of Chiesa or a winger.
    Seems that people just want to complain.
    Kalulu is the 5th CB ans the 3rd RB at Milan.
    What are we talking about here?

    1. Just a prove that a lot of so called fans here are bunch of hypocrites.
      I wouldn’t name names but if you are in this blog long enough you’d know the usual suspects.

      1. Or it just proves that many of you bot accaunts dont really understand football. Chiesa had a good season last year despite Alegri not playing him much. Abraham didn’t had a good season. Also Chiesa has a world class potential which only Leao can match in our current team. (Also, we get Chiesa below price, its a chance really). People are angry about Kalulu cause he is a talented player going to a direct competitor like Juve. On top of that, Juve dont even need to buy him, its an option, which means no risk for Juve only gain. You see understanding the bigger picture matters…

    2. Saelamaekers may even be a RB too. Kalulu could have ended up as 4th choice. Not sure what people see in him. He’s very fragile.

  7. I am not interested in our transfers , nothing special will happen as always.
    I am just wondering what did our menagement did (if they did anything) about our biggest problem past years, our medical team ??
    It would be nice if you can provide us some info about that instead of giving us the same news from the same sources 10 times about the same players.

    1. Dude are you time travelling from last year? They have already talking about that even before Fonseca arrive at Milanello

  8. Injured forever, 9 games last season = quality footballer.

    Can’t make up the logic of the people on this site. Brilliant logic.

    1. What basis is there for this?

      Season 1- he played 13 league games, a good result for a young guy who had never played senior team games

      Season 2 – He played 28 league games, outstanding contribution to scudetto win

      Season 3 – 34 league games, rocky season for all our defenders, as no DM

      Season 4 – 9 league games, got a nasty injury, was rushed back to cover other injuries, got reinjured 1st game -not his fault. The entire team was ravaged by injury

      1. Currently 5th choice CB, 3rd or 4th choice RB. Recent injury struggles. Cost 500k. This is a panic buy for Juve and a good deal for us.

      2. So shaky for two seasons… and suddenly he’s a quality footballer? You’ve got no logic yourself. Thanks for proving my point.

        1. LOL
          How have I proved your point?

          Your point was

          “injured forever, 9 games last season = quality footballer.”

          I have simply outlined his appearance stats which clearly illustrate he was not injured forever.

          You’re entitled to your opinion of him as a player, I’m just going to call out pure bullsh1t when I see it

      3. Season 3 , Okafor took his soul and Kalulu lost his starting spot to Thiaw. Most of those 34 league games were of the bench.
        Rocky season because of no DM?
        The defense got better once he got benched for Thiaw and Bennacer removed fron double pivot for Krunic.
        4 years at Milan, and he maybe had 4 good months.
        He won’t be playing much if he stays anyway.

        1. Lmao , “most of 34 was from the bench” is exactly 7 matches ,he was 1st line up in 27 !!
          Its amazing how you find inspiration to lie when you want to prove something 😂 and when we talk about Thiaw,do you remember how shaky he was last season and how many mistakes he made?? Of course you dont..

        2. Okafor took his soul? Did he give it back ? Lol 😂 You’re saying because he got skinned one game that he’s a flop? Well we could say the same about Enzo against Adayemi, the same guy you used to be on and on about for us not getting. It works both ways

  9. I think with the acquisition of Emerson, it is very apparent that we’re going to offload one of our RB. The prime suspect was Florenzi, who didn’t have the best of terms with Fonseca, and is the oldest of the lot. However, his untimely injury probably forced Milan’s hand and ‘saved’ him from being axed.

    So, it would either be Calabria or Kalulu. Letting go of the captain would be sending all the wrong signals to some portion of the fans who are already very critical of the management – so, it is obvious that Kalulu is the odd one out. He probably knows this too and hence didn’t oppose the potential move and asked to leave.

    I would understand his sale, even the fee involved – which I think is fair at the moment. Sure, he had potential as shown during THAT Scudetto run, but as several correctly pointed out, it’s just a shame that his development was hindered by repeated injuries.

    Personally, if I was in charge of Milan, I probably wouldn’t buy Emerson and keep Kalulu instead, or buy a guaranteed starter over Calabria if we’re really keen to upgrade that spot – not just someone to ‘challenge’. But what’s done is done and I did hope that it wasn’t Juve who would buy him.

  10. here we go again with ridiculous comments forgetting that unlike ordinary commodity the players have an inputs -where they will like to move to. Balance that with the club’s need to offload fringe players to make room for targeted ones for certain roles, and the number of players clubs are able to register with their inherent restrictions. As we speak we have on our books two very unyielding players impacting negatively on space and finance. Why on earth should the club stand in the way of one such fringe player as things stands now .I
    hear and understand he’s good for depth
    and the club should have kept him? secondly, not to have loaned/sold him to direct rival but to a’ lesser unambitious ‘ team? The question is will he agree?if not what will be his impact on the club? Just be reminded of the two ‘albatross ‘ hanging on our neck! Don’t add to it. Forza Milan!

  11. This is sad. We’re selling our young players who gave big contributions for the 19th scudetto and replaced them with some mediocre players. First Tonali, now Christian and Kalulu also got sold.

    I’m not even surprised if this yankee management will sell Bennacer, Leao, Thiaw, Tomori, Theo, Mike, or Gabbia in the last minute.

  12. Selling a talented player to a direct dangerous rival, and bringing in an untested one.
    Then using simpleton excuses like he was injured, as if he was an injury prone player prior to signing for Milan, and then he was not the only one injured due to Milan’s terrible medical team.

    Days of our lives series going on here.

  13. I really liked him during scudetto season. But his performance has been dropping quite significantly after that season imo, added with injury problems. I am not being sentimental like a guy who get upset each time any scudetto winning team member was sold, as if it was invinsible team.
    So, I am not against the idea of selling him now, if it helps the club (like adding fund to more needed target, or reducing oversized team), and helps himself, by reviving his career with new environment.

  14. Another terrible Furlani deal. Loan (3.5M) with Option and not an Obligation?????

    First you don’t LOAN to a competitor. Second you don’t do it for peanuts and an OPTION – that may NOT be exercised at all and if it is we won’t see the $$ until next season – which does nothing to help us now. And if that option is not exercised his value decreases even further.

    IF we had to sell – and I understand why Kalulu wants to leave after the Emerson signing – you sell for CASH – or at the very least an OBLIGATION to buy – not an option.

    Another poor deal – Simic, Maldini, Jimenez (w the buyback), now Kalulu. Man would have been nice to have kept Simic now wouldn’t have it??

    Nice job Georgie boy!

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