GdS: Maignan breathes a sigh of relief over finger despite dislocation

By Oliver Fisher -

After a few hours of fear and worry, Mike Maignan was able to breathe a sigh of relief regarding the finger injury that he sustained during training.

Yesterday morning, Maignan injured the fifth finger of his left hand in training but fortunately, the tests highlighted a dislocation and ruled out any breaks or fractures.

Now the Frenchman will have to wear a brace for a week, but he can smile because his presence at the European Championship with France is not at risk as per La Gazzetta dello Sport (via MilanNews).

Maignan will obviously not play tomorrow evening against Salernitana meaning that his season is over with Milan, but the fact that he is all clear for the tournament in Germany – scheduled from 14 June to 14 July – is good news.

Maignan has missed seven games due to injury this season and with the clash tomorrow, that tally will conclude at eight games. Comparing this with his first two seasons at Milan, this is basically nothing as he missed nine games in 2021-22 and another 23 games in 2022-23.

We reported earlier today on our Substack that there is some internal frustration regarding the goalkeeper both at Casa Milan and at Milanello, and we revealed the reasons why.

Tags AC Milan Mike Maignan


  1. From “sigh of relief” to “sigh of relief”, the fact is that the side is always on expectation for his next injury… Someone wrote here a definitive statement about it: the first and prime hability is availability. Maignan must be negotiated.

  2. I’m gonna say this as a Milan fan AND a French national.

    “Dude! We can’t afford you to be this unhealthy! You need to do something about these injuries or you’ll turn into a M
    artial or a Nkunku!”

  3. Considering that since he arrived, he missed more than 40 games, that is one entire season missed, I want to wish him to stay healthy and to do great during Euros so his price goes back up and we can sell him for a ridiculous amount.

    He is a goalkeeper that gets injured getting out of bed, I like the guy, but he is useless.

    1. Unfortunately what we see, other teams see too so Theo has far more value. Unless Maignan can stay healthy and excel in the Euros for France (as others have mentioned), his value will drop and Theo’s name will keep popping up in the media since he represents a much higher transfer value. Injury-prone players hurt everyone, themselves, the club and it’s fans.

  4. Lets hope he play well at euro with french. That will increase his price in summer. Even donnarumma never have long injury in one season

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