GdS: Milan eyeing former Inter striker as Giroud’s heir – the details

By Ben Dixon -

It seems likely that Olivier Giroud will leave AC Milan this summer, and if he does, the Rossoneri need to replace his role both on and off the pitch. 

With Milan seemingly unwilling to offer the Frenchman more game time, his departure looks increasingly likely. Therefore, the club needs to evaluate his characteristics on and off the pitch if they look to replace him in a like-for-like way.

There can be no denying that Giroud is a vital figure in the dressing room – with a career spanning almost 20 years, he has a tremendous amount of experience at the highest level, and he will be a point of advice and expertise in the dressing room.

Therefore, Milan must look to replicate this while ensuring that they replace his contributions correctly. However, this will ideally be done by a headline summer recruit, with rumours extensively linking the Diavolo to a big-money move for a striker.

As Gazzetta dello Sport reports, there is a possibility that the Rossoneri might see Mauro Icardi as being able to fulfil this role. The Argentine striker looks likely to leave Galatasaray this summer, and given his experience and past in Serie A, he might be a wildcard to replace the Frenchman.

Tags AC Milan Mauro Icardi


  1. Fake news. Milan will not bring Icardi unless it’s a free transfer and those talking about his personal life issue that has nothing to do with what he does on the pitch.

    We should have gone for Icardi when he was leaving PSG as we could have got him on loan and on a cheap option to buy.

  2. He’s “getting on” in footballing terms but would be a solid addition to this squad. Especially as he’s ex-Inter merde – and something tells me he’d probably score the winner for us in the derby.

  3. Not sure why the headlines have us linked with an older second striker… Are we allergic to having two young promising strikers?

  4. Icardi isn’t old, he’s 30/31 and yes, we should have bought him from PSG before he went to Galatasaray. He scores goals and it would piss Inter off. Don’t see what his personal life has to do with it..

  5. Unless he’ll come aboard on a free teansfer and low salary ok, if not i hope this is another fake news. He is slow, past his prime. He will not add any substance to our team.

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