GdS: Milan and Inter to explore ‘new San Siro’ again but timing is a factor – the latest

AC Milan and Inter are looking into the possibilities of collaborating on a ‘new San Siro’, but there is once again a factor to consider for the clubs if a partnership is to be moved forward with once again. 

In recent months, it feels like Milan have explored several routes, and it doesn’t seem like they have really moved forward with anything at present. During the San Siro renovation discussions, the Rossoneri were favouring a move to their project in San Donato.

Nevertheless, when a decision was to be made, there were suggestions that the Diavolo had been seriously considering renovating the historic stadium. Of course, we now know that they decided – with Inter – to not move forward with the renovation project.

However, this may not be the end of the two clubs working together. This morning’s edition of Gazzetta dello Sport (seen below) has suggested that they have ‘reopened the hypothesis’ of a joint project near San Siro.

There is a downside to the idea, though. According to the report, the timescale of the project could be as long as 10 years, and with Mayor Sala offering threats to the club’s about their rental agreement expiry, they may not be able to afford such a wait for a new stadium.

Tags AC Milan San Siro


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  1. Most people here don’t understand the stadium issue, saying that Sala is a corrupted politician. What kind of corruption? I mean he’s our classic politician so he’s probably not the cleanest guy out there but in this case he’s just doing his job. He represents the citizens of Milan. San Siro belongs to the city and its citizens. It’s a hot topic in politics long before Jerry. During the regional elections in Lombardy, the future of San Siro was a major concern for many candidates. Sala has been quite cooperative recently, saying that he’s open to sell San Siro to the teams. Why would Sala and the citizens of Milan offer the stadium beyond the current agreement if both clubs plan to leave? If it’s not part of their plans, then both clubs can make their own plans while the city finds what is best for San Siro, which is obviously to turn it into a concert venue.

    I’m not sure it’s possible to build a new stadium in San Siro due to urban restrictions. People leave there. And you can’t build anywhere neither, Milan is strongly focused on the environment because it was until recently the most polluted city in Europe.

    There is a place dedicated to football in Milan, for a century, and it’s San Siro. In the other hand, there is a foreign investment funds CEO whose first moves have been to reshape the club’s historical identity, who wants to relocate the team out of the city. In the best interest of the fans and the citizens, the clubs should just buy San Siro and renovate it and enjoy further success in that sanctuary of glory.

    1. 100% agree with what you say and I appreciate your perspective as someone living in Milan.

      I have been to San Siro over the years and always found it the best atmosphere of any stadium. Any friends of mine who support other clubs always marvel at it.

      It is worth buying, renovating and enjoying, just like Madrid did with their stadium.

      The main issues I experienced there, were the toilets and trying to get a beer.

      Honestly that did not in anyway detract from my enjoyment. I know it needs upgrading and there are people with more complex needs than I, but it is still an amazing venue!

      It is in the city, on a metro line etc etc, just get it done and stop wasting time.
      Also from an Environmental point of view, I do not agree with tearing down San Siro or abandoning it and building 2 new stadiums on other plots.

      There are far more important resources needed than football stadia!

      1. “I have been to San Siro over the years and always found it the best atmosphere of any stadium. ”

        Sure, I’ve been there many times too and agree. But you know what…? It’s not the stadium but the fans. If you move the fans to a new stadium I’m willing to bet 10 000€ on it to have the same atmosphere.

        “It is worth buying, renovating and enjoying, just like Madrid did with their stadium.”
        – Can you show us the calculations where you base this claim on? I’m not convinced but humor me and show me the figures and sell it to me.

        1. There are stadiums that have no atmosphere. Then there is San Siro, which is special, of course the fans are an important part of that. But like any venue, for concerts etc, some places are great, some not.

          I’m not sure why you are asking me for numbers, aside from being childish.
          We have all read about the various options and proposals, as a fan, the cost is not my main concern.
          It’s having an outstanding stadium that impresses the world and terrifies opponents.

          Anyway it is obvious at this point that renovating SS is far more likely to happen in the short term, given the beaurocracy in Italy about building a new one.
          Atalanta have a great clip online of their redevelopment.

          Milan fans love SS, it’s home!!

          1. And those made it pretty clear it really isn’t worth buying & renovating. That was my point. Way too expensive with so many restrictions and cons compared to a new stadium elsewhere.

      2. Exactly, thanks!

        I brought many friends there, none being a fan of Milan and they are always amazed. The atmosphere, the architecture, the legend.

        As you say, the toilets and stands are archaic but that’s the point of the renovations of course. Also the entrance is complicated, they could do something. Obviously there is a desire to build luxury seats as it’s the norm but it could be done easily. In Milan, football is played at San Siro for a century. Period.

      3. SJF Madrid stadium is unique because when it was built they purchased a huge land around the area. At Madrid the player’s has everything there from room to gym, training ground and stadium. Renovation would not bring it to this scale.
        Also the time both stadium was built is crucial. Madrid stadium is built with the idea of living room for Renovation in contrast to San Siro. Papa Perez expertise is construction he did that on purpose first time around.

    2. What is the abandoned-looking area behind the stadium with some housing and run down fields? I was looking at it on the maps…

      You never see that with the modern re-worked stadiums, especially stateside. Gerry’s vision is for a Milan “Village” which I am for. And if it was possible to do this at the San Siro site, I’d be open to it. But it doesn’t seem there’s any room for expansion.

      Again, to me this is more of an issue with the lack of infrastructure development in Italy and the “old village” mentality of the people that govern it. San Siro being stripped of the CL Final is just the first step in Italy becoming less relevant on the world football stage.

      I won’t be surprised if the 2032 Euro co-hosting rights will stripped of Italy as well due to the lack of modern stadiums and infrastructure. It is insane to think that the last time there was any progress in teams acquiring their own stadiums was around the 90 WC! Almost 35 years ago!

      1. The abandoned land on the right was a small stadium that was removed. It’s closer from habitations so it could be a noise issue.

        Fallacious narrative about the old mentality. Not in Milan. Check what has been built over the past few years. Skyscrapers, modern neighborhoods (mostly north and northwest), sports arenas, the metro is expanding, monuments are renovated, Piazza Cairoli is remade. Check Il Bosco Verticale it’s a first in Italy. It’s a very modern city with big concerns regarding the environnement, as it should.

    3. What’s wrong with you people against foreign doing things in football. With this mentality the league is suffering the national team quality is suffering and you guys will always complain about Premier league and La Liga doing better when you guys are your biggest enemies. If Italian were that good managing their clubs they wouldn’t have to sell in the first place because they’re going broke.

  2. How much does it cost to buy San Siro and renovate?

    If we can get help from Emirates to buy and rebuild that would be great!

    Buy it and offer Inter to rent it for their matches but keep all the shops inside for ourselves.

    It’s a dream but a good dream. 🙂

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