Strahinja Pavlovic has been linked with an exit this month and despite the positive display against Girona earlier this week, the rumours haven’t stopped. According to a report, it’s a situation that should be monitored.
Pavlovic was one of Milan’s best players in the 1-0 win against Girona, receiving a 7/10 in our player ratings. Despite not playing much lately, he was focused from the first minute and made some crucial interventions at the back, while playing some nice passes as well.
As reported in today’s edition of Gazzetta dello Sport (see photo below) Pavlovic would like to stay at Milan and has made that very clear amid the latest rumours. It’s likely that he will remain but compared to most of his teammates, surprises cannot be ruled out in the final days of the window.
Stuttgart have emerged in the race and could table an initial loan deal, which the Rossoneri then must decide whether to accept or not (perhaps with an obligation, it’s more feasible). Then, they would have to convince the Serbian to accept the move.
It’s no coincidence that Pavlovic’s agent is in Milan, as the newspaper concludes, so fans should definitely keep an eye on the situation. Then again, the offer would have to be a good one.

Selling him is dumb… he and Chukwueze should be given time until the summer
RLC, Okafor, Jovic are the 3 players that we have to sell asap
loan out also Terracciano since Emerson is unfortunately staying…
Terminating Florenzi and Origi is also important parasites gotta go!
I find it below the belt to call Florenzi a parasite as he has always represented the club and done well for us when fit and besides of that if we actually terminated his contract without his consent we would still have to pay the full amount and his contract expires June 31rst and he wont come back before late April so absolutely no point for him to accept such a proposition.
“he has always represented the club” yet he didn’t refuse his salary unlike Mandzukic who has 0 connection with us, was ex-Juventista but had more class…
we paid him 4M this season for what?
You do realize that contracts are to protect both players and clubs so why the hell wouldn’t he take what he is paid for and Florenzi has by many miles been an asset for us compared to Mandzukic.
since “he has always represented the club”… and gonna retire anyway… his contact is about to expire and could have easily offered termination with half the money being saved… so yeah, sitting on your a$$ for 4M is a parasite..
What do you know about if he wanna retire after this season and he is also in the process of rehabilitation at Milanello so quite frankly he would be a moron to accept terminating his contact at this point of time. He might actually still also offer something to the squad by his presence amongst our younger players so I simply see no reason why he would accept your proposal but that is one thing another thing is to call him a parasite.
If you for example get sick would you gladly accept your employer to sack you or what and take it with a smile ?
What do you know about if he wants to retire after this season ? Besides of that he is in the process of rehabilitation at Milanello so quite frankly he would be dense to accept to have his contract terminated at such a crucial time. Besides of that he might actually still offer something to the younger players by his presence and as I said his contract is bound to expire in a short amount of time anyways.
Would you actually accept yourself getting sacked by your employer if you got sick and then just take it with a smile ?
Let’s not then brand him as some loyal to the club player…
you are just writing contradicting statements…
and if I was in my final year and the club had financial issues, yes I would… these aren’t your 9-to-5 job salaries, it’s 4M!
I haven’t said one place in this discussion that he was a loyal player I said he “represented the club and done well for us when fit”. If you cant have a simple discussion without making up bs then I’m not gonna waste my time any further on you and neither have I said one single contradictory thing as of yet.
Sure you would and as I also said further up contracts are to protect players and clubs a like so its not a one way agreement whether you like it or not that is how things actually works but that doesn’t make him a parasite either.
wtf does represented the club mean then?
what’s difference between him and Origi then?
both contributed the same thing this season, hence parasites… you engaged here kiddo, not me. you can leave whenever you want
Kiddo really 😀 Now you are just forcing me to assume that the 22 in your name is either your age or in fact your iq as I basically just said your parasite comment was below the belt which it clearly is.
He played 40 matches for the club last season and has played roughly 80 matches for us while at the club and when he has been available he has represented the club well both on field and off field. Origi on the other hand has chosen to get demoted to the Futuro to collect his salary when he could have moved to greener pastures but even then it’s also his right as he signed a contract with
Do you now understand or what ?
22 is the number my favorite player wore – AKA – KAKA…
no one is making you do anything… you are some random nobody that thinks he’s important… I stated what I think you can calmly f off… your mommy must have told you that you are special but no one needs to listen nor be on the same page as you.
and don’t get me started about IQ… firstly this is a forum and no one will ever know who is who or what they actually have done with their careers. nor am I a degenerate like yourself to go on this pointless discussion about it. I can write down my qualification, but that’s most likely gonna be 20% of what you will ever achieve )))
English is not my first language, until your monkey brain starts doing somersaults out of joy.
your lifelong achievements will only equal 20% of my current ones
Where the hell has I said I was important and saying everybody should agree with everything I say or think ? You are just making up bs all the way while trying to troll, don’t you.
Neither is English my native language but so what you are just showcasing your obnoxious attitude because I said that calling Florenzi a parasite is below the belt so I’m simply not gonna waste my time any further on you, you demented mental midget.
that’s how you behave… you talk about not continuing talking with me and wasting your time… but here’s the truth no one asked….
you said your opinion, I did the same… you keep glazing Florenzi, while for me he has been a parasite… you say vague bs and then change the narrative
I’m 6,2 you germanic c*ck
Just stop talking already
Dude, there is no time.
Waiting flop players, for what? 10th position?
Its time for Milan to start spending much more money, because competitions are paid more.
Pavlovic played 3-4 games… Chukwueze has yet to feature under Conceicao
The only one they will actually spend on is Gimenez, the rest will be loans or swaps…
Agreed my man. But sadly selling RLC and Origi is just a pipedream , we need willing buyers. Perhaps in summer we can offload RLC i fear we are stuck with Origi for the duration of his contract
I still think Napoli might be good option for RLC… Conte is one of the few coaches that likes big N8s that can attack… Raspadori swap would be easy and would benefit everyone, both the clubs and both the players
This is bizarre, not only have we just signed him, it’s not like we have a plethora of CBs and not like we have an established 1st choice pairing that play every game. Plus he’s naturally left footed which again is lacking in our squad.
Then on top of it, the fee being quoted in the media isn’t even a notable profit?!? It’s like he’s being forced out… I reiterate there must be something behind the scenes either his agent is forcing the move or he’s fallen out personally with Conceicao
He needs to be kept, get rid of tomori if you’re gonna be dumb enough to sell a CB right now. He’s the biggest liability, not pav
Better move is sell Chukwueze immediately if he is already fit and wait until summer to sell Royal . From Chukwueze around 15-17m€ and for Royal around 12-13m€ and we are okay. If there will be some offer for RLC ( he want to go only to PL) then also sell him and make space for Ricci in summer ( if he come).. RLC’s price around 17-20m€ also.. if we switch to 4-4-2 Okafor can be useful in wing or like second striker. Need to try it..
It’s better if Pavlovic stay, he is raw diamond. If he will play, he can be one of the best defender
I just don’t see the sense in offloading Pavlo. There will be no profit. Hell, there isn’t even enough time to properly replace him. He’s only been here 6mo’s and isn’t that bad. Iron out some kinks, give him ample time and minutes.
Chuck has been here a season and a half and is still largely useless. No one tried selling him 6mo’s in…
Not wise to let him go. Right full back has been weak all year. He could have covered that area with skill and Milan’s record would show it. Not only his range and technical skill, but his enthusiasm was catching in the last game. Also, his youth. He will develop and be a super player in future. The money was well invested and will pay dividends for any team and coaching staff that gives him confidence. Whoever spotted him should be given a raise. But now this?