Giroud confirms Milan exit in emotional video: “Milan will remain in my heart forever”

Olivier Giroud has officially confirmed that he will leave AC Milan at the end of the season after what will be three seasons at the club.

Giroud arrived at Milan in the summer of 2021 from Chelsea and although he initially joined to be a back-up, he has amassed 130 appearances, 48 ​​goals and 19 assists.

The French striker became a fan favourite due to his attachment to the shirt and his knack for big goals, becoming a protagonist of the 2021-22 Scudetto win and the run to the Champions League semi-finals last season.

After three years of emotions, the paths of Milan and Giroud will part ways at the end of this season and he is expected to make the move to Los Angeles FC. He gave an interview to Milan TV, with his comments relayed by MilanNews.

Olivier, the floor is yours…

“I’m here to tell you the next two games will be my last for Milan. I’m going to continue my career, but in the MLS. I’m very, very proud of everything I’ve done for Milan in these three years. It’s the right time to say it. Sorry, I’m a bit emotional, but my story with Milan ends this year but Milan will remain in my heart forever.”

How and when did you come to this decision?

“A few weeks ago. I have given everything I have to Milan, from 35 years more or less to today, almost 38. For me, and I think also for the family, it is the right time for a different experience of life from Milan, and nothing more.”

Is it time to put family first?

“Yes. A family makes sacrifices throughout our career. We are in a life that goes at 200km an hour, and today I want to think a little more about my family. But it is not the end of my career, but it is the right time to make this choice.”

How does it feel to leave European football after almost 20 years?

“My heart beats faster. For me, football is my passion, my life. Wearing this shirt was an honour. I think finishing at the highest level in Europe, at Milan, is what I wanted.”

You leave Europe at the top, as a protagonist. Is this how you wanted to leave this level of football?

“Not exactly. I wanted to leave with a trophy. You know how much of a competitor I am. I gave everything for this shirt from the first day. The most important now is to keep this second place. The last home game I will be very emotional but I want to finish well, I want to thank the fans.

“I have so much respect for these people who work here, at Casa Milan, at Milanello. The fans welcomed me very well that we experienced together. I am very, very proud.”

How did you manage, mentally and physically, to become such a professional until you were 38?

“I am very, very grateful. I always want more, to pay attention to how I eat, how much I sleep. If you want to play up to this age you have to be a professional. The most important thing is also the desire, the determination. I always say that it is the passion that is in the heart that is more important.”

Are you scared thinking about the future?

“No fear, I’m nostalgic about these years but I’m also very excited. I want to finish in the best way at Milan. I want to give everything for my future club and win.”

You won virtually everything. What dreams do you have at 38?

“Maybe a European Championship with France. It will also be my last tournament. We lost in the final, at home, in 2016 and it stayed with me a bit. It built our success in 2018 when we became world champions. Finishing at the highest level in Europe with Milan and France was the right decision at the right time for me.”

What are your dreams? Those of a father, husband approaching a new life?

“I dream of a different life experience for my children too. The opportunity to see another culture. I’m also happy because I will be with my friend from the national team Lloris, incredible to find ourselves there.”

You were only there for three years but you will remain in all our hearts. Did you expect it and how did you approach these three years?

“The people who know me well know that I always want to win, I also want to be a nice person off the pitch. All the clubs where I played I left people who loved me, and for me it is a very important thing.”

What did you expect when you arrived here?

“I expected the crazy atmosphere of San Siro, but when for example we won this Scudetto, in the first year, I didn’t expect so many people on the street. I didn’t expect so much love from the fans, so much passion, because I’ve been a fan of Milan since I was little, but you are far away, you are in France, and you don’t see these things every day.

“When you are at this club you realise that it is a top club, a great club and that it is an honour to play with this shirt in Milanello and you see the photos on the walls… Barbara and Giorgio [two waiters from Milanello] knew after two weeks what I wanted for breakfast. This was very nice.

“I’m talking about them but I can talk of many people who welcomed me and who love me. You arrive at Milan and receive this type of welcome, it makes you understand that you have arrived at a special club, with special values ​​that speak to me. Being united, close. For me it is also a very strong human experience.”

When do you think your love for Milan sparked?

“When Milan reached out to me. I was born in ’86 so I saw Maldini’s team, who I also want to thank, because he and the coach gave me this trust. I started watching Milan when I was little and after, and then as a boy Sheva was my favourite player. Milan won a lot.”

Do you remember your first day here at Milan?

“I remember this moment well, when I took the shirt, smelled it and kissed the crest. As if it were yesterday.”

How does that shirt smell three years later?

“The same feeling. Except that I have the pride of having won a Scudetto, a particular emotion.”

Do you think you and Milan met too late?

“If you ask me if I wanted to change something about my career, I’ll tell you nothing. I’m so grateful to have the opportunity to live from my passion, to have played for big clubs, and also to play in England.”

If there had been a script for this adventure, would you have written it like this?

“Yes, I signed straight away for the Scudetto in the first year, especially after a few years without winning it. So I’m very proud of this.”

You cried four times for Milan. This shows how much you lived the matches, this shirt…

“My daughter told me ‘But dad, I never see you cry’. I replied by telling her that I do it but I hide. I cried for the World Cup, for the Scudetto, but when the team isn’t doing well, that I feel we could have done better, especially for our fans who are always here to support the team, it hurts me because I’m a competitor who when he’s disappointed he’s so disappointed to the point that it brings tears to his eyes.”

Do you think that with your children today we have four more Rossoneri players?

“Oh yes. I can’t wait to get to the field with them for the last match. They really like going to San Siro, they all have their shirts on, speaking a little Italian. My children play with their affiliated club at Milan and I really like seeing them as players in the Rossoneri shirt. I don’t know if they will become footballers, but that’s what dad has always done. Those are the values ​​I want to give to them.”

How has your family helped you over the years?

“My family, my entourage, my faith, have always helped me to be a positive person with respect, humility. I can’t complain, because once again I can’t be grateful that this dream became reality so many years ago.”

Do you feel like a bit of a guide, a little family man, in the locker room?

“Yes. Family, brothers. We are united, ‘no matter what’. The young players now make fun of me a little sometimes. In my head I am young. Every time the kids, the younger ones, need me I’m always here. Last time I saw an interview with Simic, who talked about his experience, who talked about training with the first team, this is the good spirit that a young man, at Milan, must have.”

What bond did you create with the Milan fans?

“Yes, yes, for me the Covid period was very frustrating. We players play football to experience emotions, to share these moments on the pitch with the fans, with the people, with the AC Milan fans. I was lucky to live this first year which It drove me crazy. I saw children, women, old people crying. This is the most beautiful thing about football.”

What has being a leader meant to you?

“I’m not the one who talks a lot in the dressing room. I try to do it when I have to. I think that the behavior you have in life and with your teammates makes them trust you and vice versa. It’s a team of good guys, very kind. They know how much I love them.

“If there is one piece of advice to give to this team it is to never give up even in difficult times, to stay united and remember that they had a fabulous 2021-22 season. I will always be here one of them will need advice, even a call or a video, they will always be here (point to the heart)”.

Do you feel you have established a special relationship with any of them?

“I was very happy to find Bennacer again. There was Pierre, Theo, many Frenchmen. Also Leao, who speaks French very well. I arrived with Mike, then Adli was also there.

“I was also very proud to play with a player like Ibra. He welcomed me very well and will always remind me of the thing he told me when he saw me: ‘There is only one king in Milan, and it’s me.’ I liked it because he was nice. He makes you understand that you arrive at a big club and that you have to give your best.”

It was a long, beautiful journey, with some obstacles. What have disappointments taught you?

“We must always have the desire to learn. This is the most important and to all aim in the same direction.”

Do you have any regrets?

“I don’t like this word. For me this year the season was very difficult, because Inter had a great campaign, but in Europe yes. I was devastated when we lost against Roma. It was obviously not that we wanted to play, we played below our level.

“There was some frustration, I was devastated after this match because I wanted to bring another trophy to Milan. I hope that Milan, even when I leave, will win again, again in my heart. I love you very much, very much.”

How would you like to be remembered?

“The legacy is to be a good example for young people. It gives me great pleasure to see the little ones from Milan talk about me like this. I think people will remember the brace against Inter when we had to win that game.

“It changed a little relationship with the fans who made this song ‘Si è girato Giroud’. Then there was ‘L’ha parata Giroud’. So from this moment on I finished the love and passion of the fans It has an impression, which made me see that Milan is a special club, is that these fans never leave you, like the song.

“When we lost matches they were always here, they are always here. If I can say something about the last match which will be mine, not because I think only of myself, but because I want to leave Milan with singing fans.” 

Any final remarks?

“Thank you for this emotion, once again, special with this great club. I will always remain available for this club and for these people who I love so much and will always make me happy here, at home. Milan, at San Siro, at Milanello I just want to say that I felt at home as if I had arrived in a family from day one.”