Giroud discusses ‘family’ at Milan, post-derby call and why trophies must be the aim

Photo by Marco Luzzani/Getty Images

Olivier Giroud is celebrating his 38th birthday today and – unlike the last two years – he will celebrate it far away from Europe and from Milan, the place he called home for three seasons.

Whilst it is believed that Milan offered Giroud an extension on his deal to stay at the club, the Frenchman decided that it was the right moment to call time on his playing career in Europe and to move across the Atlantic Ocean to join Los Angeles FC in Major League Soccer.

Although he moved on, the Frenchman still has been watching his old side closely. After the win against Inter earlier in the month, Giroud celebrated the win with a post on his Instagram captioned ‘Sempre Milan’.

It is impossible to forget the contribution that he made with the Rossoneri, scoring big goals in big games and being a big part of the side that won the title in 2021-22, ending an over 10-year drought.

Giroud gave an interview to La Gazzetta dello Sport in which he spoke about his new adventure so far out in the United States and what he has seen from his old club Milan this season.

Let’s talk more about soccer culture, what’s different in the USA compared to Italian football?

“Rhythm and… logistics. On the day of the match I arrive at the stadium alone a couple of hours early. No coach, no hotel pick-up. When you go away, however, the journeys are long. Before arriving I thought I would play less, instead we play two games a week.”

Where do you find time to do anything else?

“When I arrived I was a tourist, I wanted to get to know my new home: Universal Studios, Hollywood Boulevard, Venice Beach. I’m going to see the Lakers and the Clippers. And I just threw the first pitch at the Dodgers stadium.”

You have already played two finals with Los Angeles FC…

“And I scored in both. The first, the Leagues Cup, we lost. The second went great: 3-1 against Kansas in our stadium, in front of our fans and Michael Johnson [track and field legend], I had invited him to the final.

“We can also win the MLS, the team is full of talent. Me, Lloris and Kei Kamara, who is 40, are the wise ones but we have a good mix of experience and young talents.”

It seems like Milan with the emphasis on players under 35. Can you win without experience?

“Of course, because there is so much quality. And there is no lack of experience: Maignan, Theo, Leao have been playing at a very high level for years. They are much more mature than when I arrived and can lead the team to another championship. And the derby gives the push…”

Did you see the derby against Inter?

“How could I have missed it? I made a video call to the boys in the locker room, we celebrated together. I spoke to my friend Armando Sciacca, the physiotherapist, and I said to him: ‘I’m ready to talk to the boys, let’s do it’. It was beautiful.”

Do you miss Milan?

“I’m happy in Los Angeles, I found a beautiful structure, in MLS you feel like you’re part of a growing movement. But Italian football, Milan, the unique atmosphere of San Siro, the warmth of the fans, Milanello and all the people who work there… Impossible to forget. I left a family.”

Why should Milan believe in the Scudetto?

“Because the club conducted a great transfer window. Reinforcements have been made, and those who were already there have started off great, like Pulisic. We’ll understand better in a month: if Milan is still among the top teams and the standings remain tight, I see points of comparison with my Scudetto [winning team].”

What is the strong point?

“The attack. After I left, they diversified well… Morata, Abraham, Rafa, Pulisic, Jovic, Okafor, Chukwueze. How many are there, 7? I don’t know if in Italy and Europe there are teams that can boast so much variety, and it is complementarity.”

However, the Champions League started with a defeat against Liverpool and tomorrow they go to Leverkusen…

“The new formula gives you time to climb back up. Milan must be ambitious: aiming for the Champions League is a must. Because the squad is deep and the attack is of a high level, as I said. In Europe, those who have quality in attack win.

“Fonseca will have to find balance but now he can work with serenity. And I know that the lads are happy with the training: the group follows him. I think it’s the right year to have a good run in the Champions League.”

Will Fofana bring that balance he’s talking about?

“It was time for Youssouf to make the leap to a top club. He will help the team a lot. And with Reijnders he forms a great pair.”

And what kind of striker partnership is Morata-Abraham?

“They work great. I’ve known Tammy since his time at Chelsea, he has desire and determination. Alvaro brought Spanish culture: he’s a 9 who drops back, builds, facilitates the play, links the attack and midfield.”

Leao is accused of the usual defects: lack of leadership and consistency…

“Rafa is a technical leader, he drags people on the pitch, like Theo. You have to understand one thing: everyone has their own personality, you can’t force a boy’s character expecting charisma at all costs, that’s what Maignan is for.

“Rafa and Theo have an impact with their plays and goals. When I played in Dallas, a fan asked me if Leao was as good as Henry. I replied that you can’t compare a champion who has had his whole career with a boy who is only 25 years old.

“Let’s wait and do the math at the end: Rafa has everything, the hardest thing is to be at 100% of his potential every week. It depends on him, on how demanding he is with himself. Fatherhood will help him grow.”

Speaking of growth, were you surprised by Gabbia?

“No, because Matteo is the model player: he works hard to improve and here are the results. He can become important for Milan, I’m happy for him.”

Ibra stated that he is the boss…

“And where’s the news? Ibra is Ibra, even as a manager. He knows football very well and Milan especially. If you choose Zlatan, as RedBird did, you have to trust: Ibra must have carte blanche.”

We know that in the future you would like to become a sporting director: what if one day you returned to Milan like that?

“Milan is one of the biggest clubs in the world and I have experienced unforgettable moments with that shirt. If I had the opportunity to work for Milan I would be very happy. But I don’t want any problems with my friend Ibra! I will certainly always remain a great Rossoneri fan.”