Journalist claims Ibrahimovic wanted Conte at Milan but was overruled

By Oliver Fisher -

Journalist Fabio Santini has claimed that Zlatan Ibrahimovic wanted to bring Antonio Conte to AC Milan to be the next head coach but he received a veto.

Milan have been linked with about a dozen different head coaches since the news broke from various sources that Stefano Pioli’s tenure would be coming to an end once the current season finishes, news that became official earlier today.

Despite the fact that he is out of work and there are questions about whether he is a good fit for Milan, Conte’s name is one that has constantly emerged been linked, like when Il Mattino reported earlier this month that the Rossoneri management are planning to meet the agents of the Italian coach.

Santini spoke on TV Play during the program ‘Ti Amo Calciomercato’ and he spoke about the future of Conte, which appears to be no clearer with the passing of the weeks.

“I don’t know if there is still the possibility of a flashback from De Laurentiis if he doesn’t succeed in getting Gasperini,” he said.

“Conte dreamed of a return to Juventus, but the director of the club Cristiano Giuntoli preferred to focus on Thiago Motta. As plan B, Conte had considered Milan and was Zlatan Ibrahimovic’s favourite candidate. However, he received a refusal from owner Gerry Cardinale.”

Tags AC Milan Antonio Conte Gerry Cardinale Zlatan Ibrahimovic


  1. Stupid management, even Lopetegui was a better option than Noneseca.

    If they actually hire Noneseca then it is a probe there is no vision nor ambition in this Milan with this management.

    This team doesn’t worth our time or support, it is not the Milan we loved.

    Leave it to Jorge Mendez clowns 🤡, this is their milan now

  2. Stupid management, even Lopetegui was a better option than Noneseca.

    If they actually hire Noneseca then it is a prove there is no vision nor ambition in this Milan with this management.

    This team doesn’t worth our time or support, it is not the Milan we loved.

    Leave it to Jorge Mendez clowns 🤡, this is their milan now

  3. Is it the same journalist that claimed Ibra wanted every coach he ever played for and every teammate he ever played with? Great journalism.

  4. If the next season under Fonseca falls apart, Gerry will need to re-evaluate the system of decision makers he has in place.

  5. Conte plan A are juve and ACM just plan B for him ? And ppl still think conte will do the best for his plan B . With hefty transfer budget in spurs , did he win something ? He even lose to ACM in CL

  6. If we want the beautiful game Milan played under Sacchi, the best choice is Xavi. If we want to win Serie A with ugly performance, the best is Conte. Since I am very old and remember Gianni Rivera, I would vote for Xavi. By the way, Zlatan is like Conte, win at any cost, and this is the reason he prefers Conte.

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