Inter favourite ‘hopes’ Maldini does not return to Milan: “Part of the character”

With the Derby della Madonnina taking place this weekend, Marco Materazzi has offered his thoughts on the game and the state of AC Milan’s current management.

In recent months, Milan’s management have been criticised heavily across numerous fronts. They have questioned the timing of Stefano Pioli’s sacking, the appointment of Paulo Fonseca, the mercato, and the general direction of the club.

The noise is not dying down either, with questions arising about Fonseca within six matches of the season starting, and they may have to make a decision about his future in the days to come – if it has not already been made.

Whilst the management as a whole has been questioned, a lot of the noise has been directed at Zlatan Ibrahimovic, most recently on Tuesday due to his spat with Zvone Boban, and Inter legend Materazzi has spoken on Ibra as a character and the derby as a whole to Gazzetta dello Sport, and his words have been relayed by Milan News.

This is a derby at the antipodes, for how Inter and Milan get there. What does it mean? What risks do the Nerazzurri run?

“Well, it’s usually a disadvantage to approach the derby in this way, usually whoever is worse off wins. But we’re talking about Inter. We’re talking about a team that for two years has been the strongest team in Italy: regardless of who plays, the identity is always that. Manchester was exemplary in this sense.”

What is the risk not to take on Sunday?

“Don’t think about the six consecutive derbies already won, because that would make you take the field too lightly and that would not be a good thing. Those are matches that always have some components in them that escape logic. Having said that, I have in my head the seventh win in a row, I know what that would mean. And then there’s that number…”

“You play on the 22nd… the 22nd of April, isn’t it? That’s a good sign for Inter.”

What midfield do you expect against Milan?

“Barella-Calhanoglu-Mkhitaryan. See the game Nicolò had with City? You can see why Guardiola wanted him. For me he’s worth Rodri, it’s a different role but he’s at that level there.”

Did you hear what Ibrahimovic said? He said he’s the boss and he’s in charge….

“Well, it doesn’t make any impression on me honestly. Let’s say they are words that are part of the character. I feel like saying this, as an Inter fan: I hope that Milan will never take back Paolo Maldini…”

Tags AC Milan Paolo Maldini Zlatan Ibrahimovic


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      1. Yeah it makes absolutely no sense to me. How many Inter fans hates Zanetti or Bergomi and both are well respected beyond their club and same goes for Maldini and for that matter Baresi.

      2. You’re the one that’s confused. No Milan fan “hates” Maldini – that’s just a dumb argument that circulates on here because people can’t tell the difference between fair criticism of SOME of his decisions and “hate.” Is this really so hard to understand, people?

  1. I dont like this materazzi attitude as player but what he say now are true. Ibra cannot become technical director or DS. His arrogance cannot suit for that job. Better find another quality technical director that have same quality as galliani or marotta. Even PM3 are better than ibra in this job

  2. Materazzi acts really ungrateful here.
    If he was a true inter fan, he would absolutely want Paolo back. He, after all, gifted inter their most important player, on top of gifting other clubs around Europe Milan most important players.

    1. Barfed a bit reading that comment, was it Maldini who imposed a wage cap which by the way now exceeds what he had to work with ? No it wasn’t.

      1. Was Maldini tge one that new the wage cap? Yes he was.
        If a player asks more money than the wage cap you have, you sell him, not let him leave for free. Paolo left 4 of Milan best players leave for free.
        Barfe on that

        1. Maldini had to get acceptance from above him while dealing with both Gazzidis and Scaroni to my understanding so it wasn’t really up for him to decide what he could pay them-
          Besides of that you cant force players to leave if they doesn’t want to be sold and answer me honestly do you prefer us selling players or winning a scudetto or what ?
          I have always been outvoiced that stability and consistency is amongst the most important things in football and Maldini brought that with small amounts of cash.

      2. Basically the rhetoric here is that Maldini was wrong to hope for more budget and good players, meaning a competitive team, when he should have just sold our top players so Milan can be what it is today. We are boomers Martin, hoping for trophies. Now is the time of entertaining clowns and trading 🙂

        1. I’m born in 1979 so if I got the concept correctly then anyone calling me a boomer would just showcase their own idiocy. To be fair I don’t actually remember anyone ever calling me that either 😀

          Well I know who I would prefer at the helm of the club and even if Maldini wasn’t without any faults he worked with less and achieved more and in the end that’s what matter the most not who we sell or keep for the duration of an already agreed upon contract.
          As a side note who the hell would buy Romagnoli from us with an annual salary worth over 6 mil pr. year agreed in the Mirabelli era. Milan apparently also got an offer for Kessie by Tottenham but by then he had already chosen to leave for Barcelona the following season. Donnarumma was demanding was it like 12 mil or something and we ended up replacing him with a better keeper even if far more injury prone, Calhanoglu chose Inter for 500k more pr. year and pretty sure Maldini gladly would have renewed him had it not been for the wage cap.

    2. So hard to hear the truth…You see, most people (including our rivals) can really see the big picture, the one that matters – which is overwhelmingly positive for Maldini.
      But if it helps to deal with the current situation, you can keep digging and find any missteps he did.

  3. Now I know that our performance is really affecting us all that we did not read meaning to matarazis comments
    He wants us to remain in the same level
    And maldini will fix us back in to the game

  4. Well, such an important player to make a difference:
    Before he switched, Milan was 2nd with him and Inter was 1st without him. After he switched, Milan won scudetto and inter became 2nd.

    Not to mention that even the season after inter only got 3rd.

    He’s so important that can only make inter won scudetto after 3 years while all his teammates in Milan has already won scudetto 2 years before him. lol

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